My Summer Love

Chapter 2

So it turns out that Max’s idea of a great summer time adventure for the day was to go down to the beach and hang out at the boardwalk pretty romantic right? Wrong. Max was only interested in swimming and getting on rides it was like we were five years old again. I can’t believe that I have this huge crush on this guy who acts like such a kid.
“El come on! Let’s get on the tilt-a-whirl!” Max exclaimed grabbing my hand and laughing as he pulled me towards the surprisingly empty ride. I couldn’t help but notice that there was a little mischief in his eyes. Max was a very reckless person and it definitely was only going to get worse this summer because neither of our parents were here to monitor us.
“You’re so annoying you know that?” I just whispered into his ear as we waited for the attendant to let us on the ride and just as we were about to get let in I got lost in his deep blue eyes and I felt like I was swimming in my own ocean.
“You ready to go?” Max asked never even daring to break our eye contact. Did Max just really notice me?! No not at all, I can’t even think like that I mean this guy has to have a girlfriend. How can he just be this hot and sweet and perfect and not have a girlfriend?
“Yea”, I responded but I hope he didn’t hear the tinge of sadness I added to it.
I don’t think that Max was aware of my feelings because just then he grabbed my hand and ran for the nearest seat. Waiting for the ride to start was really awkward because of our eye exchange (if you could call it that) before. But once the ride got going it was like we were children all over again, and that was why I loved Max; it doesn’t matter how old he is, he will always be a kid on the inside.
“So what do we do now?” Max asked as we exited the ride, his voice was coated with the thickest coat of sexiness I’ve heard in all my life.
“I don’t know, let’s go home I guess?” I asked hoping that he wouldn’t hear the hint of tiredness that somehow engulfed my voice. Max had this crazy gift for sensing all of my feelings except my love for him. Pretty ironic right?
“Well, we can always go back to the house and watch those stupid ‘80s movies you like”, he said it with a light coat of fatigue in his voice and I could tell we were definitely going home.
Our drive back to the house was long and quiet considering Max loved taking the scenic route all the time. The only sound was coming through the radio, which was playing all the top summer hits like usual. Just as “Come and Get it” by Selena Gomez I glanced over at Max at I saw that his fatigue was starting to het to him. But all I could do was stare at him, he was just so beautiful even tired.
“Hey, um, do you like want me to drive? I mean you look pretty tired and stuff”, I don’t know if it was the need to start a conversation or the fact that I was really concerned about Max, I mean I did love the guy but I was never genuinely concerned about him. But that was only because he was always responsible regardless of how stupid and actually reckless he was.
“Nah, I got it El. I’m just a little tired you know? College is hard with all the classes and stuff.” He said it with such a calm resolve almost as if he wasn’t fazed by his fatigue.
“I bet the girls are crazy, but I wouldn’t know I’m only a junior in high school”’ I responded with a tinge of sadness in my voice and I think Max picked up on it like he usually does.
“Don’t even say that El. If it’s any consolation you’re much prettier than any of the other girls on my campus. Plus you don’t have that whole I wanna party and get drunk attitude” Max was talking to me with a flirtatious tone almost as if he actually meant that as a compliment. That wasn’t what I wanted either, it only hurt me more because on the inside I knew none of it was genuine.
“You of most people should know that I hate being called pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, or any of those names” I snapped back partially because I was telling him the truth and also because it hurt to have Max give me one of his half fast comments.
"Why?” Max asked sounding surprisingly genuine like I had shocked him.
“Max, I’m not pretty that’s all. I’m far from it to be honest,” I finally confessed. It seemed to relieve me from feeling like I wasn’t good enough for him, almost as if I had come to terms that guy like Max would never want me. And as I said it Max looked at me and responded with saying “ El you and I both know that isn’t true.” And he took my hand. The rest of the car ride we sat in silence not knowing where we were headed.
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I hope I'm getting better with this... Please leave comments for me to get better. Thanks guys!