Status: Updating once a week or more

Narcotic Sweet Talk

First Punch

A few seconds later Tony followed after.
"Get in the car NOW." Adam said trying not to painc. I stumbled as he helped me leave.
"Diana , its going to be okay." Adam said speeding home.I began to cry and my breathing got too heavy .
"He here hes near me he know Im here ." I say in between breaths.
"Diana its okay Tony following us you'll be fine."Adam said
"No tony cant be here not not now." I yelled running through the front door and locking myself in my room.I hear the guys arguing outside my door.I haven't caught my breath in about an hour , I'm no longer up set I'm angry. I failed at running away .I felt my fist collide with the wall , I barely felt the pain , I took other swing.
"DIANA." I heard Adam as he busted through my door.
"Diana what did you do ?"he whispered taking my bloody hand into his.
"I just want to be alone." I said getting up from the floor and climbing into bed.Without a single word Adam left.
"Dont." I heard him say to Tony , I felt that they were no longer in the room.
I woke up the next day , maybe afternoon .I felt a shooting pain in my hand as memories flooded over me from last night.I held my ground not letting myself get weak.I checked my phone.
-No one knows anything about him , I wont tell them.- Adam
-Pool party at seven be there or be square.- Jaime
It was four ,I brushed my teeth and made my way to the kitchen.
"I'm leaving in an hour to go to Texas for work." Adam said handing me a cup of coffee
"Will you be okay .Stay at Tonys until I come back." He said hugging me.
"It will be okay he wont hurt you ever again." He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek gently .I nodded at him.
"Tony will pick you up , go to the party get your mind of things." He said to me.Adam and I spent our remaining time together looking thorough old photo albums from our childhood, we do that often its always nice.We said our goodbyes and I watched him drive off , he was truly the best guys in the world.
I threw on my neon bikini on , a loose tee shirt and some shorts with flip flops.My hair was in a messy bun and I wore no makeup.I heard Tony pull up into the drive way.
"Hey.You look good ."Tony said placing his hand in mine , I winched at the pain.My hand wasn't broken just beat up.
"Are you gong to tell me." He asked looking at me.
"Not today , I just want to relax today." I smiled and kissed him gently Tony handed me his keys and I placed them in my bag .We walked into the yard to see Mike , Jaime ,Vic and Casey in the pool and Matt , Krissy , and Nessa laughing and talking at the table.
"Hey." Krissy chirped as we exchanged hugs.Matt handed me a beer and I declined.
"I'm driving ." I smiled but Tony gladly took it. I saw Vic and Mike run into the house and bring out plates of food. Tony settled for a salad since everything else was some type of meat and I had a burger.
"So Diana you have a boyfriend?" Matt asked I almost choked on my food.
"No." I said simply
"What about you Tony , any one catch your eye you've been singe for a while." Nessa said
"I mean I have my eye on a stunning girl but you'll find out when something happens." He smiled placing his hand on my tight.
Everyone was in the pool but me and mike since we had a smoke.I felt someone grab me and carry me to the pool , I look down lookind at who it was.
"NONONONOO STOP LET ME FUCKING GO." I screamed as my eyes started to water.
"Babe shhhh." He cooled into my ear
"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE." I yelled at him ,I felt myself hit the water and his arms once around me again.
"Dont worry" he whispered and loosened his grip on me.I got out of the pool and walked into the house grabbing my bag.
"Your not going anywhere ." he said loudly as he pinned me up against the wall.His dull eyes met mine. He picked me up again.
"FUCKING STOP LET ME GO YOU FUCKER" I yelled as he carried me outside
"Hey man chill." I heard Casey
"Were just having fun."Phil responded.
"NO FUCKING SHIT LET ME GO YOU SHIT."I yell .I felt my self being pulled way from him. I collected myself before looking at anyone.
A few hours later Matt ,Jaime and Krissy leave followed by Nassa and Phil.I kept my cool until I heard.
"I'm not done with you." in my ear.Seconds after I heard the goodbbyes I broke my glass of water since i had suh a strong grip on it.
"Oh my Diana , are you okay?" Vic rushed over to me I wrapped my self onto him and felt my tears coming .
"Diana what happened?" He asked me as he looked in to my eyes.I placed my head on his shoulder.I couldn't get the words out of me, I wanted the boys to know so much.I stared to get up but Vic pulled me down.
"whats going on?" I hearded Tony slur .I got up and walked to the car in tears.
"Come on babe."I choked on my tears
"Diana what wrong? " He asked as I stared to drive.

