The Run Aways

Mikey is left with the mess

Mikey's POV

It's been two day's and I haven't herd anything from my fag brother. I wish there was a way I could contact him, but lets be honest I'd probably just end up shouting at him about why he didn't take me with him.

Mom and Dad act surprised but I think they've always known that mother fucker was going to pull something like this sooner or later. They haven't called the police yet, and sometimes the thought crosses my mind that dad doesn't even want to find him and that he just acts worried in front of other parents to make him look like an Ok dad. Speaking of parents Franks mom came over the other day sobbing and she told me that id I had anyway to get ahold of frank to just tell him that mommy misses him so much and she's so worried blah blah blah. UGH GERARD WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME WITH THIS MESS! Do you know how many times I've lied to mom and dad just to save your ass! and who was the one who talked you out of suicide that one night when I was at summer camp and I missed the badge ceremony because I was busy helping to you! and who do you take to with you on your little escape plane?! your fucking queer boyfriend!
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7 am have not slept yet I hope you liked this chapter better then the pervious because I just reread it and there are a lot of spelling errors ect. the mikey chapters for me are fun to write don't ask me why I just love to XD hope you guys enjoy love XPARTYGHOULx oh P.S if you like my facebook page there are a bunch of fic scraps every where so like and get sneak peeks for new chapters and new Fics. my facebook page is just XPARTYGHOULx thank you again for reading <3