Underage Love

Ch.13: "Its yours"

Kira's POV:
Two weeks have passed and tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 18 at 12:05 am tomorrow. Damn I hope Zack doesn't know that part.

Zack told me he has to go out and do last minute planning, leaving Jack to watch me. My heart started to race when Zack mentioned it. I know for a fact that Zack doesn't plan on doing anything until late tomorrow night, after having the party and everyone is gone. Maybe I can convince Jack not to leave tomorrow night.

The doorbell rings and I run to the door. Zack beats me to the door and answers it to Jack. I smile at him from behind Zack, and Jack pretends to ignore me and not look happy about watching me. "Do I really have to Zack," Jack groans. "Yes." "But you always ask me to," Jack snaps. I knew he was just acting.

"Thats because your my best friend, now watch her. I'm gonna be back really late."

As soon Zack leaves we couldn't separate ourselves from each other.

It was hours later and we were currently laying on my bed under the covers, Jack without a shirt. "Hey Kira." "Yeah Jack?" "Zack told me he's going out tonight when we were on the phone earlier today. Do you know what that means?" "What?" He smiles at me, "that I'm spending the night." I smile back and kiss him.

It was 5 minutes till midnight, 10 minutes till I turn 18. And I'm celebrating it with Jack. It couldn't be even more perfect.

Our sweet kiss turned into a hot make out and soon he was on top of me and kissing down my neck. I moan his name and he lightly bites my neck while his hands slid up my shirt. "Go ahead," I whisper. I let him take my shirt off and I smile up at him. He smiles back and went back to kissing my lips. His hands slid up my sides and I moan in his mouth, and he slides his tongue into my mouth.

We keep fooling around and teasing each other until he was only left in his boxers, and I was in my bra and panties. He kisses down my stomach and I grip the sheets and moan his name again. He snakes his way back up my body slowly and I throw my head back. He lays on top of me and we catch our breath.

I look over at the time and it said it was 12:04 am. "I'll be 18 in one minute," I breathe out. He kisses me full of love and I tangle my fingers in his hair. We hear the beep on the clock go off, telling us it was 12:05.

I feel something slide on my finger, a cold ring. I look at it and I wanted to cry. "Happy birthday Kira," he whispers. He kisses me again and I pull away first, "its yours." "What?" "Its yours. I'm allowing it to be yours." It takes him a moment to understand what I'm saying and stares at me. "Jack I love you, the first person I been in love with. I know I'm not making a mistake here. Its yours, I want you to have it, because I love that much."

He kisses me again and rests his forehead on mine and nods, "I love you to Kira."

We laid there on the bed under the covers, my head on his chest. We were both sweaty, he was slowly running his fingers through my hair and I was in light tracing circles on his stomach with my index finger.

I think we didn't just have sex. I think we made love. There was a lot of love put into it.

I stare at the ring Jack gave me and smile. It was a promise ring to me. "Do you regret it," he breathes. "No." "Neither do I." He lifts my chin up so that I would look at him, he smiles at me and moves my sweaty hair out of my face.

"I really do love you Kira. And I promise that I'll get you out of here soon." I slide on top of him and rest my chin on his chest, my legs intertwining with his. "I love you to Jack, and I believe you."

I wake up and notice that I was wearing pj shorts and a long black shirt, and that I was alone. It was morning now and I sit up to stretch. I groan and bite my lower lip, I didn't want Zack to hear.

Jack must of dressed me while I was asleep before Zack got home last night so it wouldn't look suspicious. I sigh and curl up into a ball.

I hear a knock at the door and Zack walks in, "happy birthday Kira," he rolls the r. I sit up and he was carrying a small box wrapped in purple wrapping paper with black roses on it. He sits by me and pulls me in for a kiss. We stay that way for a minute and he pulls away.

"I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday, open it." I grab the small box from and tear the paper off. It was a jewlery box. I open the box and stare at the necklace that was inside. It was fucken insane and awsome at the same time.

And it was totally me.

He takes it out of the box and puts it on me. "Do you like it?" "I. I love it." I was still in shock. He kisses my head, "come on. I have breakfast ready."

The whole day Zack treated me to whatever I want. He didn't force me to make out with him which was a bonus. Around 3 pm people came by to set up the party, which is when Zack told me to go to my room and start getting ready.

When I get done with my shower and walk back out to my room, there was a dress and shoes laid out for me on the bed. Wow. I seen this in Hot Topic a couple months ago, and never thought that I would one day wear it.

I get dried and blow dry my hair. I then put on my makeup and straightened my hair. It looked good for actually spending time on it.

I walk out and get dressed. I put the heels on and hear music thumping in the house. I look in the full length mirror and stared at myself. Wow. I barely recognized myself.

I walk out and a bunch of people started yelling happy birthday. I smile at all of them, even though I only know 4 people in the room. And the 1 person I wanted to be with was on the other side of the room, keeping his space because he has to.

Zack pulls me in for a hug and kisses me. "Happy birthday Kira," he smiles. It was a real smile.

I shake my head, snap out of it Kira. He kidnapped you and plans to rape you later if you don't go along with it.

The whole night was full of dancing, Alex and Rian lifted me on their shoulders a few times and sang to me. I couldn't help but laugh.

Towards the end I was able to escape from the crowd and go onto the patio. I kick off my heels and sigh in relief. It felt so good to not wear the heels now.

"Happy birthday Kira," I hear Jack whisper in my ear. I smile to myself and he stands by me. "Enjoying the party?" "Yeah. I just had to get away for a bit." "Yeah. Same."

"Jack. Do you think Zack will still-" "I don't know Kira. But I hope he doesn't."
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Kira's birthday outfit plus Jack's ring to her