The Run Aways

I'm getting out of here.

Mikey’s POV

I press the sharp edge harder but I couldn’t bring myself to pull it across my skin. I dropped the blade, and unzipped my backpack and dumped all my book and school things onto my bed. Then I began packing clothes and a few granola bars I had stashed for when Gerard and had Star Wars marathons.

Once I was packed I zipped my back up moved to the window unlocking it and pushing the glass barrier up before crawling out onto a tree limb. I looked down nervously. The ground looked so far down from up here.

I quickly jumped down, stumbling and falling to my knees on cold grass when I heard my mother knock on my door from the open window. I got up ignoring my aching knees and began running I had no clue where I was going I just knew I was getting away from here. Tears began to form in my eyes as I ran faster hearing my mother shirk and my father shout behind me.
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sorry it tool so long to update I've been really busy but on the bright side I have a bunch more fan fics and chapters planned.