Status: Updating once a week or more

Narcotic Sweet Talk

Somebody's supposed to fall in love

I woke up to the smell of daisies smiling at the thought of last night. Tony wasn't next to me but he did leave a note in his barely legible handwriting.
*see you later at Vics movie night babe. Sorry I left I had a few things to do . You look cute when you sleep.*
I grabbed a new towel as I walked into my bathroom. I wanted to steam out my body today it's been a while since I have. Still in awe with what happened last night , there was no clear indication with what me and Tony are or if there will be an us. However now I know I wouldn't have to deal with Kate and Toby can start something with one of my co workers.
"Hey Vic do you need help with anything today?" I asked through my phone , knowing I had the day off and a few hours to burn.
"If you want you can help me around the house I need to get a few things ready." He told me
"Okay see you in like an hour." I answered as I went to find something to wear, I settled on sweats and a navy crop top .I put a little foundation on along with mascara and left my glasses on. I threw a twenty in my pocket and my phone.
I pick up a mocha for Vic and a latte for me in Vic , I parked on the corner since there was no space in his drive way and made my way to the door.
"Hey Vic , here's your adult hot chocolate ." I said handing him he's coffee and watched as gulping it down .He brought the love set up stairs so there would be more room , I thought it was just going to be the usually crew but it seemed as if he invited a lot more.
"Who's coming?" I asked tying my hair up.
"Mike , Jaime , Britt , Adam , Tony , Kate , Casey , Matt , and Toby." He said as we moved the couch closer to the wall.
"Britt , did Adam invite her?" I asked wondering how she would fit in with us since she is only 19.
"I think she cute." Vic said with a goofy grin.
"She 19 and very dear to my heart ." I told him as I threw some pillows onto the couch.
"I know you won't hurt her so I'll put in a good word." I smiled at him as we started to write down a shopping list for the night, out group took movie night seriously since as a group it happens rarely .
"Toby told me about Tony , what happened?" Vic asked me.
"Well don't tell me about the sex." Vic laughed at me as I covered my face a little embarrassed.
"That's all that happened." I said having a pained feeling hit me.
"I woke up and he was gone." I started becoming upset and Vic could tell , I felt him pull me into a tight hug and his lips pressed against my forehead.
"He'll come around , you guys love each other" Vic said as he pulled away from me to look at me.
"I don't want to wait around for him anymore , that's all I've been doing Vic." I responded, watching he's encouraging smile fade.
"Maybe you should try to go on a date or something, I know you want Tony but you haven't experienced any other guys here and maybe you should." Vic said. I should , I am young and I haven't really socialized in SD yet.
"When is that thing your mom was talking about last night?" I asked and watched as a smile grew on his face.
"You really want to go" He lightly yelled.
"My dad and me always went out dancing , and I miss it , and I'm hoping you have cute relatives and friends." I smiled at him drinking my coffee.
" Well were going at the end of this week." He cheered as we went to his car to get food for tonight.
"Britt likes tan boys , but I think she's stronger then you ." I winked at him as I threw chips into the cart.I laughed as Vic got a bit nervous.
"Kidding." I laughed at him.
"I think we got way to much stuff."I said as I pushed the cart to the register.
"No you just got way to much frozen pizza."Vic laughed , what can I say I love them. I took the five I bought and pretended to kiss them. Vic snapped a picture of me and posted it on instagram with #bestbfever.
"They're going to think we date." I laughed handing the cashier my card.
"You're dating the pizza." Vic laughed as we settled into the car.
"Diana can you run to the store and get soda we forgot to buy some?" Vic asked as I opened the door for Matt.I nodded and went around the corner also helping myself to a pack of cigarettes . Although I don't smoke often I had a craving for it .I smoked as I walked back into Vics , Being greet by Britt first .I made my way to the living room and i froze at the sight of Kate and Tony making out. I thought they were done , I thought there was no more .I felt Toby snake his arm around my waist.
"Oh man."Vic said as he took the soda from me giving me a very worried look , I just shrugged it off.
"Sorry babe."Toby whispered and kissed my temple. I turned to the living room making eye contact with Tony.
"Im sorry." He mouthed to me.

"I need some air." I choked holding back the tears, I went into the yard and light myself another cigarette enjoying the toxic smoke flow through my system. I was lost in what happened , I wanted answers but I didn't want to speak to him.
"I'm lost." I heard Adam say as he came over to me.
"What happened?" He asked me, I just shrugged my shoulder and looked at the ground.
"Are you going to talk to him?" He mumbled at me.
"No , I don't think so. He should talk to me." I said finishing off my third cancer stick and making my way back. I plopped myself down on the couch next to Toby and put my legs across his lap. He looked at me with his puppy and I just returned him a smile.
"You smoked?" Mike asked me with a confused expression.
"When I crave it ." I smiled at him. We let Britt pick the movie since she as new to the group and she chose Coraline which is Vics favorite animated movie .He was ecstatic , he was very fond of her and you could tell .Toby held me closer then he usually would , he was protective of me because of what happened with Tony , I knew he had something to do with it.I looked over to Tony who looked at me and then the floor. I watched as Tony cuddled up to Kate more than he ever did , was he just using me .The last thing I wanted was to be used , I hated it .I threw my head back and got up with a sigh collecting everyone dirty dishes as I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I heard someone clear their throat , I turn over to see Tony .
"Can we talk." He said looking at me with his big brown eyes.
"No" I said bluntly walking out of the kitchen and back out side for another smoke.
"Please babe." I heard a muffled whisper from him , I didn't respond I was not his "babe".
"Diana , Vic told me your coming dancing with us." Mike said shimming his chest. I laughed and nodded in response.
"I have to get going."Kate said half way through the movie. We said our goodbyes.
"I'll be back."Tony yelled
"Okay someone tell me what the fuck is going on with Tony." Matt said.
"What do you mean?" Britt said untangling her from Vic.
"I'm not explaining this, I'm going to smoke. Vic take the wheel." I said grabbing my pack and going to the front porch. I lit my second stick and leaned over the railing , I noticed Tony coming from down the block .I throw the bud across the lawn .
"You know I'm head over heels for you." He said to me.
"But you're still with Kate." I responded still not facing him.
"I wouldn't be with her if I didn't feel something for her."
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