Just Let Me Go

Nice To Feel Alone...Isn't It?

~~~Tony's P.O.V.~~~
"Damn straight, now put Mike on." I flinch at the harshness in her voice. She doesn't even want me to help her? Wow...
I hand the phone to Mike. "Hello?" He sighs, "Jesus, where are you?...Christ. I'll be right there." He goes to hang up, but stops. "Yeah?"
His face changes. It goes from annoyed to worried. "What's happening?" Vic asks.
"Anastasia! Anastasia, I'm on my way. Hold on!" He yells into the phone before running out the door.
I chase after him. "What the hell is going on, Mike?"
"She got fucking jumped. I told her not to go to that side alone, and what does she do? She goes all a-fucking-lone."
Vic runs behind me, then past to go with Vic. My feet are stuck. They aren't moving. Why aren't they moving? "Tony!" Stephanie shrieks.
"Where do you think you're going?"
I turn around to face her. "What do you mean?"
"I said, where do you think you're going? Are you really going to leave me here for that girl?"
Jaime walks past her with one of the most annoyed looks I've ever seen, he's biting his cheek--clearly--to probably not say anything to her. I don't blame him. "You know what, my BEST friend is hurt somewhere and you want me to stay here with you? You're kidding me right? Do you know how selfish that is?"
"Well what am I supposed to do?" she whines.
I shrug. "Maybe stop being conceited? You have a car, go somewhere else then."
She huffs then goes inside to get her things. I wait until she gets in her car before going to Mike's. My mind is going a mile a minute, my leg won't stop shaking. I just want to make sure she's okay. How did she get the alcohol? She's underaged. There's no way....I smack my forehead.
"What?" Mike asks looking at me.
"She got it from the party."
"Got what?"
"The alcohol. That's the only place she had access to that would have alcohol."
"Where would she have hid it?"
"Not her car."
We both try to think. Suddenly, Mike hits the steering wheel. "That fucking purse! It's so God damn big, she can hide like six kids in it!"
I try not to laugh at that part. It's no surprise that the girl loves kids, so we joke--well, for me joked--with her about her love for them and call her a pedo. She laughs--again, for me, laughed.
Vic sits in the back with Jaime. Both of them look pale, as I probably do right now. What made her go drinking? What made her go to that side of town? Did she want to die? No...that can't be it, otherwise she wouldn't have called....Right?
Mike's driving gets worse when he's in a rush, I swear. I've never seen him go this fast around corners, or go through as many stop signs and red lights as he has right now. It's crazy how we haven't gotten pulled over yet. I'm seriously shocked. And the fact that my head almost went through the windshield due to his abrupt stop.
I look out the window and see Anastasia's car. I also see her shoe peeking out from behind the wheel. Without wasting anymore time, I jump out of the car and run faster than I've ever ran before in my life to her. She lays on the ground bruised heavily. I can hear her crying...my heart's breaking.
"Anastasia, it'll be okay. We're here." I whisper to her.
"Yeah, I'm here. Can you stand."
I try to look at her face, but she hides it in her arms even more. "Yeah. Please get Mikey, I don't want anyone else to see me."
I flinch again. What's with her and Mike getting all buddy-buddy? Why doesn't she want me to help her to the car?
"Hey, sweetie, can you get up?"
I turn at the sound of Mike's voice. He kneels besides her, then leans closer to her face as she whispers in his ear. He takes off his hoodie and gives it to her. Way to go, Tone, why didn't you do that? She puts the hood up over her face, then sits up, looking down at the ground.
There's a small pool of blood from where her head used to be.
"Anastasia, what the hell were you thinking coming down here?"
She keeps her head down, but responds to Mike. "I don't know."
"You must know something, you came down here."
"I don't. I came down here to--"
"What? Drink your day away? Do you realize that whoever those people were could've killed you? Or raped you for that matter! WHAT the hell were you thinking?"
"I needed to get away."
"From who?"
She looks up at me and I can see a faint hint of tears in her eyes. "People."
That's when it hits me. She ran out almost immediately after Stephanie and I entered the room. I kissed her last night...there has to be more. There just has to.
"And the drinking? Are you still drunk?"
"What do you think? I mean, I puked half of the shit up."
"Under the car."
"So that's what smells like absolute shit. I thought it was Tony."
She laughs a little. "That'd be a good guess."
I glare at Mike. "I always smell good!"
"Liaaaarrrr. Liiar!"
"I hate you all." I turn around and cross my arms. "You're all soooo mean to me."

