My Mate



9 a.m.

I woke up to the shower running and noticed Alex wasn't in bed with me. I stretched and sat up "Morning beautiful" I looked at Alex and the only thing he had on was a towel. I started drooling but composed myself "Morning" I stood up and heard Alex moan "I'm gonna get dressed then I'll walk you home" "Okay" He grabbed clothes and disappared. About 5 minutes later he came out of the bathroom. "Ready" "Yeah" We walked over to my house "Thanks for this weekend" I kissed him "I have patroll to do so I'll stop by later" "Okay" I hugged him and went inside. I then decided to go for a ride.

3 hours later

I woke up to a bark "Alex" "Hey beautiful" I sat up and Alex touched my neck which caused me to wince "What happened" "I dont know, once I was done riding I laid down by Cowboy and fell asleep" "Your bleeding" I touched my neck and sure enough there was blood "Wheres you Aunt" "Business trip" "I'm going to stay with you until she gets back" "Why" "Something is going on and someone has been following me. I think whoever it was is a big problem. They have your blood and I dont know why" "Okay" I felt a little off but said nothing. I heard a howl and Alex shifted. He nudged me so I got on his back and he took off running. I closed my eyes because I was about ready to throw up. Alex suddenly stopped and I got off. "Whats going on" Alex asked after he shited back to human form. "We found something" I grabbed Alexs hand "What would that be" "Come on" I was afraid it was going to be my aunt considering how everyone was acting. When we got there it was a girl the same age as me. She was beaten and near death. "What happened" "Dont know we found her like this" "Take her to the pack house" We walked to another house. "KATE" Alex yelled and she walked out of a room. "We have a problem" Dean walked in with the girl. "Take her upstairs" I suddenly felt really hot "You okay baby" "Yeah" Alex brought me up to a room which I assumed was his. "Bell are you sure your okay" I didnt say anything "Bell" I looked at Alex. He made me sit on the bed and felt my forehead. "You feeling okay" "No, I feel like I'm going to pass out" "Kate is going to see whats wrong, I'll be back soon" Kate came in and Alex left. "Whats wrong dear" "I feel like I'm going to pass out" "Have you eaten today" "No" "You need to eat its causing you to feel light headed. I will tell Alex" she walked out and I waited.

10 minutes later

I walked downstairs "Alex" I hugged him. He was in the room with the girl that we found. "Bella this is Katherine" I turned "Doupleganger" "What" "Bella is the Doupleganger for the Petrova bloodline" "So what you are saying is that Bella has a twin" "Yes her name is Stephanie" I fainted. "Bella baby" I woke up and looked at Alex. "You okay" "Yeah, I'm really tired though" "Why don't you go to sleep" "Okay" "I have something to deal with then I'll join you" "Okay" As soon as I laid down I was out.

2 hours later

I was having a good dream but then it turned bad. Alex was bloody, I was raped, and our daughter was taken from me. I woke up crying "Bells whats wrong" I sat up and clung to Alex. "Bella" "Nightmare" "Wanna talk about it" "You where bloody and someone raped me" "You know I would never let that happen" "I know" I kissed Alex "Did anything else happen" "Yeah, we had a baby and the person who raped me took our daughter" "It wont happen baby" he kissed my head and we went back to sleep.
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