The Mess I Made.


Emilia K.

When I woke this morning I had many mixed emotions. I had spent so much time hating Derek that I didn't know what to do with myself now, I felt no purpose I guess. I also felt bad for Stiles, he'd been calling, but I couldn't answer. I couldn't tell him the truth about me letting Derek back in and I also couldn't reciprocate his feelings, he was far too young. With a sigh I rolled off of my bed and onto the floor then pushed off to get up and get ready for the day. I was too old to continue hiding in my room every time something went wrong. I grabbed my phone and walked to the bathroom.

10 voicemails and 13 messages, sheesh.

As I stood in the bathroom I pressed the speaker on my phone and played my voicemails. a couple were from my mom checking up on me, but most were from Stiles and Derek. Majority of the texts were from Stiles and Scott.

Stiles: Emilia I hope I didn't make you feel awkward.

Are you hiding from me?

Hi, Hello, Stiles here can you uh answer.


Are you alive? I am concerned.

That was me trying to be adult like.

I'm seriously going to get Scott to break your door down if you don't answer.

Alright, K, Cool don't answer me.

I kid, I kid Please answer... I miss you.

Scott: Stiles is going crazy without you please answer him.

He's trying to convince to go to your door to see if I hear you breathing.


I laughed and shook my head then sent a group message saying that I was alive and well and that I just needed some time to myself so I could think, then I hopped into the shower. After I showered I changed into some comfortable clothes then put on some makeup because after being in the apartment for three days I wanted to look pretty. After I was one dressing I grabbed my bag and slipped out of the door... only to come face to face with Derek. I sighed and slumped against the doorway.

"I was just checking on you..."

"Yeah, well thanks, but I'm not a damsel in distress." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

Derek rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

"That's not what I'm saying, Emilia, and you know that." He growled.

I frowned and looked at the ground.

"Why do you always have to start an argument with me? I'm trying to be better and to make up everything I've done to you, but you make it so damn hard."

My frown deepened and I looked up into his green eyes.

"Because you and Stiles make it hard to choose. I don't want to hurt either of you and I can't not hurt either of you if I choose." I mumbled, although I kew he'd heard it anyway.

He furrowed his brows.

"We know that, Emilia, we knew that from the start."

"But I knew who I wanted from the start." I said quietly, my voice was barely above a whisper.

His eyes widened a little.

" I still wear this stupid ring every day, I can't stop thinking that some of this is my fault you know? Maybe if I'd fought a little harder for you back then instead saying woe is me all the time maybe we'd be together. I've loved you for so long, but when I look at Stiles all I see is me at his age-"

"I already knew you loved him."

I turned around in surprise to see Stiles standing behind me with a small smile. He bit his lip and looked down.

"I have this habit of falling on love with girls that are in love." He said with a chuckle, I frowned.

"And I really don't know when to back off... because despite hearing the words come out of your mouth, I still feel what I feel for you and I don't plan to give up."


My eyes widened considerably.

'What the hell does that mean, Stiles? She loves me just give up.' I thought to myself in frustration.

Emilia stared at him and bit her lip. I could tell she was thinking about the whole situation deeply and that worried me a lot.

"You two can figure this out between one another, I... I can't deal with this stress anymore. I just need to think about things." Emilia said before ducking her head and scurrying out.

"Stiles, what the hell?" I growled feeling the alpha rise within me.

Stiles clenched his jaw and ran a hand over his face. He walked up to Derek then put a finger in his face.

"This is the issue I have with my love life, the assholes that the girls have dated! Do you even love her, Derek?!"

"Why do you care so much?!" I growled inches from his face.

"She needs someone to love her, Derek! And from what I've heard, you had your chance and let it slip away for a girl who lit your family on fire." Stiles exclaimed angrily, but as he saw the wounded look on the alpha's face, he wished he'd never said it.

That one dug deep.

"That's why I need her, Stiles. She's all I've got…" I pleaded.

He gave me a stern look.

"You should've thought about that before, she'll choose who she chooses, all is fair in love and war."

With that he turned and walked down and out of the corridor.

I slumped against the door and put my head in my hands.

What the hell have I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
Emilia K.

How have you guys been?! It's been awhile haha sorry :(
How are you guys enjoying teen wolf so far? And the hottie freshman haha I need to make Jeff Davis my match maker!
Also if you're tired of me you guys should go check out this story : Project Virgin because it is only on part 2 and I already love it! I also have been writing an original fiction myself. It was a NANOWRIMO project, but I'm thinking about making it a mibba story since it's only 5000 words so far. Tell me what you guys think! Ye or Ne on posting?

Gabriella Simington