My Summer Love

Chapter 3

The night was amazing, Eleanor and I headed home after spending a majority of the afternoon at the boardwalk. I knew Eleanor was tired and I mean I was too after driving all the way from New Jersey to the Hamptons on barely even two hours of sleep. To be honest I was falling asleep at the wheel but the only thing that was keeping me up was knowing that Eleanor was staring intently at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. Our car ride was really awkward, I usually always knew how to read Eleanor’s emotions but for some reason I couldn’t tell whether she was being sarcastic or if she was actually flirting with me. Regardless we headed home and watched movies from the 80’s, which I knew Eleanor loved.
“I think we spend too much time together”, she said at the end of Pretty in Pink. Eleanor turned towards me and all I caught was a slight breeze of her Paris Amour perfume she always wore.
“Nah, I don’t think so I mean we only spend summer together. It’s like we are a couple during the summer you know?” I couldn’t believe that slipped out of my mouth after I realized that I had said it. Did I just cross the lines of our friendship (even if you called it a friendship at this point)? If I knew Eleanor, whom I did, then I would know that she would flip at any thought of a relationship with me or any other guy for that matter. Eleanor hated relationships; she never really liked to make it seem as if she was dependent upon a certain guy.
“WHAT?” Eleanor snapped back. I didn’t utter a sound I just stayed frozen and that’s pretty funny considering in all the love stories it’s the girl that cant seem to come up with anything to say at certain times. I just sat there with Eleanor’s full body now turned towards me with shock splattered all over her face.
“Max, what did you just say?” she asked. Eleanor seemed quite pissed if I may say so myself and part of me was proud of making her this angry; I always thought she was so much hotter when she was really pissed off at me.
“I just said that we are like a couple during the summer”, I responded quite meekly. The way I acted around Eleanor was beyond stupid. I mean like Eleanor is so mature for her age and to a degree so am I but whenever I’m around her I meal tint a complete kid. It’s like being around Eleanor makes me want to turn back time, although I’m not that much older than she is.
“Max, we will never be a couple. I’m not good enough for you and you and I both know it” El replied with tears starting to fill her eyes. I hated the fact that she thought she wasn’t good enough for me. I wonder how she would feel if I told her I had brushed off every girl on campus because none of them matched up to her beauty and personality. I wonder if she knew that I never went out to parties or clubs or even drank my first beer because I wanted to do all of that with her. I wondered if Eleanor even knew that being separated from her for eight months hurt my heart so bad. But of course Eleanor knew nothing of this because she refused to believe that guys like me could even remotely like her. Eleanor really didn’t know how beautiful she was.
“Listen I’m not going to argue with you at all. I’m going to bed, I’ll see you in the morning”, I had to walk away before I really let all my feelings out and possibly ruin the fragments of the actual friendship we have left.

When I woke up the next morning, the house was oddly quite and I couldn’t help but remember what happened last night, the way I almost fully told Eleanor how I feel about her. I had come to terms that I couldn’t tell her my feelings because that would only drive her away more. I had to keep quite and enjoy having her close to me and I had to enjoy the summer months we spent together. As sleep was starting to wrap its arms around me again, I heard a knock at my door. When I got up and opened it Eleanor was standing there in her pajamas (if you could call them that). She was wearing the tiniest shorts known to man and a tank top with her hair the exact same way she had it earlier.
“El it’s like 4:30 in the morning what are you doing up?” I already knew the answer to that question; it was because there was a thunderstorm outside. Eleanor was deathly afraid of thunderstorms as most girls are.
“I couldn’t sleep because of the rain. And I know you’re mad at me but can I crash with you?”
“Yea just climb in”, I said pulling back the sheets. Eleanor climbed in just as I lay on my side facing her. Truthfully, as children we slept facing each other because we would talk our ears off until we fell asleep. But this time was different; instead of facing me Eleanor pressed her whole body up against mine and I wrapped my arm around her and then it came to my realization that Eleanor and I were, we were, spooning… What has our relationship come to? Before this summer Eleanor was a crush, just a girl I would think about but I knew that she would never want me. But now I think I’m in love with this girl, I don’t think I could live another day with knowing that if I didn’t make her mine she had the ability to be someone else’s girlfriend.
“Yea? What’s on your mind Max? Is it still that couple thing? Because I mean we do act like one…” I loved it when she babbled she had no clue what to say to me I must have really flustered her this time.
“Ummm… yea kind of. I just didn’t mean to make things weird between us but I don’t think that’s a problem anymore considering you’re in my bed during a rain storm” I chuckled as I said the last bit It was just too funny, Eleanor can be mad at me one minute but she can also come running scared to me the next minute.
“ No you did the right thing Max. If we are going to spend the whole summer together then we have to get our feelings for each other straight. Which is why I’m going to do this..” as Eleanor said the last couple of words she turned around to face me brushing away the curls from her face and she slowly kissed me. HOLY SHIT! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Eleanor, Eleanor Jefferson just kissed me! The girl I have been crushing on since forever finally kissed me!
“I think my feelings for you are crystal clear right now”, Eleanor whispered in the sexiest voice I have ever heard her speak in, only inches away from my face. I didn’t know how to respond so instead of responding I kissed Eleanor passionately and hugged her close to my body.
“Hold on max,” Eleanor said looking up at me, “Now that we clearly have something going on I don’t think I should be sleeping in the same bed with you. I’m gonna head back to my room. I’ll turn on some music or something,” she said as she kissed me one last time and climbed out of my bed shivering as my A.C. hit her.
“No El, listen whatever you wanna call what we have going on is obviously there so I’m not going to let you be scared tonight. Here, take the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor, I have an extra throw in my closet anyway”, I truly cared about El and I didn’t want her hiding under her comforter the rest of the morning.
“I knew I liked you for a reason”, she said smiling at me lying in my bed. I climbed out of my bed and lay on the floor right next to El.
“Our parents should be proud that they raised us properly,” Eleanor laughed. God I loved her laugh.
“I wouldn’t be sleeping on the floor if you never kissed me up until ten minutes ago we would still be sleeping in the same bed.”
“Then why don’t we? I mean you have self control and so do I. So why aren’t we sleeping in the same bed?” was Eleanor really asking me why I wasn’t in bed with her right now?
“El I will tell you exactly why I’m not in bed with you right now. It’s because you are barely wearing pants and you are wearing a barely there tank top. Don’t get me wrong I know its summer but I don’t think I could sleep with you in the same bed for three hours without something going wrong.”
“Aw Max! I didn’t really think about the way I dressed in front of you, I guess I never really though about how my clothing options affected your male mind”, Eleanor laughed as she said it almost as if she never thought I had feelings for her.
“You mean to tell me that during all the summers we spent here it never crossed your mind that I had feelings for you? Or that I was affected by the way you dressed? Or that I was jealous of every single guy that would take you out?” the revelation of all these things truly perplexed me. I knew Eleanor didn’t pick up on many things but I thought that she would have picked up on everything that came to me.
“No not at all, like I have told many other people, I never really thought that hot guys like you would even look my way at times”
“So you find me hot huh? No wonder you want me in that bed”
“Might as well, its not like I don’t know you” I couldn’t help but laugh at the way she said it like I was an already explored piece of land.
“Since you won’t come up here am I free to fall asleep for the rest of the morning?”
“Yup” by the time I finished pronouncing the p I heard El softly snoring. She had the comforter up to her eyes because of the storm and even in that frightened position she looked like an angel, my angel to be exact.