Underage Love

Ch.1: Stranger

Kira's POV:
"Baby if you can't hang then there's the door." I was blasting my iPod to Sleeping With Siren's song If You Can't Hang with my earbuds in. Not caring who heard me. Their my favorite band, and peasants can go fuck themselves if they say Sleeping With Sirens sucks.

My mom told me to go to the store to get some stuff for dinner tonight. Doesn't she realize I have plans today? But she doesn't care. She never cares. If I get kidnapped I bet she won't care.

She tells me to stop wearing band merch. She sounds like the people at school. And my blue hair, I dyed that when she was gone for a weekend. She was pissed at me for it. But there was nothing she could do about it.

Instead of going to the store, I went to the mall. I make my way to Hot Topic, I have enough money to buy two band shirts because they were on sale for $10 each. I hate missing their deals.

I buy a Pierce The Veil and Motionless In White shirts. I know I'm gonna hear it from mom when I get home as soon she see's the Hot Topic bag.

I bump into a guy who was really built. I look up at him. He was really hot. And I mean, really hot. Like he could have any girl he wants.

He smiles down at me, something lurking in his dark brown eyes. "Watch where you going, you might bump into the wrong person." I smile back, "maybe bumping into strangers is a good thing."

I walk past him, swinging my hips a bit. I knew he was watching me and I just smiled to myself. He was hot. And I didn't care. I'm old enough to let a guy check me out.

Even if he was a complete stranger.