Finding Forever


I examined my surroundings, looking for something familiar. The stone walls were covered in drawings and paintings; above a grand fireplace was a timeworn painting of a beautiful young woman. She looked like… me. What the hell?

When my eyes met the man in my dream, I remembered. Zane. The corners of my mouth twitched as a smile grew on my face. That must have been a damn good party.

He smiled in return, revealing pearly fangs. My expression turned to a look of horror, my body recoiled to the other side of the bed. Disappointment played with his appearance, his smile fading to a frown. “Charlotte, you remember…” He whispered, but the words didn’t reach me.

Images of the party replayed in my head. Soft sweet kisses trailing up from my collarbone to my jawline; scorching pain as fangs penetrated my flesh. The numbing venom flowing through my veins as it replaced the blood; then blackness. Through the memories, a blaze started in the back of my throat. My hand met and curled around my neck. “What are,” my voice died from the fire. “What did you do to me?”


“She needs to feed, Zane. You brought in a newborn; you should have known she would need to feed when she woke up.” I turned to the woman who appeared at the door, arms crossed and her hip resting against the door frame. “Oh, she’s pretty cute. Where’d you find her?” She was suddenly at my side, her sapphire eyes inspecting me. Her long, dark hair tickled my arm as she leaned over my body.

“I,” He paused for a moment, probably thinking of something to tell the woman. “I found her in the human lands.”

She looked at me lovingly. “Are you alright, little one? You need some blood.” She then turned her attention to Zane, her expression changing. “You’re lucky I don’t go to the elders about this.”

Blood. fire in my throat grew hotter once she said it. A groan escaped my mouth as I thought of the sweet nectar. I wanted it. No, I needed it. “Blood…” The woman took a flask from the bag she carried. As soon as she opened it, I could smell it; lifeblood. I snatched the container from her and tipped the opening up to my mouth. It trickled down my throat, slowly extinguishing the flame.

“Is that better, Charlotte? Charlotte, that is your name, isn’t it?” The woman peered into my eyes.

“Yes.” I glanced up at Zane, who was standing on the other side of the bed motionless. Why does he keep looking at me?

“Ah, well, my name is Annesty.” She smiled.

“Annesty,” I thought for a moment. “What am I?”

“Oh, I thought you would have figured it out by now. Guess not.” She laughed. “You’re a vampire, dear.” She sat down beside me.

I’m a vampire. I’m a vampire? My fear grew, and then vanished, as I let out a laugh. “A vampire, really?” My laugh trailed off into silence as the two looked at me strangely. “You’re serious.” Suddenly I realized they were telling the truth. It explained the fire, the thirst for blood. The room was brighter than it should have been, with the only light source being the fireplace. I really am one. “Why…”

“Well,” Zane began as he sat down beside me. “I’m a prince, first in line for the throne. But before I take the crown, I need a bride.”

I wanted to ask questions. I wanted to yell and scream. I wasn’t ready for something like that. But I had no choice. So I let him speak without interruption. An occasional nod told him I was still listening.

As he spoke, someone knocked at the door. Annesty went out to see what they wanted. A few minutes later, after Zane had finished, she came back in. “Council meeting in about fifteen minutes. Zane, they want both of us there in about five.”

Zane’s eyes met mine as she spoke. “What is the meeting about?”

“Turns out that someone found about the girl. Now the elders are having a shit-fit.”

He groaned as his face filled with worry. “Charlotte, can you stay here while we’re gone?”
“Yes, I can…” I wanted to know what was going on, but I was afraid to ask.

“I think they said something about wanting to meet her after the meeting, but I’m not sure.” Annesty cracked her knuckles while she spoke. I looked at her, noticing a worried look on her face, as well. Why though? She didn’t know me very well. But she knew Zane.

And then I was alone with the artwork, and my thoughts.

I got out of bed, and then looked around the room again. There was more in here than I saw at first glance; in a corner of the room, stood an art easel. I walked over to it, and sat on the stool, in in front of a half-painted canvas. It looked like he was painting me, while I was sleeping. I giggled. “Oh, he’s sexy, and artistic.”

I stood up, and looked around the room again. Half way across the room, opposite of the bed, stood a guitar— my guitar. I sprinted over and picked it up. My baby. I pulled the strap over my head, letting it rest on my left shoulder. My left hand glided up to the instrument’s neck. I gripped it comfortably, and began playing. It was the lullaby my father used to play for me every night before bed.

I stopped playing, my hands falling to my sides. Tears threatened to spill over onto my cheeks. I shut my eyes tight. Home was hell. When my older siblings turned sixteen, everything changed. They were twins, so everything came in pairs. Cars, girlfriends, trouble. They alone tore our family part. And my parents took out their frustrations on me.

I shook the thoughts away as put the guitar back. Breathing deeply, I walked back over to the bed and sat down. I noticed a mirror beside the bed. Seeing my reflection made me think of Dracula, and vampires not having a reflection.

He must have changed my clothes when he brought me here. I was wearing a short strapless dress of mesh and solid material. It was something that would give your mother a heart attack; the crisscross detail of the black fabric barely covered certain areas. Calling it sexy would be an understatement. Considering what Annesty was wearing, it was probably so I fit in more.

I got up again to search for my old clothes, but they were gone. I did find a leather jacket and some heeled boots. Somewhat satisfied, I pulled them on, and walked around the room; finding out the door that I thought led to the hallway actually lead to another room.

It must have been a suite, because there was an addition to this room, a sitting area. It was more like a den, though. A vintage looking couch sat in one corner, with a television sitting opposite of it. Bookcases lined up against two of the walls, its shelves fully stocked with books, old and new.

At the far end of the room, there was a piano. I walked over, allowing my fingers to trail over anything I passed. Sitting on the stool, I fingered the keys, careful not to press them. The last thing I needed was a scary ass vampire in here. I shook my head. I don`t even want to know what would happen…

The thought passed as my fingers continued gliding over the black and ivory keys.

My body stiffened as the door leading into the corridor slowly swung open.
