Status: Updating once a week or more

Narcotic Sweet Talk

you're a payphone way from the mess that I've become I'm destroying what I love

"Diana, wake up" whispered Toby in my ear.
No , Im sore." I groaned pulling the covers over my head. I heard Toby's husky laugh as he scooped me into his arms and then onto his lap .I giggled as he kissed my cheek.
"I should go home." I said falling from his lap and back onto the bed .I felt him lay down next to me and trace his fingers on my belly.
"Or you can stay here until tomorrow since I have to go to the city over night for a work thing. And when I come back we can do something ."He said placing his head onto my stomach, I laced my fingers through his tangled hair, thinking about his offer I don't see why not, the boys wouldn't be back for a week and some days.
"Let me think about it." I said before hopping into the shower. I turned my phone on as I waited for the water to heat up .I had about twenty texts and a few missed calls and face times.
I love you , pleas dont forget to eat.
Babe I miss you , I know you're going through a rough time but don't forget that you mean the world to me.
Hey kiddo love you.
Miss you , wish you were here.
I know you cant stop thinking about me ;)
I laughed at Mikes text. Since I was feeling better I responded to all of the boys and within minutes they responded to me with a ton of texts. No wanting to keep Toby waiting I sent an ugly picture of myself to Adam telling him I'll call him later.
I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom. Toby wasn't in the kitchen but I did see a fresh pot of coffee so I helped myself to a cup.
"Hey." His now familiar voice greeted me. I smiled at him.
"You look good." He kissed me on the cheek and leaned against the table.
"Thanks." I said finishing off the rest of my coffee.
"So I was thinking that before I have to pack we should do something." He said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Hmmm well , I haven't been in this part of town for like two years and I could really go for a walk." I responded to him. I took his appearance in as he pondered my proposition. He wore a pair of boat shoes , black jeans , and a red tank top.
"Oh shit did I do that?" I said a little worried as I noticed the hickeys that took his entire neck up.
Toby laughed at how worried I was.
"Hey dont stress , its nothing really , but I must say I will get you back." He said pressing his lips to mine. Before I responded I heard my phone ring from his bedroom.
"You should get that." Toby said as he slapped my ass. I winked at him as I jogged to my find my phone.
"Hey Adam." I said
"Diana where the fuck are you , thats not mine or any of the guys bathroom." Adam yelled into the phone causing me to pull it away from my ear.
"Promise you'll keep in to yourself Adam , promise cross your heart and then I'll tell you." I said with a worried tone.
"Diana I promise you that what you will tell me if between us and us only." Adam sighed into the phone.
"I'm in Jersey." I whispered
"WHAT!" Adam screamed into the phone
"Why are you there Diana ?" He asked me in lower tone.
"I dont know , it felt right to go home and get away." I said thinking back on how dumb my actions were.
"Okay , where are you thats not your bathroom regardless?"Adam responded to me .I mentally cursed at myself for sending his a picture.
"A friend from the barn." I lied knowing he wouldn't question it.
"Okay Diana , are you feeling better?" He asked
"Honestly yes like I'm better . More than I ever had been. I needed this Adam , Im so refreshed and okay with everything that has happened " I smiled as I saw Toby in the door way.
"Good , Ill talk to you soon Di, be careful .Ill see you home in a week and a half. Love you" He said
"Love you too" I answer nothing mentioning that I wouldn't now how long I would be gone for.
"Who was that?" Toby asked me as he sat next to me.
"Adam." I smiled at him leaning in for a kiss.
"Why did you lie where you were?" He said meeting my eyes.
"They didn't know I left and I wasnt going to tell them I was at some guys house .The guys are protective over me." I shrugged off making it seem like nothing. Toby nodded in response not wanting to pry .The door bell rang and I heard Toby curse under his breath as he got up .I followed him out of the room so I can sit in the living room.
"Hey man." A deep voice said from the door.
"Oh and hello" I heard the guy say as he walked into the living room and sat down next to me. I saw Toby mouth "I'm sorry" as he sat down on my other side.
