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Narcotic Sweet Talk

I think you buried me too deep

I was surprised by the question ,yes i wanted to be his but I dont know him at all , nothing.
"Diana?" Tony whispered
"Tone , I can't . I mean I want to but I know nothing about you." I said as his smile faded.
"Well in that case , Diana will you like to go get dinner tomorrow night."he said placing his hand into mine and walking me toward the car.
"I would love that." I kissed his cheek.
Tony dropped me off at home and kissed me goodnight.I unlocked the door and turned the lights on in the kitchen to fix myself tea.
"Hey babe." I heard in my ear.I froze as my chest tighten and goosebumps formed on my neck.I opened my mouth to speak but the word didnt come out.I felt his disgusting hands make circles on my arm.
"Remember how much you liked it when I did that." He said kissing down my neck.I pulled away from him but he grabbed my arm throwing me on to the couch and tore my shirt off.
"Phil stop." I squirmed under his ruff touch.
"Babe you love me." He said removing my pants .I manged to get from under him and run for the door.I was so close until I felt my head get slammed against the wall.I dropped to the ground I felt dizzy and noticed the blood on my hands. I was soon thrown back on to the couch.I was crying and screaming trying to fight for myself .I felt him slam into me .
"Stop please." I begged between my breaths. I was to light headed to fight him off anymore i laid there limp watching him as he abused me. He kissed me harshly after on my stomach.
"See you soon babe." He said walking out the door closed.I felt more and more ill as I drifted into painless sleep.
I parked in Dianas drive way around eight. When I got to her door it was slightly open.
"Diana." I called out , there was no response. I walked into the kitchen since the light was on , I began to panic as I see her limp bloody body on the floor of the living room.
"Diana wake up ." I shook her lightly .She groaned in pain.
"Baby come on wake up." I begged her
"My head hurts." She said barely opening her mouth.I noticed she had a few small cuts o her forehead and a large amount of bruises minus the fact that her clothes were tore. I go up and grabbed ice and placed it on her head.
"what happened?" I asked , I held my tears back.She looked like she was in so much pain.
"Help me up ." She whispered , I noticed she kept from reacting in pain as I picked her up and placed her in bed. She grabbed my waist and started sobbing onto my shoulder.
"Babe what happened?" I asked so worried , I Knew what the answer was going to be.
"He did it again." She answered crying harder.I was lost with words .I dont understand how I could have let her stay home alone .Her grip loosened as she laid down in bed.I watched her as she fell asleep.I took this moment to call Vic.
"Vic its an emergency bring Mike ." I said
"Alright Ill be there soon." Vic answered with out a question.Both of them showed up .
"Wow man why is there blood on the floor." Mike said walking through the hallway.
"Guys Diana was rapped last night and its all my fault." I said quietly since I was still in disbelief of what happened.
"What." Vic said
"Tony its not your fault ." Vic said
"Where is she, is she hurt?"Mike asked in a panic.
" I found her past out on the floor , she banged up pretty bad.Shes sleeping now but I dont know what to do." I said as I began to cry.I felt Mikes arm around my shoulder.
"Tone were going to get him arrest , and Diana will need time to heal. It will be alright." Vic said to me.
" HOW WILL THIS BE OKAY SHE BROKEN VIC AND IM NO HELP." i screamed as the tears rushed down my face. Before he could respond we heard a scream come from upstairs, we all ran through the door to find Diana sobbing into her hands.
"Diana sweetheart is going to be okay." Vic said as he held her. I couldnt wrap myself around the fact that this happened to the love of my life. I let it happen .Mike came back in with bag of ice and a cup of tea .
"Whats going on?" We heard Adam as he walked through the door with all his luggage , his eyes widened at the sight of Diana.
"He raped me Adam." She cried .Adam stood there frozen for about two minutes until he ran into the bathroom.I heard him running bath , he walked back in and took her into his arms shutting the bathroom door behind him.
"We call the cops tomorrow. Diana's either going to act like nothing happened , drink a lot , or be untouchable. There is one more thing that she will do and its whats going to happen , shes going to act like nothings wrong but when you try to hug her shes going to have a break down kinda how she was when she first came here.Tony do not have sex with her until shes stable , she will use sex as a way to make her feel useful . Vic call her boss tell her were going on vacation for a week. Mike call we'll drive over to Nessa's with the cops.Tony stay with her , I dont care if she want to be alone stay here." Adam said sitting on her bed.We all nodded in agreement.
"I think we should get going Mike." Vic said walking out the door.
"Okay Tony just take care of her , you know what she needs and its you." Adam said patting my back and leaving me alone in her bed room.I started to get scared when Diana didnt come out of the bathroom.I walked in and saw her applying disinfectant to her wounds and wincing at the pain.She smiled her million dollar smile at me as we walked back to her bed room.She put on a pair of sweat pants and tee shirt.She held the bag of ice Mike brought up to her head and turned her TV on.
"I really dont want to think about it Tone, we can talk about it tomorrow I'm not a baby I can handle it." she said
"Diana you dont have to be strong about this ." I said to her as she sat down next to me.
"You look cute in a suit." She said trying to change the conversation.
"I know your strong Diana but you were just sobbing dont keep your emotions in , its not good for you. . You have every right to be crying ." I said rubbing her back.
"Well Im done crying." She said turning onto her side and falling asleep.
I woke from Dianas elbow hitting my face, I saw her flipping and turning on the bed.She was having a night mare.
"Diana baby its okay " I said waking her up. She sat up in tears and ran into the bathroom.I followed after her as I watched her hop into the shower .I sat on the ledge of her tub until I heard a faint crying .Then I noticed she was sitting on the shower floor sobbing.I opened the door and tried to pick her up.
"Dont touch me." She screamed , I was taking by surprise at her reaction.
"Get out." She hissed at me.I felt myself about to cry as I walked down to the kitchen. The cops where down in the living room with Adam , Vic and Mike.
"How is she?" Mike asked
"She wont let me touch her, she was fine until this morning." I said siting down and letting my self cry.
"Well let me tell you one thing sir, we have every one looking for the rapist." One of the cops told me.
"What do you mean looking?" I asked thinking that he was in prison.
"The guy is missing hes off the radar." The other answered.
"Tony." I heard a light voice from the other end of the room.
"Why are you crying?" She asked sitting next to me and taking my hand into hers.
"Don't you remember what happened?" I asked between my tears.
"What my head , I fell off of one of the horses at work babe its no big deal." She answered calmly.
"No Diana." I heard Adam say to her.Diana looked very puzzled.
"Why the cops here." she said focusing her eye on them.
"Alright Miss , were going to do what we have to do .Adam you know what to do ." One of them said as they left.
"Diana do you remember who Phil is ?" Vic asked her.
"No why is he one of your friends?" She smiled at him. I felt my heart shattered into pieces.
"No Diana." I said loudly .I watched as Adam handed her shots after shots.
"She trying to pretend like she doesn't remember it keeps her sane ." Adam says as we watched a drunk Diana sit emotionless at the table not touching her food.
"Im going to bed." She slurred .I followed her to her room and watched her crawl into bed , I got in after her , I pulled her closer to me but she rejected my touch.
"Diana let me hold you." I begged her she turned over so her back was facing me and said nothing.
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