"Tell me" He kept asking on the way to my house.I ran up stairs and fought to open the door , I need to get away from him.I felt Tony push me up against the wall.
"WHO DID THIS TO YOU ?" he yelled .I felt his hand bruising my shoulders.
"Your hurting me tone" I cry .
"Oh god 'm so so so sorry babe." Tony whisper as he fell onto the ground .
I stumbled into the yard ad saw Vic with his arms around Diana , I heard her crying.
"Whats going on?" I asked , I froze when Diana walked past me she was so distort, so pale I could tell she was holding her tears back.
"Come one babe." She choked walking to the car, she didnt look at me at me once as she started the car.
"Diana whats wrong?" I asked her , I was starting to get frustrated .I watched her run to the door and fumble with her keys.I followed behind her wanting answers .I pushed her on the wall.
"WHO DID THIS TO YOU? " I yell , her eyes were filled with pain she was so broken.
"Tony you're hurting me." she whimpered. I noticed how hard I was actually holding her.
"Im so sorry." I whisper into her neck as I fell down to the floor with her arms wrapped around me.I carried her up to her room and undressed her pulling the covers over her.
"Tony , I want to be alone tonight." She said emotionless. I left without a single word and drove home.

"Diana get out of bed its five ." I said taking the sheets and exposing her half naked body she lost so much weight since she hasnt been eating .Diana hasn't moved out of bed in two days unless it was to shower and use the bathroom.I still don't know what happened to her at Vic's but she wasn't talking not to me not to anyone.I havent told the boys what was happening I didnt want them to know.
"Babe please ." I begged her , she just laid there looking at the ceiling I dont want to give up on her but I was so sick of just waiting for her just laying there she cant just sit there broken she needs to talk. I sighed and went home and I didnt hear her call for me as I walked through the door.Maybe she just didnt need me.
I heard my phone ring as I got out of the shower
"Hello? Diana please come over we need to talk ." I heard Vics distressed voice on the other line.
"I'll pick you up in twenty." he hung up the phone.I threw on a pair of sweats and a tank top .I put my hair in a messy bun and wore my glasses instead of my contacts.I put my phone in my pocket and walked down to Vics car.He drove a Dart and it was extremely neat.
He smiled at me and took a hold of my hand.
"Its going to be okay bud." I smiled at his comment.We drove in comfortable silence , I knew he was going to want to talk but I dont think I could tell him.
All the boys but Jaime were in the living room , they all said hi but Tony who had his eyes glued on the T.V screen.I walked to the kitchen and made myself some tea .I sat in between Tony and Vic , they were playing something on the Xbox and were getting really into it.I placed my hand on Tonys lap , he looked at me with a straight face .I smiled at him and he warmed up and smiled back.
"You look cute in your glasses." He said poking my nose and going back to his game , after about an hour of them playing we decide to watch a movie .I felt myself getting really upset about the past few days.
"He rapped me." I said breaking the silence.
"Who?" Mike said clenching his fists.I looked down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact.
"Phil." I mumbled underneat my breath.I felt Tony wrap his arms around me.
"I was doing so well until he showed up." I cried into his shouder. I collected myself and put in the Corpse Bride in the DVD player
"So what you arent going to talk about it ."Tony said with an attitude
"Tony." Vic hissed .We all sat in silence and watched the rest of the movie.
"I'm home." Jaime yelled coming through the door there were more foot steps that followed after.
"You fucker ." I heard Tony yell following by the sound of bones cracking.I watched as Mike and Vic struggled to pull Tony from Phil.
"You rapped her you shit , how could you fucking do that" Tony screamed.
"Naw man she wanted it." Phil laughed as Tony was held back my Mike.
"How dare you accuse my boyfriend of raping you."Nessa yelled into my face. I took a deep breath.
"Why would i ever lie about such a god awful thing ?"I yelled back shoving her against the wall.She tried to swing at me and miss so I took the chance and hit her .My fist collided with the jaw and I watched her crash to the ground cupping her face .I pull her up by her matted hair and got one good swing at her till Casey pulled me away.I watch as they both left and drove off.I got myself a beer and sat back on the couch next to Tony.
"You should get your hand checked out." Vic said handing tony ice.
"Thank Tony." I said as he iced his hand and smiled shay at me.
"Damn Di I didn't know you could fight ." Mike said handing me a beer.
"Neither did I ." I giggled slightly
"Do you want to go somewhere?"Tony asked me grabbing his keys.I nodded at him and walked out the door.
"Why are we here?" I asked as Tony drove into a park.
"I wanted to go for a walk." He said opening the door for me.He took my hand into his as we walked together in silence.
"You look cold ." He said letting go of my hand and putting his jacket over my shoulders. I gently kissed him as he began to speak.
"Diana." He said as he pressed his lips to mine.
"mhm." I replied not breaking the kiss.He pulled away from me and looked at me with his big brown eyes.
"Listen Diana , I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen and I know you've haven't known me for long .I really really like you , when I'm not around you you're all I think about. Diana will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me .
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Thanks guys