~~~Anastasia's P.O.V.~~~

"Tone, help me up."
He turns back to face me. "What?"
"Help me up, please."
Tony practically knocks me over because he moved so fast, but he picks me up nonetheless and carries me to the car. I can walk, so I don't get why he didn't just take my hand and pull up. He opens the door to the front seat and lets me sit there, then goes into the back. Mike walks over with my keys. Guess I dropped them.
"Who's gonna drive her car? I'm not leaving it here and risking the chance that her rims get stolen."
"I'll go." Tony gets out, grabs the keys. "Do you mind if I stop somewhere first before going back to the house?"
I shake my head. "Go for it."
"Okay." He gives Mike a look, who nods in return, then goes to my car. I watch him speed out of the parking lot area. "Okay, lets get going."
He gets in and starts the car. The scenery blurs. Mike's speeding again. Go figure. This boy has a need for speed and--oh look, just went through a red light--weed. He only smokes that occasionally....like whenever there's a big ass party. And not just the "big" hundred people one, the BIG I-don't-know-ANY-of-these-people ones. He's lucky he hasn't gotten pulled over yet.
When we get to the house, Mike stops the car. Vic and Jaime go inside, but Mike sits in the car with me. "Anastasia, what did you drink?"
"Two whiskeys and a vodka."
"Guess we should call you, 'Whiskey Queen' or something weird like that." He chuckles a little, but I know he's about to lower a bomb. "Why so much?"
"To forget."
"Forget what?"
'What I feel. Mike, Tony told me he loved me last night, he kissed me, too, which Stephanie saw. But I kissed back....and I told him I loved him, too. I knew he wouldn't remember today, but...part of me was hoping he would. When we woke up, we talked for a little--like old times--but then Stephanie walked in, accused, I shut the accusations down, went downstairs, they argued and then Tony yelled that 'it was just a kiss, it meant nothing', said he loved her, she said to tell me to leave or her, and I walked out after I called her a bitch and said that he doesn't have to tell me. It hurts, Mike. I know he loves me, but not the same as I love him. Not anymore. I fucked it up, he moved on, and now I'm stuck. My fault."
"Hey, hey, hey, shush. Don't say that. I get that it hurts. Love is never on the same page, I swear. This happened to me before. It'll get better one day."
I get out of the car and slam it shut. 'You know, people always tell me that. So far it's gotten worse and worse. I'm done believing that."
I walk into the house and go into Mike's room to sleep, but the door slams shut behind me. I turn and see Mike, he's furious. "See, this is the part of you that pisses me the fuck off! You give up on things too easily! Dammit, Anastasia, do you even listen to yourself?"
"Do YOU even listen to ME? Jesus, Mike, I'm so fucking done with everything! I just want to lay around and sleep. Sleep is the only damn thing that keeps me fucking living at this point because I can get away from all the fucking bullshit around me! Do you know how many times in the past year I've considered killing myself? Ten. One of them being earlier today, but I stopped. Wanna know why? Because I figured that I deserve to feel the pain I feel because I'm the screw up. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore, and I don't want to hurt you, Vic, and Jaime." I begin to cry, but I keep going. "Life after high school hasn't gotten any better! The one person that I felt loved me affectionately can't even be in the same room as me pretty much because of his girlfriend. His girlfriend is a poisonous bitch that hates my guts, ridicules me, and belittles me. But I try to put up with it! Why? For Tony! I'm hurting myself just by being around him because I don't want him to fade out of me life. If I lose him, I'll lose it! I'll be so fucking gone that I may actually go and do something stupid!" Take a deep breath, Anastasia, go on. "I've been trying to stop cutting, which Vic thinks I've stopped, but dear JESUS I haven't! I can't face him and tell him that to his face because it'll crush him. CRUSH him. I don't want to hurt anyone but myself because no one else deserves to feel my pain. Today I turned to the bottle because I didn't want to cut it out, I wanted to feel like the worthless piece of shit I am and join in on the thing that drives me to hate myself every fucking day! I pointed out all the things that are wrong with me--and there's a lot--and thought about jumping into that river. Lexie wanted me to kill myself, did I ever tell you that?" He just stands there staring at me, "Guess not. I almost did it so many times, but I was always around you guys. ALWAYS. So I never got the chance. Now I wished I did. I wished I told you guys I was sick, one day, and just ended everything. I'm breaking, and no one has done anything to help me. What the hell am I supposed to do by myself? I make it so much worse!"
"You know what we're going to do?" He's clenching his fists tightly, his knuckles are starting to turn white, and he's gritting his teeth. "You're going to stay here, and I'll be right back."
He storms out of the room, slamming the door on his way out.
I sink to the ground. That's all he had to say? Maybe I'm right, maybe I am the only one who wants me to fight for my life. I will myself up, and go to the window. The roof seems like a good place to be. I climb onto the roof and lay on my back. Nice to feel alone...isn't it?

~~~Mike's P.O.V.~~~

I stomp down the stairs and grab my keys. Vic and Jaime look up from magazines. "Where are you going?"
"To find Tony. And I swear to God if he's at the bitch's house, I will fucking kill him on the spot."
I shut the door behind me. I kick the side of my car, then get in. I'm pretty sure I dented the shit out of it. But I don't care. Not right now. What I care about is confronting Tony, and making him feel like a dick for hurting Anastasia like this. But first...
"Where. The. Fuck. Are. YOU?" I send him.
If he doesn't respond, he's at her house. And I WILL kill him, no doubts about it.

~~~Tony's P.O.V.~~~

I sit in Stephanie's driveway. There are two cars there. One being hers, the other...I've never seen it before in my life. Everything in me flips, she's cheating again. I can just tell. I get out of the car and walk up to her door. Before I have the chance to knock, though, it opens. A guy that looks to be twenty-three stands there, Stephanie by his side in a short, satin robe. When she sees me, her jaw drops.
"I fucking knew it. You know what, Stephanie?"
"Tony, baby, I--"
"No, save the shit! I'm done with you. I'm so fucking stupid for giving you so many chances, but you know what? Not after this. We're through. I'm breaking up with you, and that's that."
She begins to cry, and clings to the guy next to her. I get back into Anastasia's car and zoom down the street. That fucking bitch. That FUCKING bitch. At a stop sign, I check my phone.
"Where. The. Fuck. Are. YOU?"
I text Mike back. "Going to my house to burn a few things." It's true. I'm going to burn everything that bitch gave me.
"Good. Mom have work today?"
"I'll be right over."
I hurry to my house and start a fire in the backyard. Rushing into my room, I get all of the shit that I've collected over the past few years from her. I don't know why I never got rid of most of it after our other breakups, I just didn't. Perfect. Five shirts, five hats, five pants, a few stuffed animals...perfect fuel. I go outside and toss them all in the fire.
"You fucking little bitch!"
I turn around and see Mike standing there. When he gets closer he punches me. "What the hell was that for?"
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Hi ._.

MWhahahahaha you'll just have to see what happens next update >:)