Status: Updating once a week or more

Narcotic Sweet Talk

They say love will never mean a thing Still our hearts beat

"You look stunning Hun ." Mami Fuentes said as I embraced her small figure. Vic , Mie and I decided to get to their uncles house before the party started just to be of help to their uncle and his wife , whom were more than welcoming when I walked through the door. They won't allow to do anything since I was a guest.
"Let me help you." I smiled a toothy grin at her.
"No no we have enough help." she answered pointing out they three women who were busy in the kitchen.
"She never lets up help." Vic said as he played Barbie with his younger cousin. I could tell he would be a great father , the way he went out of his way to put a smile of Hanna's face. I sat down next to Mike, he was in deep conversation with his father about something.
"How are you and Tony?" Papi F asked me with a smile.
"I don't know , it think I want to try to see another people just to be sure I have feelings for him." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled lightly not wanting to turn this into a pity party.
"Anyone is lucky to have you." He told me with a reassuring squeeze of the hand.
"Hello hello." We heard Ma yell from the back as people shuffled into the house. There was about thirty family members to meet and honestly I was overwhelmed , I felt like an outcast not knowing everyone.
"Alright everyone , this is our good friend Diana," Vic said as we all sat ourselves down at the large table on the patio.
"So who's dating the lovely girl?" One of their aunts Lu spoke up.
"No one is." Mike said wiggling his eye brows at me .Small talk was made until everyone felt full and soon late Papi pulled me to start dancing with him.I t was sweet my father would have done the same ,it felt like home. These guys were really my family and it was nice to be a part of something better then I had imagined when I came out here. I watched as Mike danced with Hanna which was a sight to see , a tall tattooed man dancing with a nine year old.
"Beer pong!" Ant yelled.
"Who's team are you on doll?" He asked me as me and Mike made our way to the back of the yard.
"Im driving tonight." I flashed a smile as I sat down on one of the chairs. I watched as the guys stared setting up the cups leaving Vic to go on beer run. My cigarette hung loosely from my lips as I began to try to light it ,after a few tries realizing my lighter was dead .I cursed under my breath throwing my head back.
"A lady shouldn't light her own." I heard as I felt the heat of the flame followed by the smoke flowing through my body.
"Thank you." I exhaled and faced the guy behind the voice by my right side, he wore a navy button down which was rolled up to his elbows and kaki skinny jeans , he had scruff from not shaving for a few days , he's hair was a dark brown just like his eyes and he seemed to be of Italian heritage .
"Hunter." He smiled extending his hand.
"Diana." I responded with a small grin.
"Haven't ever seen you at one of these." He said lighting his own cigarette.
"I just met the guy a few months ago and their father is such a stud." I said hearing Hunter let out a small laugh.
"That he is." I laughed.
"OOOOO DIANA HAS A BOYFRIEND." Hanna yelled as she ran over and sat on my lap to pull on my hair well to her it was playing but shit she was ripping it out.
"I think you're right Han ." Mike said as he downed his drink. I felt my cheeks get red but lucky Mama F saved me and asked me to help her in the kitchen.
"So you and Hunter." She said as she handed me a stack of plates for dessert.
"It nothing ma." I smiled.
"Hey hun you're the one who wanted to see other people try it." She smiled as we went back to the yard. I help her with whatever else she needed and then sat down next to Hunter who was laughing with Hanna.
"Han I think your brother wants you." He said to the girl and pointing to her lonesome sibling. She did quick nod of the head and ran off.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" Hunter asked
"What?" I asked in shock of the question not knowing what this guy really wanted from me.
"I get off of work at six." I smiled at him
"I'll pick you up at eight then."

