I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise)

Day to day.

Pt. 22

We climbed in Frank’s car and we were on our way to New York. We went to this steakhouse like place. It looked really cool. Turns out their was a band and you could dance whenever.

“May I have this dance M’lady?” Frank said lifting my hand and kissing it like a prince.

“Of course!” I replied while he lead me out on the dance floor. We danced to a song that I didn’t know. It was nice though, having Frank dancing with me. We never had done this before.

“I have a graduation present for you when we get back to the table.” Frank interrupted the dance, not stopping, in the middle of the song.

“Really? That’s awesome!”

“Yep!” The song ended and I just couldn’t help but bounce up and down in excitement with the surprise!

“What is it?”

“You got to open it first!”

“Right.” I replied tearing away at the paper. There was a velvet box. Not ring size, braclet size or necklace size. I opened it to reveal a I.D. braclet type thing. I could tell it was platinum. It had a strip of platinum on top and the rest was joined by a platinum chain. On the strip was engraved. I’ll always love you, Rylee. You’re my one and only. –Frankie Iero. It had a red stone and I black stone beside each other in the corner of the strip.

“It’s a black diamond and a ruby.”

“How on earth did you afford this?”

“I just did. Don’t worry about it. Do you like it?”

“I love it! Frankie, it’s so…I don’t even know.” A smile crept across his face as he leaned over the table and kissed my softly. I melted right then and there. I didn’t want to leave! Our food came in the middle of our kiss. Stupid waiter just had to ruin the moment. I had ended up on Frank’s lap in the middle of the kiss.

“Ahem.” The waiter coughed. We broke apart and I smiled shyly as I walked back to my seat. We chowed down on our food and finally after talking and stuff we went back home. Frank’s house I mean. I changed and went to bed. Before I went to sleep I kissed the braclet Frank gave me and then kissed Frank. I, soon after, went into a dreamless sleep. I woke up to see Frank getting dressed for school.

“Is it time to get up yet? Are we going to be late? Do I need to get up?”

“Yes. No. Probably.” I thought about what he just said trying to comprehend and it finally came. I got up and got dressed in my Dr. Pepper t-shirt, Dr. Pepper hoodie, black jeans, and black converse. I put on some black eyeliner, and put my hair in a funky ponytail.


“Feeling extra Dr. Pepper-y today?”


“Awesome. Well let’s go.”

“Alright.” I replied looking down at my braclet and walking out the door. I had been at his house so many times that I could have walked through his house blindfolded. We arrived at school and went to history. Boring. Lunch. Sasha still wouldn’t talk to me. Study hall, which was stubstituted by Mrs. Jump, which made me extremely happy. She knew what had happened too. I told her. She was the coolest teacher ever and was actually like a best friend you don’t always hang out with but still love. She knew that these last couple of days were going to be the best and the worst and wanted me to have the best time ever, therefore; she let me do pretty much whatever, which means I got to sleep on Frank’s lap during study hall and I got to sit beside Frank in graduation. Mrs. Jump was planning graduation so she let me. I crawled up in Frank’s lap and fell asleep. The bell rang 55 minutes later. We went through the rest of classes and I went back to Frank’s. Frank went over to Gerard’s house but I didn’t go. I didn’t want to go because of Sasha. I had things to do anyways. I had to make Frank’s graduation present. He finally came back and just after I had finished it.

“You doing ok?”

“Yea…” I trailed off.

“Sasha seems mad at you…why?”

“Just…it’s the fight I had with mom…she doesn’t like it either.”

“I really wish you’d tell me.”

“I’m doing you a favor by not telling you. I really want to but I just can’t.”

“So you’re never going to tell me?”

“I might but not before or during graduation or after for that matter.”


“Thank you for understanding.”

“No problem.”

The next day.

“The validictorian of the class of 1999 is Rylee Smith. Rylee, you need to make a speech so you might want to start working on that now or very soon.” Mrs. Jump announced at the graduation meeting.

“Yes, ma’am.” I replied.

“Congratulations.” Frank whispered in my ear.

“Thanks…” I whispered back. He kissed my cheek softly and we went on with the rest of the day. I had just realized something. Graduation was tomorrow! I immeadiatly got out a piece of paper starting to write my speech. I was scared to death for tomorrow.

Graduation Day.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to introduce class of 1999’s validictorian, Rylee Michelle Smith!” Mrs. Jump announced. My stomach did flips as Frank nudged me. I walked up to the platform and started to speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for coming to our graduation. I am truly honored to be in this class. There are so many people that helped me through these past couple of years. My boyfriend Frankie, Gerard the guy who is like a brother to me, Mikey, his actual brother, Ray and Bob, their band mates, Aimee, Lobita, Andrea, and most importantly besides Frank is my wonderful sister, Sasha. She has helped me through all my troubles and I mean ALL of them. She is one of the most wonderful people I know and I am proud to call her my sister. I love them and wish them the very best in everything they do. I see as this class is coming to the end and my years at Belleview high is abruptly coming to a halt that school is important to everyone in some way or another. You meet people you would have otherwise never met. You could possibly meet the love of your life as I have. You learn how to deal with hard times. I don’t know where I’d be without school. I would serioiusly probably be dead. I love my teachers and everyone around me. I wish I didn’t have to leave but everyone has to move on at some point in time. I am glad to get away from the text books but I know for a fact that I will never stop learning. I hope you all stay for the reception and welcome the class of ’99 to the world!” I yelled as everyone clapped. I was handed my diploma and went back to my seat shaking. I opened it and showed it to Frank as his name was called to get his diploma. He gave me a thumbs up and got up to receive it. Soon everyone’s name was called and I felt sick.

“Please help me welcome the Belleview High class of 1999!” Mrs. Jump shouted as we all stood up and everyone threw their hats. As soon as Frank and I had done so we pulled each other in for the most passionate kiss I had ever had in my life. Someone’s hat fell on Frank’s head and that broke us apart.

“Stupid hat.” He mumbled.

“Yea really.” It was then that I knew that I had to go.

“Are you staying for the reception?”

“Can’t. My mom said I needed to come home. I’m already in enough trouble. I don’t need to disobey her yet again.” I said giving Frank a black box with red velvet lining.

“You’re leaving?”

“Have to…I’m so sorry Frankie. Don’t forget me.” I said running off to the car, tears running down my face. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

Frank’s P.O.V.

“Have to…I’m so sorry Frankie. Don’t forget me.” She said running off. What was she talking about? How could I forget her? I was going to see her tomorrow right? I opened the box and gasped. It was notes we had passed throughout the years. I had a picture of me and her kissing. Gerard took it I think. To the top was taped the first note we ever passed. It was covered in frowny faces as a cover up. There was a tape and a note I had never seen before.

Don’t ever forget about me. I’ll keep in touch I promise. I’m going to be living in England now. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Randy got a job transfer and we needed to move. I couldn’t stop them. I couldn’t talk them out of disowning me if I didn’t move. Don’t cry or be upset over me. I’m not worth it. Don’t hesitate to call. I love you ‘til death do us part. I love you with all my heart and I will never forget you…ever. You are truly my one and only and I will love you forever.

-sincerely Rylee.

I felt as if I was going to cry right there. I tried calling her cell phone but she didn’t answer. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

Author's note: please comment? I love y'all's comments and to not get them is horrible! It's been said before but it keeps me movtivated. And normally I would love to here you guys ideas but I actually have all this planned out and yes she has to move for the story line to go like this and she can't tell Frank yet. Sorry guys but you may be happy to know that there will be at least be 60 more chapters left of this story and a possible sequel. Wasn't ending as soon as you thought huh?