My Mate

The meeting between mate and wolf


Today was different than any other day because a new kid came. The principle asked me to show said new kid around and I did. "When are you starting" "Friday" I introduced Alexander to everyone and headed to cheer practice. When I got home my aunt called me into the kitchen "How was school" "Good" "We have a new neighbor that we are going to introduce ourselves to" "Okay" we walked across the street and my aunt rang the doorbell. I was surprised at who answered the door, it was Alexander. "Hello my name is Genna and this is my niece Bella" "Nice to meet you, my name is Alexander" I looked at Alexander and was mesmerized by his bright green eyes "Would you like to have supper with us tomorrow night" my aunt asked "I would love to join two lovely ladies like yourselves" "See you around 7" we went home. "Bella" "Yeah" "Something wrong" "No" I went outside and pet my horse Cowboy Cassanova. "Hey buddy" I looked over at the trees and saw a huge pure black wolf watching me. I pet Cowboy one last time and headed into the house. "Genna" "Yeah" "I saw a huge pure black wolf outside" "Where" I walked into the kitchen "By the trees" "Did it approach you" "No" I saw her facial expression change and peiced together something wasn't right. "Why does it matter if it approahed me" "Because I dont want you putting yourself in danger" "Okay"

I went up to my room and did my homework. When I was done I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Cassie. "Genna" I yelled "Yeah" I walked into the kitchen again "Cassie wants to know if I can go to the Club tonight" "Do you have your homework done" "Yeah' "That's fine as long as your back by 2 a.m." "Thanks" I went upstairs and got dressed. "Cassie is here" About 2 second later Cassie walked in. "Hey you ready to go" "Yeah" I grabbed my phone and jacket. We headed to the club and met up with our other friends. "Bella" Kenz hugged me. We went into the club, got drinks, and danced for awhile.


"It's hot in here" Kenz and I went outside and I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry" I looked up and saw Alexander standing there. "Bella let's go" I went to walk away but felt Alexander touch my arm. "Can we talk" I turned and looked at him. I was suddenly phased by his bright green eyes again "Sure' I turned towards Kenz "Go on in I'll be there soon" "Okay" she left "Take a walk with me" he asked ant i said "Sure" we walked down the alley and sat on the bench "I went to your aunt's house and she told me you would be here" "Oh" I really didn't know what to say "I'm not trying to be a stalker but I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me" I looked at him and couldn't say no "I'd love to" he smiled "Okay" "Can you dance" 'Yeah" I stood up 'Come dance with me" I asked and batted my eye lashes. He nodded and we walked into the club. "Bella where have you been" They all looked at Alex. "Who's this" "My friend Alex" They where all drooling over him "He's taken girls" I grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor.

The song changed to Smack That and I danced with Alex. I turned around and he put his hands on my waist. "Let's dance" We danced for awhile "What time is it" "1 a.m." "I have to get home" "Do you want to walk with me" "Sure let me grab my jacket" I dragged Alex over to the table and grabbed my jacket. 'I'm heading home" Everyone hugged me and Alex and myself left. "Are you an only child" "Yeah" "Me too" "What about your parents" "I don't have any they dided when I was 12" "Oh" we stopped infront of my house "I'll see you tommorrow night" he nodded and went home. I walked into the house and my aunt was asleep so I went to my room, showered, and went to bed.
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