I herded the door bell ring from down stairs as I rushed down shoes in hand to get it.
"Who are you?" I heard the one person at the door who I didn't want there.
"Hey man." Mike yelled as he ran over to the door embracing Hunter pretty much saving me from embracement.
"Diana your boyfriends here."Spoke to soon. Adam said to me as I grabbed my clutch from the hall closet .
"I see him." I responded as I went over to the door not looking at Tony. Hunter place him arm around my shoulder.
"You look stunning." He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my back.
I smiled lightly at the handsome man on my side and then looked at Tony his fists clenched along with his jaw but he's eyes were sad , It serves him right as fucked up as that sounds he had bumpers chances to be with me and chose not to.
"Awww you guys weren't joking , she does have a date ."I heard Toby whine as he walked through the front door. I looked to the ground to avoid showing my red face , the guys embarrassed me as a joke sure but it's like I'm 16 again and me and Adam are back in school. How Adam use to pretend to be all big brother around me , which he was doing now .He was silent just giving the death stare to Hunter.
"Where you guys going anyway?" Vic asked Hunter.
"To so stuff Vickyyyyy ." He responded with a sassy tone and looked at me flashing a ever so sweet smile.
"Perfect." I responded knowing Tony would hear me, I don't know why I still wanted him to be jealous since I wanted to experience other people in this area.
"Sorry about them , they always do that." I said shyly as Hunter opened the passenger door for me and helped me out of his Volvo.
"I know the guys don't worry they've done it to me." He laughed off . It was a cooler night in SD and I was now mentally screaming at myself for not bringing a jacket to throw over my shoulders.
"What do you mean ?" I questioned him wondering what they guys would have pulled on him.
"When they were still living with their parents I always let them hang around my place , which of course they would get hammered and tell dates and all really embarrassing things from my childhood and usually I would never see those girls again and you know just small stuff ." He laughed at the thought as he opened door to a way too fancy restaurant. We were seated right away and Hunter ordered for me. He got me duck with a warm salad and for himself salmon .
"Mike likes to walk into my bathroom when I'm showering , it was a huge mistake to give each of them a spear key but I can't help it since they would kick down the door of I wasn't home." I said, we continued sharing stories about the guys through the night .
I heard the doorbell ring as I made my way from out of the kitchen, no knowing who else would show up so I took it a pone myself to get it since no one got up . A guy around my high wearing a dark button down with a leather jacket stood in front of me.
"Is Diana here?" He asked me , I was stunned by the question I didn't know she had friends that were us let alone men.
" who are you?" I asked with a little bit off angry hearing Diana shuffle down the stairs . Before he could responded Mile pulled him into a hug , I turn around and find Diana looking beautiful as ever looking down at the grounded, god how I wish she looked my way for once . She had a new dress , it was red with cuts outs at her sides letting her tattoos show through she had on her signature chunky heels and her hair was up in a bun. God I loved her hair up , I wasn't sure which was I preferred it but when it's up the striver of her face showed through even more .How deep her cheek bones were in , her almond shaped eyes and her lips which were a shade of plum tonight, god how much I wanted to kiss her. I watched as the guy who's name I realized was Hunter warped his arm around my girl, I felt myself getting worked up as I clenched my jaw but realized a little when Diana looked at me sweetly .She made my heart melt . I just wanted to take her home with me so much at this point , I can't let her go somewhere with another guy who god knows wants to do with her . I sit down next to Adam after the happy couple left .
"You think it's going to work?" Vic spoke up as he played FIFA with Mike.
" She likes older guys , who knows. " Adam said
"He has no tattoos." I responded trying to be involved with the conversation.
"I didn't see any , and she does love a guy with ink." Toby said winking at me letting e remember how often Diana would just sit and admire my pieces and how she traced every single one countless amounts of times.
"I'm kind of bummed I didn't get to dance with you. "Hunter said as he paid for the meal, it was a nice comment he made I always feel good when someone wanted to do something with me.
"You had a ton of chances last night." I responded as we exited the restaurant.
" You're right ,like now" He said as he laced his hand with mine and pulled me in with the other. We slowly danced in the parking lot and eventually I rested my head on his shoulder .
"This is nice " he whispered into my hair.
"It is ." I answered to him honestly , it was but there was something missing someone , I wasn't really sure but Tony popped into my head at that moment .Yes all the small moments with him that's what was missing tony, my Tony was missing.
" It's late , and you have a long drive home." I whispered against Hunters neck.
"Mmm you're right ." Hunter said releasing me from one arm but still holding my hand with the other. He opened the car door for me as I say down into the cold leather seat and cuddled up to his jacket he placed on my shoulder as we left the restaurant.
"When can I see you again?" He asked me as we walked up my steps.
"Want to come over tomorrow night , watch a movie ?" I smiled shyly at him not knowing if there was something going on.
"Love too, see you then. " he smiled as he placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Night."I said as he walked down the stairs and to his car , I waited till he left to go back in.
"You didn't want to kiss him." Mike said as I walked through the door.
"We're you watching me Mike." I lightly yelled.
" Well me and Toby did ." He answered as I say down in my new arm chair I got so I there was room for all of us. I laughed at the thought of them peeking out the window.
" How did it go?" Adam asked me handing me a cup of tea.
"Okay he's a nice guy but he has no tattoos, kind of a know it all I wasn't feeling it ." I shrugged as I propped my feet up on the coffee table.
"Seeing him again?" Vic questioned .
"Tomorrow , but I don't think it's going to work out in a relationship ." I responded after I sipped my tea.
"Whatever makes you happy kiddo ." Adam said to me with a smile.
" I'm going to take a bath , Mike do not come in this time ." I yawned as I got up.
"No promises." He howled at me , I rolled my eyes in response.
I undressed my self after I started to run a bath , I removed my makeup and washed my face deciding I'll wash my hair tomorrow. The room began to fill with steam as I slid into the tub ,the bubbles securing my naked body, I slid in deep letting the water come up to my chin .I slowly dosed off into a great relaxed state until I heard a light knock on the door.
"Diana?"Adam whisked from the door way.
"Yes" I responded
"For the love of god take him back , he's always drunk out of his mind and he need you Di please. " He whispered loudly and walked out.
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I dont know how long until the next update , i'm going through a really rough time.I will try.