"Jason." The tall thin dark haired white guy say to me.
"Diana , and I should get dressed " I responded picking myself from the couch.
"No stay." A unfamiliar hand grabbed me and pulled me back onto the couch.
"Okay dont touch me." I said with an angry tone as I got back up .I walked away and went to change.
"Shes a bitch." Jason said loudly so he knew I would hear. I pulled my hair into a high pony , I put on a red bra and a black tong .I had no idea what to wear .
"Shit." I mumbled to myself .
"You can take my clothes ." I heard Toby yell as he and his friend walked past his bedroom. I went into Tobys closet and pulled out a plaid shirt and threw it over a white tank top and pulled on a pair of shorts. I walked to the end of the hall into a room that contained a pool table , a small cough , and a mini bar.
" You look good." Toby smiled at me handing me a pool stick which I gladly took. They let me break , I was good with pool but even better at volleyball. I use to play in high school and couldn't wait for me and Adam to put the net up.
"Where you from?" Jason asked me . I already hates his voice but nothing wanting to be rude I was decide to play nice.
"Around the city small down." I responded pouring myself a shot.
"Why dont you ever say where you're from?" Toby asked me
"I dont like too." I responded calmly .After Phil I never told anyone anything and I was sticking to it. Around eight Jason left leaving me with a heavily drunken Toby to put to bed.
"I dont want to sleep." he muttered.
"You have work in the morning." I laughed as I pulled his jeans off. Toby pulled me on top of him and kissed me deeply , he tasted like whiskey which I never would mind.
"You're trashed." I said pulling away from him.
"That doesn't mean I don't find you pretty." He smiled
"You can't sweet talk your way into this ." I laughed pulling the covers over both of us.
"I think you really pretty ." He slurred as he cuddled up to me and with minutes he was passed out .I decide to check up on the guys again .When I looked at my phone I saw Tony's name flash across it showing he was calling me. I crawled from under Toby and went out on his small balcony.
"Hey ." I said softly
"Hey babe." H e heard Tony , the butterflies hit me .I felt like I was in high school again.
"How is tour?" I asked not wanting to bring up me I can't lie to him.
"Would be better if you came." I heard the sadness in his vocie.
"Next time."
"Diana , you still own me that date."
"You are correct Mr. Perry."
"Bus call , I'll see you soon Di" He said before he hung up .Soon? When is soon? I wasn't sure when I would come back or if I wanted to.

"Have a good trip " I said as I placed a kiss on Toby's cheek as he dropped me off at home.
"Ill be back tomorrow night , so if you want I'll pick you up." He said holding my hand.
"That would be great." I smiled and pecked his lips before exiting the car .I watched him drive off as I rang the bell to my parents place.
"Diana" My heavily thick accented father said as he embraced me in a bear hug.
"Dad , how are you ?" I said walking into the kitchen to find my mother cooking , I greeted her and sat down at the table waiting then to question why I was home.
"Why are you home?" my father asked me with a confused look.
"I miss Niles." I said thinking about our family horse I had to leave behind to move in with Adam.
"He's missed you too hun." My mother said
"So tell me about Sand Diego." She said wanting to know every single detail.
"Well Adam is in Canada because of work so I came out since everyone I met idson that tour." I responded .
"Any boys" My mother asked handing me a cup of tea with a grin on her face.
"its complicated ma." I said and she knew I didn't want to talk about it. My parents updated me on what been going on with everyone and everything. Around three I decide I would head over to the barn.
"Tell me what's making you upset." My father said as we drove in the direction on the barn. I sighed and knowing that me and my father are as best friends there was no harm in telling him.
"I met this boy Tony , he's prefect you would love him daddy. But I managed to run into Phil" I saw my dad grip the wheel as he heard the name.
"Daddy he raped me again" I said I felt myself becoming cold again.
"Baby you are strong and once you see Niles you won't feel as lost." He said taking my hand into his. I allowed myself to relax as I pushed the bad memoires away and replaced them with the thought of my horse.
