My Mate

Bad memories



"Bella" I rolled over and faced Alex "What do you remember about last night" "The party, talking to you, and nothing after that" "Well you drank alot so I brought you here and you fell asleep" "So we didnt" I was refering to sex "No you where way to drunk but that didnt stop you from trying" "I'm sorry" "Are you hungry" "Yeah" "Take a shower and get dressed then we will go eat" I got out of Alex's bed and he showed me to his bathroom. He got me a towel and then left.

15 minutes later

I saw that Alex had brought me clothes so I put them on. I then walked out and Alex said "You look beautiful" "Thanks" I put on the shoes he got me too. Alex then grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen. We sat down and ate. "Are you up for a ride when we are done eating" "Yeah" when we where done Alex lead me to some cars. "Pick one" I was fascinated by the blue camero with a white strip "Get in" He opened the door and I got in. Once we where on the road I said "Alex" "Yeah" "Can I ask you something" "Yeah anything" "Do you have feelings for me" "Yeah" "How strong are those feelings" "Very strong what about you" "Strong" I looked out the window "Bell" "Yeah" "No matter what happens I want you to know that I love you" I looked at Alex, then I grabbed his hand and looked out the window again.

Hour and a half later

We arrived at a beach and Alex opened the door for me. He then grabbed my hand and lead me to a blanket he had set up. We sat down and not even two seconds later someone yelled "Alex" he got up and walked over to them. I had a feeling that this beach was the one that my parents brought me to but I snapped out of it when Alex yelled "Bell come here" I walked over to him. "I want you to meet people" I stood infront of him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"So this is Zane as you know and your friend Meghan. Cody and Niki, Ian and your friend Kenzy, Lucas and Gabby, Jared and Gwenivere, Jake and Abby, Caleb and Hannah, Josh and Aria, Dean and lastly Jeremey and Kristia" they all waved at me "Hi" Alex kissed my neck "Do you want to spend time with the girls" It all came rushing back to me that moment, it was the beach my parents took me to before they died. I turned and faced Alex on the verge of tears. "I want to stay with you" Okay" He hugged me and it made the situation even worse.

"It's okay baby" Alex held me while I clung to him. I looked over his shoulder and saw Meghan and Zane kissing and hugging eachother "Bella whats wrong" "Meghan and Zane" "Yeah" I lost it because all of it was just too much. I started crying infront of everyone. Alex picked me up and carried me to the car. "What's wrong baby" I kept crying unable to stop even if I wanted to "Bell stop crying and tell me what's wrong" I stopped instantly and looked at Alex. "Bad memories" "What do you mean" "My dad and mom brought me to this beach the day before they died" Alex hugged me and kissed my neck "I'm sorry baby" "It's okay" "Why didn't you want to go with the girls" "Because I just want to stay with you" "Okay you don't have to go with them" We walked back over to everyone. All of us sat down and talked. I sat between Alex's legs and rested on him. "Alex" he looked at me"Yeah" "I love you" "I love you too" Later on the boys set up a fire.


"Alex it's cold" I was shivering "Come here" I sat down by Alex and cuddled into his side after he wrapped a blanket around me. I listened to him and everyone else talk and spaced out. "You okay baby" "Yeah just tired" I dont know how long it was but I ended up falling asleep
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Heres Alexs pack and their mates take a look