Status: Updating once a week or more

Narcotic Sweet Talk

Your pretty eyes don't give me much choice

I woke up early the next morning since I was in need of a jog and I had to get back to my fitness routine. I left a note for Tony on my pillow.I haven't really taken in the San Diego area yet , but christ it was beautiful. The weather was always warm , it was nice although I like it cold its a good change of pace for me.About a good hour and two miles I headed back home.
The smell of coffee filled my nose as I entered the house to find Tony making breakfast. I wrapped my arms around him
"Whats cooking good lookin?" I said kissing his shoulder
"Did you really just say that ?" He laughed
" Yes , now what are you trying to make?" I asked since I honestly had no idea what he was doing.
" I made coffee but I don't know how you take it. I am trying to make omelets but its turning into scrabbled eggs." He said as he made me sit in my chair
" I'll let you in on a secret in the morning I take my coffee black and at night with cream.As for your cooking skills , Ill help you eventually." I said sipping my coffee
"what are you doing today ?" he asked placing food on the table.
"Vic and me are doing something, which reminds me that i have to get ready." I say finishing up my food.
"Are you sticking around ." she asks dumping her dishes in the sink.Wow she has nice ass.
"duh." I said smacking her ass as I go up stairs.
She walks into her bathroom and I siy up on the sink as she showers.
"You know tone , I've never been to your place."she says from the shower
"I live a few minutes away , you're alway welcome" I say , maybe I should ask her out .No I shouldnt we had sex that would be werid. She got out of the shower and pulled on a robe.
"Diana do you like want to go out sometime." I ask already knowing that Im red.
"Like on a date ?" She says coming over to me.I nodded in response
"yes Tony." she says kissing my nose. I sighed in relief.
"Good so , I'll see you soon and if you ever need anything my numbers on the fridge." I say heading out
No kiss goodbye , thats a little odd.I mean were not dating but still.Oh well , its probably means nothing.I blow dry my hair , curl it and put it in a pony tail.I picked out a red summer dress and brown pair of flats . My makeup was a few shades dark but it worked.
"Hey Vic." I said as I sit in the passenger seat of his Lincoln
"I'm taking you to the beach." He said after greeting me.The car ride was silent and short.
It was the late afternoon and the sun was setting , the view was breathtaking.
"Listen Di , i know you and Tony slept together but I also can tell that you guys have feeling for each other." he turned to me "but know you guys aren't together and Im telling you this since i dont want to see you get hurt .Tony has been seeing someone for the past few weeks and i dont know whats going on with them but Im just letting you know that there is someone other then you." He said putting his arm arund my shoulder.
"Thank you for telling me." I say
The rest of the night Vic and I just talked about small thinks .I found out more about the band and how they all met.I was involved in the conversation but all I could think about was the other girl.Vic dropped me off at home around ten so I decided I would stop by Tonys .I packed my bag with over night items .Tony left me his address on the post it that had his number.I was about fifteen minutes since i had to find a parking.His house was not to small nor big it was a good size for him.I saw the lights on so I knocked on the door.
"Hello." said a voice that did not belong to Tony .In front of me was girl shorter then me , brown hair and was very busty .Now I had a nice par of boobs but hers you could tell were implants. She wore the shirt tony had on earlier and no pants.I looked over to see Tony pale and with his mouth wipe open.
"Diana" he said
"Sorry I came at a bad time." I smiled to the girl and ran to my car.I honestly thought something was going to happen , Vic warned me and I assumed more from Tony .Shit he asked me on a date .I didnt want to go home, I drove into the city to and found the nearest bar.
The bar was small but had a lot of people I sat down on one of the wooden stools and ordered a gin and tonic.
"Hey , all alone ?" A tall guy asked me .He had piercing blue eyes and killer smile.I noticed his tattoos , which was always a plus.
" Umm yeah." I answered extending my hand "Diana"
"Jason." He replied " You from around here"
"Yeah I just moved here from Jersey."I answered as I finished my drink
" Can I have a few shots " He asked the bartender after a few drinks i was gone and so was my new buddy.
"Do you want to come back to my place." He said to me in a husky tone.
"I would love that." I said stumbling as we exited the bar.I was not one to sleep with strangers but this felt right.
We sat on the couch . I could stare at his eyes for hours I small a smile creep up on his face and son after we smacked his lips on to mine.I willingly and desperately kissed back begging for entrance into his mouth, I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my body onto his. His manged to slip my dress of in the process of all of this.I wanted him so bad.
"You're such a tease ." I moan in to his mouth
" Well I dont want to keep you waiting" He responded and pushed me onto the carpet .He spread my legs apart and I could feel his through his jeans.I rush to undo his zipper but he is way ahead of me .His hands were tight on my tits. He groaned as I pulled his hair.I began to kiss down his neck as he worked his way to sucking on my breast .I ripped his shirt off , I could no longer stand my frustration .
"Please" I mummer under his touch.He kissed me roughly.
"Please , what do you want ?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
" I want you ." I said looking into his eyes
" want what from me?." he said pumping his fingers in and out of me
" I want you to fuck me .'' I moaned as the words escaped my lips he rammed into me and I was over whelmed with pleasure.He let out a deep moan as he pushed himself deeper into me and harder.The room was filled with our moans and cries of enjoyment.He suddenly changed his pace fucking me slower and faster.
"Im going to cum." I yelled as I was about to reach my climax
He spend up until I couldn't hold my self any longer and neither could he.He got up from on top of me and pulled his boxers back on and handed me a glass of wine.
I thanked him and dressed my self in just my bra and panties.
"I dont want you to drive Diana." He said "spend the night here." He smiled genuinely I nodded in agreement .

"Oh the walk of shame." I heard mike yell as I walked past the boys in the living room.They were all there .I went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
"Where did you go I thought you went to Tonys or something." I heard Vic
I turned to him ." You know you were right there is some else Vic he has some one else. Im no ones back up and I never will be."
He nodded " Just dont do anything you'll regret." and with that he left me alone. I went up to my room , I didnt feel like showering I simply washed my face and threw on a tee shirt and a pair of running shorts since I dont have anything to wear because Im to lazy to do the laundry.
I walked into the living room to the boys I sat next to Adam and Mike.Mike tried to get me to high five him but it wasn't going to happen.
"Shit Di , whats up with your neck." Jaime said touching my neck as I cringed at the pain.My phone rang just in time to avoid conversation.
"Hey Diana its Jason , you left your bag here and Im about to head out so should I drop it off at your place?"
"Shit yeah , thanks so much.I'll text you the address."
I hung up and noticed Adam staring .
"Who was that ?" He asked with a rude tone.
"A friend."
"Di the only people you know here are the people in this room.
"I met a guy yesterday ." I shrugged ,before he could say anything more the door bell rang. Tony answered it since he was in the kitchen and closest to the door.I heard a few words exchanged followed by Jason walking into the living room.I introduced him to the boys which honestly were not pleased.
"Thanks." I said pouring him a cup of coffee and sitting on the counter top .He traced his fingers on my arm.
"Never a problem." He said with a husky tone.We made small talk until he left for work and everyone exchange their goodbyes.
I walked into my room to find Tony in my bed.
"We need to talk." He said
"What about?" I answered
"Me you want to talk about me fucking someone , you're the one who has a girl in your house with no pants and your clothes on answering your door.You asked me on a date while your seeing someone else." I said with my voice getting louder.
" I want you to leave."
" Diana I can explain please let me."
"We don't date Tone you can do what every you want dont explain yourself , you did nothing wrong .I just want you to leave Now." and without a word he went down stairs and i heard the door slam.
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