Status: For a contest

November Rain


Do you need some time on your own?
Do you need some time all alone?

Lleighton lays on a bed she does not consider her own despite the fact she has owned longer than she can count. It is not hers because it is missing something, him.
She wonders what he is doing this exact moment, if he is thinking about her. She likes to think he is, everyone says he can’t function without her; they can’t function without each other.
Of course he would think of her.


You left him.

The voices in Lleighton’s head have never been a friend but rather an enemy only she can hear, they have been with her since she was a child, the voices are almost comfortable, at least some things never change.

Today they are being mean.

Stupid girl.

Ugly girl.

Something slips and Lleighton realises she is losing control; Lleighton is slipping losing her tenuous grip on reality, losing her control.

Lleighton’s head hurts, Rusalka is breaking through, if Rusalka gets control everything will break.

Lleighton’s head pounds,

It is okay though, Lleighton is back in control.

That was close.

Everything is okay now.


They were together eight long years before she walked out and flew home to Russia. Eight years is a long time, Lleighton never stays in relationships for too long, she is scared.

Scared little girl

Go cry to daddy

Oh wait, he left.

What she is so petrified of she is not sure. Maybe it is losing, maybe it is winning, she doesn’t know and she has not cared enough to find out until now.

Lleighton had a wonderful dream last night, they went dancing. He held her waist so tight and she gripped his shoulder as if she were clinging on for life maybe she was,

It was them.

Rusalka and Axl

God they were beautiful.

She misses them, she misses them so much. But she left, she freaked out and she left. She’s decided something important today, she is going back.

Tomorrow she is going back, she will see him and they will dance just like in her dream, it will be beautiful.

But you are ugly,

Ugly girl

Stupid girl

♠ ♠ ♠
My entry for a contest, the next chapter will explain a lot more.
-- Rockabella