A Rockstar Brother.

Last day of school.

*Chrysania's POV*
Today was the last day of school, & since our dad hit me again i was back at Ronnie's. Looking down at my bed i moaned.

'Ron, do i have to wear it..?'

'Yes! You'll look amazing, baby doll! Just

think of all the positive attention you'll get!'

He shouted immediately after. But that was just it, i could imagine all the negative attention i would get.


I moaned. But i knew he would just yell at me to put it on.

'Crissy! Will you come up here & do my hair the way Ron said!'

I screamed. Ron had this vision for how i should look today. It irked my soul, but i had to go with it. *Its just one day, Crysania, just one day* I kept telling myself. But that wasn't it because i would have to start tour looking like this. While i was at school & dad was at work, the guys were packing up all my shit & putting it on the tour bus. We'd be going to our first venue tonight & I'd be dressed like this with no time to change. But i was happy I'd be on Warped Tour 13! Woo! This is something I'd always dreamed of going to, & now I'd be living it, yes. I was so stoked for this& I couldn't
even wait. Being pulled out of my thoughts by Crissy as she started yelling at me.

'Go get your curler!'

But of course the yelling was playful. I loved her, she was the best. I'm glad that Ronnie
decided to settle down with her. No lets put it this way, I'm glad he knocked her up & not that bitch Sally Watts. I grabbed my curler & sat down. She sectioned off my fiery red hair & started curling it, that took an hour long. After that long process was my makeup. Then clothes. I was dreading this. Ron wanted me in heels. HEELS?! REALLY. I was going to fall... But i put the outfit
on piece by piece. First i put on the whit tank top, then the white fluffy blouse tank thingy. Next was
the pencil skirt. All together with the blouse tucked in & all, it really looked nice. Next were the heels, i would try. I don't know if i would succeed. Today was a big day & it was a day where you'd probably see a lot of burly rock star men cry. Their 'little girl' was moving into 11th grade.
While it wasn't graduating just yet, i was still growing up & they hated seeing it. I walked out of the bathroom & Crissy gasped.

'You're fucking stunning..'

She said, a tear escaping her eye.

Stop! You'll make me cry Criss!'

I screamed!

'Make sure their ready to go to the ceremony so i can make my dramatic entrance!'

I snapped a Z formation, trying to be a diva. I think i failed miserably, so i laughed. So did Crissy, while going to make sure the guys were ready for my diva entrance. I was excited it was the last day of school, this tour life would be a whole new life for me. But i walked downstairs anyways. Jaws dropped as gasps escaped mouths.

'You've been hiding so long.'

Ronnie & Ron said in unison. I laughed. I didn't like girly things. I wasn't a girly girl. I liked hard metal & hair dye, a lot of it. I liked playing some sports, but most of all, i hated all things girly. But i have to admit, i look pretty nice. 'All the guys are gonna flip.' Ryan screamed.

'Who are all the guys?!'

I screamed, they always had something to piss me off or surprise the fuck out of me.
'Uh, OM&M, Black Veil Brides, & Asking Alexandria.'

I nearly spit out my Gatorade.

'Are you fucking kidding me dude? I love those dudes, but that's just too much. Its a little fucking ceremony. I'm getting a certificate that says I'm moving to the 11th grade. Woopdy fucking doo!'

I screamed. I loved the effort of these guys, they know how much i go through & their just trying to make my life easier, but honestly, now I'm nervous. We all walked to our separate cars. I sat in the back being nervous as hell, i don't know why i was nervous. I sat in the car with Jacky, Ronnie, & Crissy. We had some good conversations. Mostly me complaining about this damn outfit Ron made me wear. I would hold this grudge against him till the day that i die. I don't understand why it was so funny to everyone though. I just didn't like being a girly girl. Couldn't they understand that? Guess not. We pulled up to the school & i stepped out to see a ton of girls dressed in nice dresses & outfits, & guys in tuxes. I was surprised when i didn't feel Jenivive's punch, or slap, or
anything. She actually came up to me & started talking to me. 'Chrysania, if you dressed like
this, maybe i wouldn't have to beat your ass everyday. Maybe we'd even be friends.' Jacky started
laughing. Obviously knowing i was about to say something smart.

'I don't care Jenivive, because you're a bitch. & I don't like bitches. I don't want bitches as friends!'

With that i walked away with the guys & Crissy trailing behind me. I walked a little bit further until i saw a mob. Oh wait, that's not a mob. That's my family. Running up to me was CC, Ashley, Jinxx, Jake, Andy, Austin, Alan, Tino, Phil, Cam, James, Sam, Ben, & Danny. These men meant so much to me that i couldn't stop smiling. When they noticed me their jaws dropped.

'Why the fuck is it so damn surprising to see me dressed like this?!'

I nearly shouted. Everyone laughed. No one answered me, but they just continued laughing at me. Everyone hugged me when Ash started to talk.

'So, beautiful, can i take you out tonight?'

He said winking. I started laughing.

'You'll be my fake girlfriend & I'll be your fake boyfriend. I'll be the best, i promise!'

It was so funny & so cute because it was like he was asking his mom for a puppy. He got down on one knee & said

'Do i have to beg.?'

'Yes Ash, I'll be your fake girlfriend.'

I said trying to hold back the laughter. He was just too much. We walked into the school trying to be cool, of course Ash & i were holding hands, everyone was dying of laughter because he was being such a dork about it. But i walked the floor with Jonah, my best friend in the entire world, & made my way to get my certificate. I was officially an 11th grader.
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Okay, i know their short. Sorry.