"I know is hard for the boy to understand what had happened in your past and the way it affected you but if he has stuck around he's a keeper baby .I know you are here but you should go back at some point for the better of the friendships you made. I know running away from them all was a good thing to clear your head but you need to go back one day maybe not next week or the week after that , just don't wait too long honey." He said and kissed my cheek.
"I love you ," I said to him as I got out of the car. I walked into the barn getting hellos for people I've trained before I left .I knew none of my friends were here since it was a Monday and no instructors where required to come and I was glad I wanted to be alone.
"Hey baby." I said as I opened Niles's stall. He was a black warm blood that stood about 16 hands. He was a hard horse to break but if you were to be around him enough he warmed up to you.
"I miss you " I said as I cuddled up to my best friend .I led him out his stall to tack him up .I brushed over his dark coat before I saddled him. I missed him so much although I do work around horses back in SD no horse will ever meets up to my baby. Before I mounted him , I set the jumps in the area to five feet rather than the two that they were previously in. I trotted around and warmed Niles up getting a good feel of how everyone who was with him kept him since I was gone..I could tell he was as excited as much I was to be back with him .Even its for a short amount of time. I jumped him around surprised that my mom had someone keep him in such good shape. I said good bye to my boy before my father picked me up.
"Adam called." He said
"He said that they were coming back home tomorrow .Vic go the flu and they had to back down from the tour."I was in awe at the news I couldn't let then come home to an empty place.
"Im not ready t go back papa." I sighed sliding further down into my sit.
"I know baby." Was the last thing he said until we got home.
I showered and said goodnight to my parents as I went up to bed. I looked at my phone I had a ton of texts for the guys but more from Adam then anyone .I didnt want to see them so I shut my phone off and went to bed.
I was so excited to get to go back home and have Diana back in my arms. In just a few hours I would have her.
"You think shes okay guys?" Mike asked as we waited for our flight.
"I promise you guys shes fine." Adam smiled as he hand us coffee. Although I spoke to Diana she seemed a little distressed but that was the first time we spoke in weeks so I didn't think much of it.
"You think she knows were coming back early?" I asked Adam as we pulled into his drive way.
"I told her." He responded as he unlocked the door.
"Diana ?!' He called out and getting no response.
"Maybe she's out." I said a little disappointed.
"Fuck" I heard Adam mumble as he held up a white piece of paper .
"What?" I questioned as I felt myself become scared, my heat raced as he hand me the paper.
In Diana's scratchy yet perfect hand writing it said one word and it being "Sorry".
"What?" I said as I sunk down to the floor.
"What does this mean ?" I yelled at Adam who was running around the house looking for her , although he didn't seem stressed , he looked more disappointed .
"She gone but he stuff is here." He said sitting next to me.
"That means shell be back." Adam reassured me
"This happened before Tone." Adam said
"But where could she have gone?" I asked him
"I would tell you if I knew " He said as he dialed her number on speaker but it went straight to voice mail.
I've spent a week at Tobys and now I decide to come home .Toby told me he was coming back to SD in two weeks and that he would love to see me again which I wouldn't mind we developed a great connection .I also did choose to bring Niles to SD with me , he is really what I needed. I had not spoken any of the guys since I spoke to tony that night. I got to SD around six and got Niles and his trailer ready at seven. When I drove back home I saw Mikes Adams and Jaime's car in the drive way. I parked near Jaime's car. I sat in the car for about an hour preparing myself for what I was to face when Iwalked through the door.
I climbed up the stairs not even knowing what to expect. I unlocked the door and walked in quickly i heard the TV on loud and the boys all yelling at each other like they would normally do .I walked into the living room and everyone froze.
"DIANA" Jaime yelled pulling me into a tight hug like nothing was wrong. I hugged him back missing his touch.
"Where did you go?" Vic asked like a pissed parent would. I knew he was going to want to talk at some point.
"Home I had to pick up something." I smiled thank god that no one was screaming at me .
"What did you get?" Mike asked wrapping his arm around me.
