Underage Love

Ch.5: This Isn't Freedom

Kira's POV:
I groan and slowly open my eyes, I was laying on a bed in a fancy room. Everything about it was fancy and rich. Where the fuck was I!?

I sit up and hold my head, it felt so heavy and felt like I been drugged. Last night came back and realized I was drugged.

I start to panic and look down at my wrist, there was a bandage on it. I was still in my clothes from last night. The door opens and Zack walks in, he smiles at me. "Morning beautiful." "Stay away from me! Where am I!" "You don't need to be scared Kira." "You drugged and kidnapped me!! How long was I out!" "You need to calm down, okay? You only been out for a few hours. Its the next day."

He walks over, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He just stares at me and I felt disgusted with myself. How stupid could I have been last night. Its my own fault that he kidnapped me. I was easy. If I just stayed home... If I had just listened to my mom and gone straight to the store and back home.

"We're at my house, okay?" "What are you, rich?" "I guess you can say that. I can take care of you. Keep you safe." "Keep me safe!? You kidnapped me! I'm!-" "17. Yes. I know." My heart must of stopped. How did he know that.

"I'm 22 by the way." I knew he had to be at least 21 to buy those beers last night. "Your... your a pedophile!!" As if I wasn't scared already.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I know your starving, okay? Its lunch time and the drugs would make you hungry." "So you did drug me! Not only that, but you got me drunk!" "I didn't make you drink. You did that on your own."

He walks out and closes the door. I stand there staring at the floor. I'm here because of me. I let him get to my head. I let him distract me. I turned into putty in his hands, and just made it easier for him to kidnap me. I fell for his mind games. I fell for his freedom speech. Promising me freedom from the crap back home.

This isn't freedom.

I'm his slave.