Status: For a contest

November Rain


But if you could heal a broken heart,
Wouldn’t time be out to charm you?

Lleighton was born a different girl; one named Rusalka Tania Proweski, the daughter of a corrupt Russian policeman and his young girlfriend. When Lleighton was three she saw her father kill a man, he didn’t know she was watching, she was supposed to be sleeping. The images have haunted her every day since.

When Lleighton was 8, her mother broke a glass and cut her with it, she still has the long scar stretching across her chin on her left side, it is barely noticeable but she still sees it.

At 13, Lleighton’s mum fled Russia after her father was arrested for ties to the mob, they went to American and Lleighton’s mother married another man. Lleighton hated him. It was here Lleighton was presented with the opportunity to change her name, so she did. She chose the first name she saw, the name of a small corner shop, ‘Lleighton’s all night diner’. Rusalka was tossed aside, Rusalka was weak and stupid, she would sit in the back of Lleighton’s mind and cry for everything she lost.
Lleighton was stronger, so she took over, Rusalka got weaker and weaker only able to shake
Lleighton’s control from time to time. Rusalka became Lleighton; she has not looked back since.

At 16 she got her big break in acting landing the lead role in a TV show she would stay with that show for three years and three relationships. She would go on to become one of the most famous actresses Hollywood had ever seen, a Marilyn Monroe in her own right.

But Marilyn was beautiful, Lleighton was just Lleighton.


She was 24 when she met Axl, he was much older and the lead singer of a famous rock band. She slept with him after a fight with her fiancée of the time, he pestered her for a date and within a month she moved into his house, breaking another man’s heart.

Lleighton had a calming effect on Axl.

Axl had a temper, he would lose his control so easily, Lleighton envied that, she wanted to lose control but she had been in control for so long that losing control would mean letting Rusalka take control.

That can’t happen.

Rusalka is too weak, too broken

Axl would punch holes in walls, she had heard the stories, he would hit his ex-girlfriends, he never hit
Lleighton though, she was much too fragile to hit, one wrong touch and she would shatter right before him.

Lleighton made him a better person.

Nothing could make Lleighton a good person; she was the epitome of everything bad in this world.
Hollywood named her a flawless beauty,


Lleighton was flawed, that was all she consisted off flaws and good intentions stitched together to keep her functioning.

She never felt flawless, she always saw her flaws the voices wouldn’t let her ignore them, no matter how good her life got or how happy she thought she was the voices always ruined everything.

Including her and Axl.


When Lleighton was 26 they married, a second marriage for Axl and the first for Lleighton, she was dubbed the first lady of Rock and Roll, what a cliché she had said to him over breakfast, he had laughed and taken her into his arms, it was beautiful.


So beautiful

But so ugly

Everything Lleighton does is ugly.

Insomnia and depression slowly ate away at Lleighton’s mind, shadows on the walls began to move and everything was coated with deep sadness.

Rain rain, go away,

Come again another day.

But the rain won’t go away, it will stay. It is worse in November, seasonal depression the doctors have told her, that’s where he got his inspiration from.

When he first met Lleighton, she was different then almost everyone else. She would stare at things that no one else paid attention to, she was beautiful in a way no girl could compare to, of course he was taken at that point but boy oh boy did she get his attention. And she’s had it ever since.

Boy, oh boy

The first words she ever spoke to him came out sounding hollow to his ears, “Aren’t the flowers pretty?”

“Very, I’m Axl” He had said desperate to get to know this beautiful girl, she couldn’t have been older than 21 but she was wise beyond her years, she had given him a wry smile one so beautiful it would be etched in his mind forever.

She never did reply, he didn’t know why, she simply didn’t think her name was of importance. Why would anyone want to know her name? So she kept it to herself, she walked off later but Axl was not able to lose sight of her, she made the room light and his heart skip a silly beat, one of love.

Rain rain,

Go away.

Please don’t come back, Lleighton has begged on several occasions, but the rain never goes away if anything it gets heavier much like her sadness.

Come again another day


Lleighton has attempted suicide seven times in her entire life.

The last time was after she gave birth to a stillborn baby, her and Axl’s little baby girl.


Little dead girl

You killed her

You are rotten inside

So rotten your baby died

Lleighton had taken an entire bottle of sleeping pills, she had been so sad; she had held her dead baby for three minutes before they took her away.

Axl found her passed out on the bathroom floor a mere three days after the birth of their only child, the empty pill bottle next to her, he took her to the hospital, unfortunately she survived. He checked her into rehab a week later. She hated him for it, refused to see him when he came to visit, but he still came every day, rain or shine.

Lleighton was released after a year’s long stay, by that point, she was 29.

Lleighton thought she was happy, she returned to her acting career and won several awards, made millions of dollars lived happily with her husband. Fooled herself into thinking the scars had gone away.

The happiness will never last.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lleighton has had a hard life.
-- Rockabella