Status: Yes, an Oli Sykes Fan Fic! In progress!

What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces?

I thought I buried you and covered the tracks

The days were edging by, and my excitement did not cease to back down. I had honestly never met a band in my entire life! It'd be a really great experience, and one I could tell stories about for the years to come. It didn't matter what band it was! I loved music either way. But knowing Hot Topic, they booked a well known band. Or at least one that Hot Topic endorsed a lot. Either way, it still didn't matter. I know Monica was rooting for Sleeping with Sirens to come, that was her dream band to meet.

Our excitement never affected our work. We wouldn't let it. But we couldn't help sneaking looks at each other every now and then. It was just so hard to keep the excitement from showing. Us being music junkies, this was something to look forward to. A bonus to working in the store.


Our boss was kind enough to let me and Monica off early the day the band was coming. All we had to do was set up and make some sells before they came, and our replacements for the day would come in around twelve. The band would be here till closing. So plenty of time to really meet the band. All the workers had to come in and at least meet them. It was the talk of the day, and customers were starting to linger in the store. It was getting close to that time when the band would come in.

They'd be coming in from the front. Not like I would be able to see them right away, the customers were starting to accumulate and crowd around the counter. Monica, on the other hand, would be able to see them coming. She was on floor duty; fixing the shirts, checking everything in stock, and greeting people. In a way, I envied her luck. But patience is a virtue that I have learned to strengthen.

I knew the band was approaching because the girls around the counter started getting those high pitched, excite squeaky voices. The music was to loud for me to actually hear the girls name the band. But it's okay, I could wait longer. Besides, I had to do my job before I could even fan girl over the band. I just couldn't help trying to sneak peaks of the band. But figures, they would set up in the front.


The few hours I had to work went by fairly quickly. I had to go clock out first before I got to meet the band, And from the looks of it, they hadn't finished setting up either. I noticed the same girls from a few hours earlier were still here, and the body guards were not letting anybody near them just yet. I went to a nearby stall and changed out of my work clothes into something casual; skinny jeans and a band tee. I kept my hair swept up and wrapped in a red bandana. I just touched up my make up and changed my lip ring.

Monica finally came in the back to clock out. Her face was gleaming and she was pretty much out of breath. "I'm not gonna tell you who the band is, just so you can be even more surprised!"

I rolled my eyes. "Is it even a band I like?"

She was stumped for a minute. "Actually, you have never expressed a like in this band." She shrugged and went to go change.

I shook my head is amusement. Soon, music was playing that I assumed was the band's song. Girls were squealing and I could see camera lights going off. It was time to meet and greet! I put my workers pass around my neck and slowly made my way to the band. I was all smiles. My excitement was getting the best of me. I could feel my legs going jelly like, and the feeling of butterflies in my tummy. My hands were shaky and it took all I had to keep my composure. It felt like I was walking in slow motion as I approached the band.

Then, I saw his face. That one face I thought I'd never have to look again. His eyes met mine, and my world just stopped. Everything I thought I buried came back. All the emotions; anger, sadness, and hurt. My heart literally dropped. Oliver Sykes stood right before me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, sorry it was so short! But I honestly felt like this was a good place to stop the chapter. Wonder what Scarlett will do? I'd like to thank all 37 readers who actually have stopped by my story and are reading it! And 11 subscribers! I'm amazed! It might not seem like a lot to some people, but it is to me! It's given me hope for this story! So feel free to comment! ^-^ Thank you everybody who has continued reading this, even if it's starting out lame!