" I brought back Niles."I sad as I smile grew on my face at the thought of having him close by.
"You did what?" II heard Adam as he wrapped me into his arms and kissed my face .
"Where is he ?" He asked
"In the trailer I have to bring him over so I'll be back." I said as I walking out the door.
"Im coming." Adam said as he went with me .He decide to drive.
"Tony drank himself into a coma before you got here. He's been doing it every night since he found out you were gone." Adam said
" I didn't want that to happen." I sad with a low voice.
" Diana Im scared for Tony. I don't know what's going to happen between you to let alone him." He said and that was the last thing he said.
It took us around two hours with Niles, who Adam was ecstatic to see .I said nothing to the boys and went straight to my bedroom to find a shirtless passed out Tony. He still had a hat and glasses on .I smiled at how cute he was , I took both his hat and glasses of and placed them on my desk.
"Diana?" Tony said as he shot up from bed.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered .His eye were swollen from the lack of sleep he was getting , his hair was greasy and he looked a mess. He said nothing to me and walked out of the room. I was stunned by his action , I though he want to talk ,I really took his kid from granted. Although he left the room I didn't hear the front door close .I should have chase after him , he didn't want to see me .I hurt him ,I hurt the boy that had genuine feelings for me. He asked me to be his girlfriend and then I disappeared.
"Diana come down here ." I heard mike yell from down stairs. I didn't want to disappoint the boys any more then I have so at this point I'm doing whatever they want .They were all sitting at the kitchen island goofing off like they always have except when I came in Tony's whole body stiffened and he once again looked unhappy. I looked into my cup of tea not wanting to make eye contact.
"So who Niles ?" Mike asked bringing up my excuse I smiled at his name I really did love my boy .
"He's my horse." I answered to Mikes question and watched as his face perked up.
"Does that mean I can ride him?" Mike half spoke half yelled .
"Ohh i dont know Mike hes rough around the edges." Adam answered for me.
"Just like you Mikey." I laughed .
"You guys have any more tours booked?'" I asked Vic
"Why so you could leave us again ?" Tony spat out. To be honest I was surprise that something like that would ever come out of his mouth he's not a rude guy. All of the boys looked at me and waited for my response .
"I tired." said noticing how worn out I was from the flight home ,I left to my room and crashed on my bed with all my clothes.

I threw my hair in a wet messy bun after I showered, I pulled on a pair of sweats and a hunter green tank top with a sweater over my shoulders. Its been raining for that past week in SD but I really didn't mind. The boys were here like the normally would be however me and Tony aren't really on speaking terms. No matter how hard I tried to genuinely talk to him I would have no response .I never understood why he would be at my place if he wasn't going to speak with me .
"Adam, where is the list for the groceries ?" I said walking into the living room , I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a girl sitting on Tony's lap and biting on his neck. Her hair was past her fake tits and were obviously extensions . Unlike everyone else who was bumming it she wore leggings a tight fitted shirt and pair of heels .Don't get me wrong I love my heels and all but to my place on a rainy day come on.
"Umm hey , I'm Diana ." I said extending my hand to her trying to play off that I wasn't so bothered with the trash in my living room . She didn't take my hand but did introduce herself as "Kate , Tonys girlfriend." I had no idea was he was doing but I could tell that he had no feelings toward her , he was emotionless with every touch.
"Sorry Diana here it is ." Adam smiled handing me a long list of food and house supplies .I thanked him and said good bye to everyone. On the way to the super market the only thing I could think about was the girl Tony was with. I had no idea he would react this was , she wasn't the girl for Tony but its like he didnt care about himself anymore.
It took me about three hours to get all the shopping done since Adam was a picky eater in regards to brands and all. The rain was coming down heavily as I parked in the drive way grabbing as may bags as I could.
"Can you guys help me?" I said placing everything on the kitchen counter. Everyone went to the car but Kate which I found pretty rude coming from that shes in my house.
"Aww Diana you got me Disney fruit snacks." Jaime squealed as he helped put everything away.
