Status: Enjoy :)

Reverse This Curse

Ronnie and Max

I had found the park within ten minutes and I was now sitting on a slide, eating my Sour Patch kids.
Aunt Liv called worried that I couldn’t find my way home or was abducted. I assured her I was fine and would be back soon. A junky orange car pulled up five minutes after nine. My heart sped up a bit before I recognized Ronnie as the driver. He and Max got out of the car, running up towards the playground.

“Mia?!” One of the boys called out.

They were standing right in front of the slide that I was sitting on, but they didn’t notice me. I decided to make this fun and gave myself a push, going down the slide. At the bottom, my foot kicked Max right in the butt, “What the fu-“

Ronnie laughed, “Hello, Mia!”

“That was Mia?! Fucking bitch…” Max grumbled, rubbing his butt in the spot I kicked him.

I smirked, “Nice to see you too, Maxwell.” I turned to Ronnie, “So you got the goods? My aunt is starting to think I’ve been kidnapped.”
He held them out to me and I handed him a ten-dollar bill, “Keep the change.”

He shook his head, “No, keep it. They’re on me.”

I shook my head, “No way in hell, you went out of your way to give them to me. Therefore, you are taking my money.”

He crossed his arms, “Nope.”

“I’ll take it!” Max piped up.

“Fuck you.”

“When and where?” He said seductively and winked. Ronnie whacked
him in the back of his head, “Ow!”

“Ronnie, take the money so I can go to sleep.”

He put his fingers on his chin looking deep in thought, “Aha! I have an idea!”

“…and what’s that?” By the smug look on his face, I could tell I wouldn’t like this idea.

“You and I will go out tomorrow night. To pay me back for doing this, sound good?”

“I don’t know about that…” I trailed off, looking very uncomfortable.
Ronnie’s face fell, “Oh.”

“Well it’s just… never mind. Give me your number. I can try to get out of the house tomorrow.”

His face lit up like fucking Christmas lights, “Okay!” He took a pen out of his back pocket and wrote his number on the inside of my arm along with his name and smiley face. As he pulled back he left a light kiss on my forearm, “See you tomorrow, Mia.”

“See ya, Mia.” Max and Ronnie left, but the blush didn’t leave my cheeks. I watched them drive off in the orange car, only to stop two houses down and get out.

Ronnie saw me watching and waved, “Mia, come here!” I walked over two houses, confused. “This is my house,” He pointed to the house whose driveway we were standing in.

“How convenient,” I laughed, “If only my house were this close.”

“Is it far? Do you want a ride?”

“It’s only two blocks, I’ll be fine. You’ve done so much for me already.”

“It’s fine, Mia. Plus, it’s dark and scary!”

“Says you!” I interjected.

“It’s not like we want to go in that shithole of a house anyway,” Max said, gesturing to the dumpy, typical looking desert house, “We try to stay out as long as we can.”

I sighed, “Fine, but I don’t think my aunt will like that I’m getting a ride home from two boys I met less than an hour ago.”

“We’ll drop you off a few houses down if you want.”

I nodded, “Sounds good. Let’s go.”