The Mess I Made.


Emilia knew she was having a nightmare because for werewolves senses were not alert during sleep therefore smells could not be sensed, but this was different. She was having a nightmare of a flashback, and those were different. She could smell everything and sense all of the pain and agony from all those years ago…

Seven Years Ago

I couldn't breath. My chest felt as if it had collapsed in, my lungs were straining for air that they couldn't find. I didn't understand what was happening as I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling that seemed to be moving. Tears rolled out of the corners of my eyes as I laid there, incapable of movement.

"Emilia? Emilia?! Sweetie wake up! Come on sweetheart mommies here!"

I felt my eyes swimming around my head, and I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. My mom kept calling my name, her partner attempting to instruct her on what to do. I closed my eyes, I just wanted it to go away.

I don't want to be here, I don't wanna be on earth anymore, I just want to go. All I ever do is upset people, and I'm losing the people that meant the most to me. Just let me die. I don't want to live, Just let me die.

Something cold and plastic was shoved into my mouth. I took a deep breath and bolted upright soon regretting the sudden movement as my head began to throb. I looked at the Sheriff, Mr. Stilinski, and to the small pump he held in his hand. Then I turned my head to my mom who knelt by my bed crying at my feet.

"I thought you were dead." She cried.

At that moment I realized how badly I wanted to be just that; dead.


"So you know your crush on Emilia is pretty obvious." Scott stated, biting back a grin.

I glared at him.

"Uh can you not?" I asked in annoyance.

He only laughed then began more banter about my apparent crush. I knew nothing of this crush he spoke about, I liked no one, girls are icky.

Well you seem to like Lydia Martin…

'Et tu conscientia?'[And you conscience?]

"You know you like her, Stiles."

I groaned loudly.

"Okay, you know what, I hate you. Oh my Goooddddd I hate you." I groaned, leaning as far as I could in my beat up jeep.

I acted like I hated everything he said, but it was why Scot was my best friend, he told me the truth. Even at times like this, when I really, really really don't want to hear it. He sighed deeply and sank lower into the drivers seat, shooting back up when he realized how dangerously low he was slouching.

"Alright, so say I do, hypothetically, like her. How would I go about that,totally hypothetically?" I asked tentatively glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

Scott grinned considerably.

"I thought you'd never ask."


"A party?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I listened to Scott's plea. Apparently some girl Stiles has had a crush on since kindergarden was having a party and Scot wanted me to accompany him to make her jealous. It seemed like a totally sticky situation that I did not want to get myself into, but at the same time I knew how bad that heartbreak felt so I felt compelled to help him. A sigh of irritation at the lack of ability I had to say no passed through my lips.

"I'll do it."

"Thanks so much, Emilia! I oh you big time!." Scott said enthusiastically before hanging up the phone in m ear.

I tossed the covers off of me and sauntered into my bathroom to shower. Once I was out of the shower I dried off and wrapped the towel around my head, not bothering to wear one around my waist considering no one stayed here. John Mayer's soothing voice rung out from my laptop while I dressed, and as I hummed along while pulling on my shirt I realized that I was actually excited to go to this party. It wasn't because I had nothing to do other mope in my room and avoid Derek, really fight to keep myself from talking to him, but it was because I really enjoyed Stiles and Scott's company. I smiled as I applied an ample amount of lipstick then through it into my purse I put my ray-bans on. But of course as I walked out Derek was leaning against my door frame. He did a double take at me then stood straight.

"Derek, lets just get one thing straight. I am not the girl you used to know who would let you step on me like a rug, I'm better than that and now I know better than that. I now you're used to getting what you want from me, but not anymore okay?"

"Emilia, I just want to talk to you, do you even know what happened to my family? To Laura?"

"Yes, Derek, I found out yesterday. Everyday I'm founding out new things that I didn't know and here you are at my door when I get home almost everyday! It's overwhelming, Derek. I need some time to think."

"I've given you time, this is the first time we've even spoken face to face."

"That's not time, Derek! And I don't want to hear you say how sorry you are for choosing Kate over me just so you can win me back. I'm not a second choice!"

"But you could be my second chance."

Without thought I pushed him causing him to stumble.

"I cannot stand you, Derek." I seethed then turned running down the hall to the elevator to make a quick escape. Once I reached the lobby and figured he wasn't following me anymore I had a sigh relief then slowly walked to my car.


"Smooth move, Casanova." Peter said as he gloated from the doorway.

I growled glaring up at him.

"And I suppose you have a better plan?" I gritted out.

"Yes, it's called give the girl sometime to think by disappearing for about a week then come back to whoo her with romance. Honest romance. Besides why do you want to be with her so bad anyway?"

I dusted stray dirt off of myself fro the dusty carpeted floor then looked him in the eyes.

"She's my mate, Peter. I have to try to get her back before she falls for someone else." I said muttering the last part although I knew he still heard me.

"Well then that could pose a bit of a problem, but you've known that since you were younger haven't you?" He asked , head tilted.

I nodded.

"I tried so hard to live a normal human life when I was younger although I knew it was impossible-"

"Well I wouldn't say it was impossible, Scott does it pretty well."

I glared at him a gain.


"At the time I assumed it was impossible, but still I tried. Being normal didn't include having a mate to me so I ignored every feeling I had for her and ended up falling for Kate."

"Ah the psychopath I killed."

"Coming from another psychopath that's not saying much." I said with brows raised.

"Well Derek since we want to be snarky I'll tell you the truth, the chances of you gaining that girls love and trust back are 0 to none. You have a nice day, Nephew." He sneered before closing and locking the door.

I really want to rip his throat out… with my teeth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Emilia King

Just a short update before my life ends while watching Motel California tonight :'( So many feels.




The song in the discretion inspired Emilia's outfit, doesn't actually have anything to do with the story though.