Underage Love

Ch.3: "I can take you to freedom"

Kira's POV:
I don't know what made me, but I stayed after the show to wait for him. I didn't even know his name. He didn't know mine. But something about him made me wait for him.

I didn't know how old he was, but he made me not care.

I waited for a while until I see him walk over to me with a smile. "I had a feeling you would wait for me." I was sitting at a table and he sits across from me. "So, whats your name?" "Kira, yours?" "Kira," he rolls the r in name. Damn that was hot...

"I like it. Kind of sexy. I'm Zack." I try to smile sexy, even if that could be possible for me. "I like it, its hot." Was I flirting right? "So Kira, how about I buy you a drink?" I was about to protest but he looks over at the bar tender, "2 beers." The bar tender nods, opens 2 beers and brings us them.

The bar tender walks away and Zack holds up his bottle, "cheers." I hold the bottle and lightly hit mine against his. I watch him take a swig and he looks at me. "Don't drink?" I took a sip and I wanted to spit it out. What was I doing tonight?

"So Kira," again he rolled the r in a hot way, "what you think of my band tonight?" "I loved it, music is my soul." He smiles, "hey look we have something in common." He takes another swig, some beer dripped down the corner of his mouth. He licked it and I watched while he did.

"Come here often?" "Sometimes. Just really depends who's playing." "Well I can tell you have great music taste," he points to my Sleeping With Sirens shirt that I was wearing. "Well I can tell you do to, that song drives me crazy to the core." He grins and starts singing the first verse, "why do good girls like bad guys." Damn he was hot in every way...

At was at the end of my beer, and I started to feel a little drunk. It was my first time drinking and I wasn't used to this feeling. It should of been a red flag that Zack was old enough to buy beer. But it didn't bother me.

"So Kira, what would you say about spending more time with me tonight?" "I say that sounds great." He grins again, "I like the way you roll."

He gets up and helps me out of my seat, and walks me to the door that leads to backstage. "Its cool man, she's with me," he tells security. The guy nods and lets us pass and opens the door for us. We walk into a hall full of people, all doing different things. We keep walking until we reach another door and it lead to the back entrance of the club.

"Where we going?" "My car is parked back here." We reach his car and he opens the door for me. I get in and he gets in the drivers side. He starts the car and Skillet starts blasting as we drive away. I sing along and crank up the volume. He laughs and sings along with me.

We drove around for so long, I'm not even sure he knew where we were going. "Where we going Zack?" "A special place." I smile at him and look out the window, it was beautiful out. We keep driving until we reach a empty field. He went way outside of town. But I loved it out here. I felt more free then I ever have before.

He parks the car, "come on." He gets out and I get out to. He gets on top of his hood and lays down. "Scared?" "Never." I get on top of the hood and lay down by him. The stars were out tonight and I loved it.

We laid there for what felt like hours. "Hey Kira." "Yeah?" "Do you ever wish to be free?" I sigh, "always." "Are you ready to be free?" "I been wishing to be free forever Zack." I turn to face him and he's studying me. "I don't know what it is, but something about you pulls me in," he whispers. "I feel the same way," I whisper back.

He slowly moves his face closer to mine and plants his soft lips on mine. He pulls me closer to him and I move to lay on top of him. He licks my lips and I open my mouth. He slides his tongue in and searches my whole mouth. I moan into his mouth and tangle my fingers in his hair. His hands rubbing my sides slowly. He kisses down to my jaw line and to my neck. "Zack," I moan. I feel his lips form into a smile, my eyes closed and my breathing was getting heavy.

"Are you ready to be free Kira," he whispers into my ear. "I been ready my whole life," I say between shaky breaths. "Let me take you away then. I can take you away to freedom," after each word he placed a new bite or kiss on my neck. "Take me away then," I whisper back then moan when he bit harder on a sensitive spot. "Help me reach freedom." "Do you wish for it?" "I wish for it."

"Be careful what you wish for sometimes though Kira," he whispers and I feel something sharp like a needle go into my wrist. I let out a scream and he covers my mouth. Things started to get cloudy and my head was resting on his chest, staring up at him. "I'm taking you to freedom, don't worry."

Was the last thing I heard before everything went black