Status: Updating once a week or more

Narcotic Sweet Talk

Although accidents happen They happen to me

I woke up to the vibration of my phone , I sat up to a semi unfamiliar area . I crawled out of bed and walked on the cold wooden floor to the bath room . I stood in the shower as a million thoughts went through my freshly awoken head. Was I really ready to leave everything behind and start over? Cold water awoken me from my deep though .I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself knowing that Adam, the only person I know in the San Diego area and my house mate was out of town doing something for work all day . I preferred lounging around in a towel when I was home , found it comforting . I made my way down to the fridge that only had milk and lettuce . It was my first day in a new home a new town and I'm all alone. I made myself a cup of coffee and leaned agonist table . Was I ready ? I though . Shit Diana stop I mumbled to myself as made my way up to my room to unpack.

A few hours later I was halfway done and starved. I walked back down to the kitchen to make myself a salad .
"Shit sorry Diana " I heard and smiled at the famed voice .
"Nothing you haven't seen before Adam" I laughed as he embraced my towel covered body.
Adam and I were never a thing we were friends and feeling never blossomed. He use to live with me in the city until his photograph business got huge in the west coast.
" Adam when you said you had new house mate I didn't expect this" A very tall heavily tatted guy said winking at me. I blushed and looked to the ground .
"Im going to get dressed " i said jogging t my room .
Wow good one Diana I mumbled at myself. I went into my closet which shockingly was a walk in, I have no idea why Adam and I picked out such a large house for just the two of us y since he's never around and I myself probably won't be either. I settled for a pair of teal shorts and a gray crew neck no need to bother with makeup or my hair since there was no point. I heard more voices as I made my way down to the living room.
"Hey , where did your towel go " The tall guy said to me with a smirk
"Diana this is Mike and that's Vic."Adam said asI turned to see a shorter guy with long hair no sign of tattoos.
"Nice to meet you both " I smiled as Vic pulled me into a bear hug .I laughed not expecting it however it was nice.
"Im going to go pick up some food , so if you dont mind Di I'm going to leave you here alone with these two." Adam told me
I gave him the stick eye , he knows I'm bad with meeting new people. I wanted to make a good impression so I could have more than one friend here so I nodded in agreement.
"Alright good see you soon guys."Adam said . He kissed my cheek and went out the door.
"Dont worry we dont bite."Mike whispered in my ear as he handed me a beer.
I sat on the arm of the couch and looked at my company taking in their appearance in more. Maybe one of these can be mine I thought to myself , to bad one made a bad impression and the other has no ink .I erased my wrongful thoughts and spoke up
"So how long have you guys been in SD ?"
"Our whole life , but we do travel a lot because of the band." Vic answered with pride in his voice "What do you do for a living ?" He counted
"I was an equestrian trainer , hopefully I can get a job doing it here." I smiled shyly since currently being unemployed made me feel like shit.
The door bell rang causing me to jump in my seat. Mike got up to it and Vic moved closer to me." I'll tell you one thing that cant be Adam he takes forever to get food." he said
Who could possibly coming to my home when Adam wasn't around ?
"Well HELLO " I heard aloud energetic voice behind me."I'm Jaime I hope these Goons didn't say anything about me to you "
I shook my head no and smiled intruding myself to him, about an hour of small talk and making fun of Jaime ,Adam finally arrives with the groceries .Not wanting to be a burden I walked out to his car and carried the few bags left to the kitchen.
"Damn you're strong " Mike howled as I pretending to flex.
"Oh Di the movers said their going to come with your car tomorrow" Adam said sitting down on the couch.
"Oh thank god , I didn't want to keep using yours." I said a little too over excitedly. I loved my car .It was my grandfathers BMW that me and my father restored and it turned out perfect.
"So this calls for a movie night with boozes ." Mike said handing me a cup of Jack .
"I prefer label " I said handing Vic my cup
"Shit sorry Di I forgot to buy some." Adam said in a panic
"Hey it's no problem I can go buy a bottle just give me the address to a store." I said
A few minutes later I walking into liquor store not far from Adams. As I made my way into the ally with whiskey I tripped and fell to the floor.
"I am so sorry ." A tattooed guy with gauges said helping me up to my feet.
"No no it's my fault , I should have been paying attention " I said looking at him .He was very cute an wore big glasses that hung on his face perfectly
"I hope I didn't hurt you ." He said with a small smile
"I'm fine no worries " I smiled at him and grabbed my bottle of Whiskey. We walked together to the register and left.
"I hope I'll see you around " I said and as the words escaped my mouth I wanted to punch myself.
" Yeah me to " He laughed
Shit Diana what the fuck was that I yelled at myself hitting my head on the steering wheel .I must have gotten lost because it took me an hour to get back. I walked up to the front door which was unlocked and made my way to the living room.
"Hey , Im back " Cradling my bottle not bothering to get a cup. It was mine and I assumed the boys wouldn't mind. I sat on the floor not wanting to interfere with the bromance that was going on , on the couch.
"Hey don't sit on the floor hun" Vic said patting a spot on next to him
"Im fine regardless Vic I picked out the carpet for the comfort" I winked at him
"Oh Diana this is Tony ."Adam said walking over to the guy from the liquor store who was carrying a blow of popcorn .He smiled shyly
"Well this is embarrassing " He said as I walked over to him to meet formally.
"Diana " I smiled as I extended my hand to him , this boy isn't a huger like the others.
He took my hand and answered " tony " God was a perfect name for such a good looking guy .I returned to my spot on the floor and Tony sat down next to me since the other took up all the space .Don't get me wrong he couch was huge but these guy were making themselves way to at home. Mike swiped the popcorn away from tony and starts dowering it .
"What are we watching " Adam asked
'Harry potter !!!"Mike screamed running to the TV
"How about we let Di pick , its her first night here " Vic said smiling at me
"Well think you vicy-poo . " I winked at him
"OH MY GOD DI DID YOU BRING THE UNINVITED" Adam screamed at me tackling me
"YESS" I laughed trying to remove the bald man from me .
"Thank god its been ages since we've watched that" he said kissing my forehead .
I walked up the stairs retrieve it from my room and then I realized I left it on the bottom of the pile of unpacked boxes that were too heavy to move on my own. I walked back down stairs to see Adam holding a bouquet of lilies.
"I think you know who their "from he said with a worried expression
I nodded and took them not even looking at the card and opening the front door and dropping them from the porch and into the trash can on the side of the house. It was over with the sound of shattered glass.
"Oh umm can someone help me I need to get the DVDS but I need to move the my boxes " I smiled at the boys who looked at me in a funny way and Adam who looked confused.
"I'll help "Tony said braking the tension between Adam and I
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I really want to keep writing but I want you guys to enjoy it.
I need feedback to write better so ill take anything.