The Run Aways


Franks pov

I tried to sleep On those cold subway benches but it was hard because it was so cold and we kept having to get up and move every fucking time we saw a security guard.

"alright Gerard what's the fucking plane 'cause this shit isn't going to cut it" I snapped at him, then I realized how depressed he looked. He was just staring off into space like he was in deep thought.

Gerard finally muttered " I don't know Frankie" I hated seeing my best friend in pain. Gerard is really good about hiding his emotions but it was obvious he was depressed.

I stood over the bench he was laying on with my bag over my shoulder shivering. and hugging myself trying to get warmer. "ok listen here fucker you didn't drag me all the way out here just to sleep on a fucking subway bench for the rest of our lives"

Gerard sat up and attempted to get his shit together " what do you suggest we do Frank" he cocked an eyebrow and had a bit of an attitude on him, which was understandable because I know we haven't slept well in the last two night , but I sleepy and cold and on a short fuse.

"I have 500 dollars maybe we can find a cheap hotel to spend a night or two at till we get our shit together" I said putting a hand out to help Gerard stand up and then we set out to find a hotel in the concrete jungle of new York.
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sorry this chapter sucks I started this fic about 2 years ago and put it down I just got a new lap top and found it so I figured I should post it. this chapter also sucks because I'm 1/2 asleep it's 4 am here of and be expecting buttsecks in chatper 6 or 7