My Mate

School, Having fun, and Taking care of Bella


2 Days Later

I had to start school today and I was excited because I got to spend more time with Bella. When I walked out of the house she was heading towards me "Hey" I said "Hey ready to go" "Yeah" We walked to school "Bella" she turned around so did I to find a guy standing there "Eric hey" I heard Bellas heartbeat pick up pace and she grabbed my hand. "Who's that" "My boyfriend" "Cool" "Well we have to get to school" she turned around and I followed her since she was still holding my hand. "What was that about" "My ex"her heartbeat went back to normal "Do I have to worry" "No it's been over for 2 years now" We walked into the school and into the office. We got my schedule and I had every class with Bella so in every class we sat together. "Alex" "Yeah" "What are you doing tonight" "I don't know" "Would you like to go to a party with me" "Sure" the bell rang and we went home. "What time" "7" "I'll meet you at your house" "Okay" she grabbed my hand and we walked home. Once we where home Bella said "I'll see you at 7" "Yeah" she went home and I ran patrol with my beta and best friend Zane. "How did school go" "Found out my mate's ex is crazy. We where walking to school this morning and she stopped. Her ex was talking to her and she said I was her boyfirend and she held my hand" "Thats great to hear, I'm happy for you" "How's finding a mate coming along" "Still haven't found her yet" "Bella invited me to a party why don't you come" "What time" "7" "Okay" I went home and get ready.


When I was ready I headed over to Bellas "Hey you ready to go" "Yeah" "Alex" I turned around to see Zane "Hope you don't mind but I told Zane he could come" "Fine by me, who's car are we taking" "Yours if its okay" We all got into Bellas car and went to the party. Once we got there Bella was attacked by a whole bunch of girls "Hey guys" We walked into the house. I smelt booze "Bella" she turned and faced me "Are you going to drink" "No" "If you want to I'll drive" she grabbed my hand and brought me to the dance floor. I was having so much fun with Bella. We where dancing and Bella was laughing and smiling "I'm going to get something to drink" "Okay" she disappeared and I talked to Zane "Find her yet" "No. but I sense she's her" "Go walk around" I felt Bella behind me so I turned around. She hugged me. "Got your drink" "Yeah" She took a drink and I got a wiff of it, it turned out to be orange juice mixed with vodka. Bella was wasted by 1 a.m. I could tell because she reeked of alcohol, she clung to me, and her words where slurred.


"Bella let's go" "Okay" (Zane I'm leaving) Bella tried to walk but kept stumbling so I carried her out to the car (Found mate , I'm gonna help her home) I put Bella in the car and drove us to my house. I called Bella's aunt and told her that Bella would be staying with me, she said it was fine since she was on business trip. "Bella your gonna stay with me tonight" I got out of the car, picked up Bella and carried her inside "Alex I dont feel good" I carried her to bathroom and held her hair while she threw up. When she was done I washed her face and carried her to my room. I laid Bella on my bed and took off her shoes. "Do you want something comfortable" "A t-shirt" I grabbed one from my dresser and gave it to her. "Do you want help" "Yeah" I held onto the shirt while Bella took off her other one. I helped her put it on and helped her with her pants. "Thank you" she laid down "Take these before you pass out" I gave her 2 asprn and she took it. About 2 seconds later she passed out. I watched her for awhile then took a shower. When I was done I stayed up to watch Bella. (How's Bella doing) (Good what about your mate) (Her name is Meghan. she's beautiful Alex)(Zane sorry to crush your happiness but we are going to have to tell them what we are)(What if they reject us)(I can gaurentee that won't happen) (When you wanna do it) (I'll get back to you on that) I sat up and listened to Bella. She was crying so I got into bed with her. I pressed my body against hers and she stopped crying but tried many times to have sex with me. After awhile to though she gave up so I covered us up and held Bella. For the rest of the night she stayed asleep.
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