"Yes but you can have those after dinner Jaime." I said snatching the box away from him , he made a puppy face at .
"Pleas " he wined
"No Im make dinner tonight ." I laughed at him. Hes face lit up.
"ARE YOU GRILLING ?" he screamed , and I nodded.
"Did you just say she's grilling today ?" Mike yelled from the living room
"Yes" Jaime yelled back as he ran into the living room. I felt Mikes body fall into mine as I hit the floor of the kitchen.
"Thank you." He said as he kissed my cheek .
"Michel get your boney ass off of me." I laughed .Mike did as I said and helped me to my feet letting me start cooking. I pulled the grill top over the stove and started to make egg plat lasagna for Tony , knowing it was his favorite.
"Are you making that for me?"Tony said getting a beer out of the fridge.
"Yeah you need to eat something too Tone." I said turning over to him hoping he would talk to me. He smiled at me.
"Thank Di." He said as he kissed my shoulder and left the room.I sighed and kept cooking, I was lost on what he wanted. I let everything bake before I started preparing meat so it wouldn't get cold by the time Tonys meal was done .I cleaned the kitchen up and poured myself a glass of whiskey.
"Someone's here for you Diana." I heard Mike call me over.
"Diana." I heard a familiar voice from in front of Mike.
"Toby." I yelled as I threw my self onto him wrapping my arms around his neck embracing him a long hug.
"Ive missed you " He said into my neck
"Same goes for me, come meet the guys." I smiled leading him into the living room.
"Guy this is my friend Toby from jersey , Toby this is Mike ,Adam, Vic, Jaime ,Tony and ,Kate , Tony girlfriend."They all exchanged hellos and a few words and since he looked pretty comfortable around the guys so I went back to cooking.
"I didnt know you grilled ." Toby said sitting up on the counter about after an hour of talking to everyone .
"I do , my dad thought me." I smiled as I brush on homemade barbecue sauces on the ribs before placing them on the table.
"Vic, can you set the table." I yelled to the living room , a few seconds later Vic was carrying a stack of dishes to the dining room trying not to dope them .After I placed everything on the table and Vic set it I called the boys over who ran into their seats. I sat across from tony , Vic and Mike sat at the heads of the table because they felt manly .Kate sat next to Adam who sat across from Jaime leaving Toby to sit across from Kate.
"Shit Diana it gets better every time you make it." Vic said with a mouth full of food and sauce all over his face. I laughed as Jamie cleaned Vics mouth for him as if they were a couple.
"You aren't eating anything?" Adam asked Kate who's plate was spotless.
"I dont eat meat and the lasagna isnt good." She cooled at me.
"I can make you something else ." I offered her.
"No no , you probably cook with a lot of fat which explains why Tony put on so much weight and why your clothes don't fit."She sipping her drink. I choked on my water Tonys jaw dropped along with the other boys.
"Kate what the fuck."Tony said turning over to her.
"I have a prefect body." I smiled at her as I felt Toby squeeze my tight in reassurance.
"What it's not like her boyfriends with her for her , he's probably only sticking around for the sex, she looks like a slut .The way she acts around you guy proves it to me ." She said.
"Tony take Kate home." Adam said "NOW" he yelled. I watched as he shuffle out of his seat an grabbed his keys.
"Thanks Diana it was a great meal , and sorry." He called to me as he shut the door. I felt Toby rub my back .
"So are you guys together?" Vic said pointing his fork at me . Me a Toby exploded in laughter.
"God no." He said knowing that it would be a bad move to bring that we hooked up. I rest of the dinner was us telling jokes an hearing tour stories. Vic and Mike cleaned up after everyone, since it was their turn .
"It was good seeing you , come by whenever you want." I said to Toby at the door.
"I will , I'll stop by soon, goodnight prefect." He said as he kissed me sweetly. We both knew the kiss meant nothing but we both wanted to give each other the attention we were hungry for.
"Jamie you can have your snacks now." I yelled as I walked by the guys and went straight to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a long one.
enjoy xoxo