Welcome to My Life

6th grade

August 31, 2008
I am so excited! The move from Cleveland is all done, and school is in mere days! I can't wait to meet people and make friends! I need to start getting to my school schedule, so I'm heading to bed.

September 3 (Before school)
Here I go, first day at middle school! Oh boy, I'm not sure if I can even stay calm! Bye!
Wow, I'm small. These kids appear to know each other already, and I seem to be the only one left out without a friend. My classes seem fun and exciting, but lunch is a disaster. Eating alone is never any fun, I need to find people!

October 25
It's my birthday! I still don't have any friends to celebrate with, but it's ok because Mom, Rob and I are going out to a nice dinner! 12, finally! I can't even believe it...it's too much!

December 10
People are finally noticing me, but I'm not sure that it's the kind that I want...In class, people give me strange looks, and at lunch, sometimes people glance at me, talk to everyone at their table, and laugh. It can't be me, though...I was doing nothing funny...still, this troubles me, so I guess we'll see.

December 12
I'm so sad right now! I was riding my bike, and those boys who were laughing came up on me, and pushed me off! They called me a freak, and ran away. What did I do? Recently, everyone at school has been making fun of me, and I don't know why...they call me ugly, freak, and stupid. I am a nice guy, get perfect grades, and no different from anyone else, so why does everyone act like this? I feel like I could cry...

January 2
I had a nice holidays, I visited my family in Cleveland. But when I went back to school, it all started again, the name calling, the abuse. What have I done to deserve this? And why has nobody come to help? The school has a "no bullying" policy, so how am I the exception? Maybe this is just a misunderstanding...I want to talk to someone, but I don't know who.

February 1
Why won't they stop!? No person deserves this! They seek me out in groups, and I can do nothing to stop them. Nobody has ever taken the time to talk to me, yet the rumors about me skyrocket. I'm a complete loser, yet I have everyone's attention. My grades have been slipping, and I'm not sure how much longer I can go on. I try to keep my sadness from my parents, but I think they are noticing something is wrong.

April 5
I think that the reason that everyone hates me is because nobody knows me! There is a kickball program coming up, I think that I may join! Hopefully I can meet somebody nice finally,all my peers can't be THAT bad, can they?

May 13
I can't stop crying right now! Today in kickball, someone kicked the ball, and it went right into my face! Everyone on the field was laughing at me! Why don't they understand how wrong this is! I need to let them know that this is NOT ok to do, and that I am a person, too, with feelings, fragile at that...

June 8
This is hands down the worst day of my life! Some kid punched me in the face, and proceeded to grab onto me, so I pushed him off. The principal had just walked into the hall when I pushed, and he instantly suspended me due to the "no bullying" policy without even listening to me. This is the first time I have ever been in trouble. I hate this school! The people in it, and the building itself. I kind of want to die...

July 1
Maybe it was all my fault after all. I mean, a whole school population can't be wrong against 1 person. I don't know what I ever did, but I guess it was something...I'll try to enter next year with a smile and cheery attitude. I'm not sure that these will be completely real, though. I want to fix this!
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This is just a summary of the year, a whole lot of details were missing.