Underage Love

Ch.2: Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Boys

Kira's POV:
As soon I walk into the kitchen, with the bags of food, my mom starts cussing at me in Spanish for being late. Then she see's the Hot Topic bag and goes off even more.

"Mama I have plans tonight! I'm not even dinner!" "Kira!!!," she rolls her r's a lot more perfect then I do. "I don't care what you say mama!! I'm going out tonight and you can't stop me!!"

Later that night, when mama was asleep in her room. I snuck out. My concert ticket in hand. As soon I get out of the house I run to the nearest bus stop thats open 24/7.

The bus finally comes and I pay the fee. It takes a while to get where I'm going to. As soon I reach my destination, I run off the bus and up the dark sidewalk. I hand the bouncer my ticket, he gives me a questioning look before letting me in.

I'm 17 but I can pass for at least 19. I push my way through everyone, trying to get to the stage. I wanted to be front row. Everyone was taller and bigger then me. There was some other girls wearing band shirts, BE MY FRIENDS!!! I mean... just pay attention to the stage!!

The band comes out, and they were doing a cover of Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling In Reverse. I went fucken nuts!

"WHY DO GOOD GIRLS LIKE BAD BOYS!!!," I scream along. The lead singer jumps onto the little platform in front of me and he smiles down at me, giving me a wink.

It was the guy from earlier.

He holds my hand and sings the rest of the song to me, my heart was doing back flips and I wanted to pee my pants at the sight of him.

He leans down more and whispers, "meet me after the show, I wanna hang out." I watch him in awe as he steps back the band starts playing another song.

I was a good girl falling for the bad boy. How cliche. But something about him pulled me in.