‹ Prequel: High School Blows

High School Kinda Sucks


High School Kinda Sorta Sucks

"So now you're on your own
Won't you come back home
To see you're not that kind
And find the strength
To find the strength
To find another way"


“Ok, it feels weird without Sean” Ross admitted. “But it’s nice to have the gang back together”

“THE BOYS ARE BACK!” Bryan yelled as he entered the small diner.

“What took you so long?” Ross asked.

“I’m taking Sohee to prom” Bryan said. “And I wanted to see her dress…things escalated and…”

“Are you back together?”

“No, no” he said. He took a seat. “But it was a great time”

“Ok…” Ross said. “Anyways, so Deanna’s dress is pink…what do I do?”

“Get your shit pink”

“I hate pink”

“Cry about it” Leena said. “Someone convince me to go to prom” she said.

“Your dress will cover the cast!” Bryan said.

“I don’t want to go in general” leena said. “If we have to split up or not include Sean then…”

“Prom is three weeks away” Bryan said. “we’ll figure it out before then”



“So how’s your relationship with Deanna going?” Joe asked.

“She’s so sweet” Ross said. “And adorable. I adore her” he said. He blushed. “I’m in love”

“Well then, that was fast” Leena said. “Have you talked to Holly since you broke up?”

“Yeah she asked me if I was dating Deanna, and we talked about school and the trial. She’s going to Westfield”

“Yeah Sohee said she’s going there, too” Bryan said. “Is she ok with it?”

“I mean, I wouldn’t be. Steve moved but I heard he’s with Maria now, AJ is still with Rory and I’m with Deanna…”

“It must be tough” Bryan said. “Watching your exes move on…but anyways I’m hoping Sohee asks me to her semi”

“Is she still deciding?”

“Mike told me it’s between me and Matt”

“Matt” they all agreed.


“I wouldn’t be surprised, doesn’t he like her?” Leena asked. “And you’re already taking her to prom so it seems fair” Bryan pouted.

“Besides no one wants non-seniors at senior semi” Ross said. “I don’t want non-juniors at prom”

“Sorry” Bryan apologized.

“It’s ok, Sohee’s cool…but Leena, are you going or not?”

“I don’t know”

“Well we have to decide our table next week” Joe said. “it’s an 10 person table. Just enough for all of us and our dates” They all turned to Bryan, he was their problem solver.

“I’ll talk to our class advisors and Sohee. If we can avoid sitting together for long…it’ll be for the better”

“Ok” Ross said. “But when do we sort this out?”
“We need to wait until the absolute last second” Bryan said. “I mean last possible second to send in our seating plan”

“It’s due next Friday” Joe said.

“Ok then next Friday morning we’ll have a gang meeting”

“A gang morning” Ross said with a cheeky smirk. None of them were amused.

“Moving on” Leena said. “So the trial, how do you guys like it?”

“You look so cute as the judge” Ross said. Leena blushed. “Some of the attorney’s think your biased though”

“How am I biased?” she asked.

“Sean’s on prosecution”

“he hasn’t even testified yet”

“I wish I understood this” Bryan said. Joe nodded.

“me too”

“I know Sohee’s a prosecution attorney” Bryan said. “How is she doing?”

“She’s the most colorful” Leena said. “She objects all the time, bless her soul” Leena said.

“Speaking of Sean, have you guys fucked yet?” Ross asked.

“Stop pressuring me”

“Just asking”

“I don’t ask about your sex life!”

“You can if you want” Ross said.

“Ok what about your sex lives”

“I’m getting some” Bryan high fived with Ross.

“I’m not getting anything” Joe said. He high fived with Bryan.

“Me neither but I don’t mind talking about it” Ross said. “I’m just asking about my best friends lives”

“Seans too busy suffocating me to even go there”

“They’re solid three time a week kind of people” Leena gave joe a death stare. “We’re all friends here”

“I actually want to get back with Sohee” Bryan said. “Imagine the killer sex”

“Oh jesus take the wheel!” Leena said.