Falling For His Heart

The Breakdown

I ran so far. So fast. I ran until my feet were sore. The rain was so loud that no one could here my crys or see the tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to hear them anymore. There screams and moans of agony. I didn't want to see their blood soaking into the carpet yet I could forget. It played in my head like and unwelcome movie.

Kane's presence woke me. He was standing over my body watching me sleep. I shot up to face him.

"Get out!" I whispered loudly. I didn't want to wake my parents. Especially with him in my room. My dad would have killed him right then and there.

"I just wanted to see you again." He whispered back knelling down next to my bed while putting his hand on my shoulder.

There was a time in my life where I needed his touch so badly. As much as I need to breath. But he cheated on me with my best friend. TWICE. Suffice to say that time had past. And there was just no frogiving that. I wanted to make him feel the pain he had caused me. I wanted to hurt him..break him.......kiss him. But instead I shrugged out of his grasp.

"You need to leave." I said getting up to find a shirt. I slept in my bra and black short shorts so it was kind of cold. Before i even made it to my closet i felt his arms snake around my waist. I couldn't move but a part of me didn't want to even try.

"I love you so much Claire Bear." His voice cracked as he said the nickname he had given me three years before. My real name was Clairabelle Masters but Kane called me Claire Bear. Only he could.

He pressed me against the wall bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Just tell me you don't feel this and I'll go." With that he pulled me into a mindblowing kiss. Hard at first but then gentle with a kind of passion i had only felt through the form of movies. In spite of everything I kissed him back. My hands were undoing his jeans whille my brains was screaming in protest.
2 hours later.........
We were laying in my bed when I heard it. The bang of the front door. Then the shouting. Yhen the gun shots. I looked at Kane. He had the same look of terror on his face that i felt in the pit of my stomach. We raced down stairs to find my parents laying on the floor in a bloody heap. I heard screaming as a ran over to their bodies cradling each of them. It took me a few minutes to realize that the screaming was coming from me. There was a man sitting in the chair across from me with a gun in his hand. As he stepped into the light I gasped. It was Kanes dad. The mayor of our town in Washington. He aimed the gun at me. I was frozen to the spot. He shot the bullet in my direction and it hit me. Well at least it would have if Kane hadn't pushed his dad to the ground. The bullet awakened my senses. I grabbed my purse, my dads over sized black rain coat and rain out the door.
End Of Flashback
I sat in the middle of an empty road not caring if i got run over or not. I just cried until the tears would no longer come. My red hair clinging to my face. It was so long that i was actually sitting on it. My eyes were closed so i didn't see the car coming down the road. But i heard it.
This is it. I'm goona die. But at least I can be with my parents again. But at the last possible second the car spun out of my way. DAMN! God really is cruel. I opened my eyes to see three guys jump out of the SUV.
"What the hell do you think your doing!" The youngest looking one wtih curly hair yelled at me.
That's when i snapped. It was all just too much.

"WELL UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG I WAS TRYING TO KILL MYSELF SO IF YOU HAD ANY MERCY AT ALL YOU WOULD GET THE FUCK BACK IN YOUR CAR AND RUN ME OVER WITH IT!!!!" I screamed not caring if they thought i was crazy or not. A fresh wave of tears came over me and i started crying. I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked up to see it was the cute curly haired boy. Oh and he just happened to be Nick Jonas. Great.
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So...... What do you think?
i know i have spelling errors but i just typed this