Falling For His Heart

The Knockout


Dear Diary,

For the last week I have been at the Jonas' place in California. They took me with them as soon as the found out that my parents were dead and I had no other family. Everyone is so nice but I can't bring myself to tell them what really happened that night. Nick has been amazing. Out of everyone in the family he hasn't asked me one question. Not 'Why did you run away that night' or even ' What is your last name'. All he knew about me was my first name and my age. If it were not for everything surrounding my life right now I could easily have fallen in love with him. He holds me when I cry. He lets me wear his clothes. He even brings me breakfast in bed. This week and this family have been helping me put my life back together in away that I could do on my own.

I was sitting on Nick's bed when I saw it. Flipping through the channel my gaze landed on a new channel in Washington. The mayor aka murderer was making a speech. I was about to change the channel when I saw Kane standing next to his dad.

"Well I know you all are aware of the recent murder of two beloved citizens." yeah that you killed "We have just been notified by the police that the killer of these two heros was none other than their own daughter. The police are warning people that she is dangerous and possibly armed. Be on the look out." I flipped of the T.V. I couldn't even move.


I stared blankly at the T.V. I can not believe that he was going to frame me for this. And Kane was going to stand there an d let him. I knew right then that I had to go. I don't know where but I do know how. I was greatful that the Jonas family was away at the time. When they got back I would already be long gone. I stared at the tape in my hand. Before we had left Washington I had snuck back into my now closed off how and got the tape from my dad's security station. This tape showed the mayor murdering my parents and Kane tackling his dad to the floor. This tape proved me innocent. But with the cops looking for me I would never have the chance to. And my being here put the people I cared about in danger. Kane's father was a very powerful man with friends just as ruthless as he was. They would kill first and ask questions later.

I found what I needed in Joe's bathroom. Typical. I took the sissors to my hair and started cutting. When I was finished my once long hair was now just past my bra line.Hair dye and applied it to my head. Twenty minutes later my hair went from a bright orangish red to a very dark brugandy. I then blowdried my hair and let my naturely wavy hair hang. I took out my contacts and put on my glasses. I looked at my girly clothes.never really liked this look anyway. I looked through Nick's closet. I found a black vest and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. The vest was a little tight and somewhat revealing but no one would know it was me. i took one last look at the room I had spent so much time in during the past week and sighed. I would miss them all. I picked up my bag and walked out the door with tears in my eyes.
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~Jess xoxox