Underage Love

Ch.7: Friends

Kira's POV:
I fell asleep on the couch, I have no idea how long I been out. But I heard the alarm go off through out the house and that woke me up. Telling me that Zack was home. And that I should be awake and on alert.

I hear men talking, four voices. Are you fucken kidding me!?

I run back to the bedroom before they walked into the room. I listen through the door, my heart beat sky rocketed. What if they were just like Zack? What if they wanted to use me for the same reason?

"So Zack, where have you been anyway?," I hear one guy ask. "In Church Hill." "Why that old place? All the houses are like over 100 years old, and you have to take a bus to get to the good part of town." "I just needed to get away for a bit. I felt closed here. Needed to be free." Yeah like how he promised me freedom. That liar.

"Well its good to have you back man. Not the same without you." "Glad to be back, and I brought someone with me." "You did?," there was interest in the persons voice. I slowly back away from the door, it was still locked.

"Yeah, I think she's in her room that I had set up for her." "She huh." "Zack, you know that-" "I'm not a damn idiot Jack, but I really like this girl. We hung out a couple times and I asked her if she wanted to come back with me. She said yes." DO THEY EVEN REALIZE WHATS HE REALLY LIKE!?

I hear him walk towards the room and I back more away from it. The door knob moves a bit, but its locked so he couldn't open it. "Kira honey, please open the door. I want you to meet some friends of mine." Sure you call me honey now.

I stay silent, "Kira please don't be rude to our guests. Come on out, they want to meet you." I gulp and walks towards the door. "If you don't hurry, we're gonna have a talk later," he said it so calm.

But I knew what he meant.

I run to the door and unlock it. He slowly opens the door and he smiles down at me. "There you are Kira," he didn't roll the r in my name like he did before when it was just us. He holds out his hand and gives me a look that I should. I grab his hand and he opens the door more.

He walks me out and down the small steps that lead into the living room area. "Guys, this is Kira." I look at the three of them. They were all really attractive. But I mentally slapped myself. These were Zack's friends.

They all smile up at me. Real. Nice. Smiles. One with a buzz cut stands up and walks over to us. "Hi I'm Rian," he smiles big, his white teeth showing off in his bright smile. "Hi," I say shyly. "She's shy man, hope you didn't scare her to much." "And why on earth would I scare her?" Rian chuckles and smiles back at me, "listen. If he gets out of line, just smack him upside the head and tell me the next time I see you so I can actually punish him."

I couldn't help but laugh and smile back, "sure. I'll do that." The one with dark brown hair that almost hung over his eyes, who was really tan, walks over to us. "I'm Alex." He smiles up at me, and I couldn't help but blush. Something about him pulled me in, it was strong.

"Alex stop staring at her with a look of lust, she's with Zack," Rian punches Alex's arm. Oh. So thats why. Player.

Alex rubs his arm and glares at Rian. "I was not. But you are very pretty Kira, is that Hispanic?" I nod. "I like it," he smiles.

"Hey she's my girl friend! Stop hitting on her Alex!," Zack argues. "Jack get over here!," Rian yell over his shoulder.

The last one stands up, damn he was tall. He had skunk hair that I thought was sick, and deep brown eyes that were hypnotizing. He was hot. But at the same time, he was fucken adorable. He stands behind Rian and Alex, looking a little shy. I should be the one who's shy! Not him!

"I'm Jack," he mumbles. "Since when are you silent!?" He glares at Alex, "shut up." "He just went through a really bad break up. It didn't end pretty," Rian whispers to me. I nod, Jack looked like a sad, lost puppy.

"Well come on, lets have some fun! Thats why we're here right!?"

It was 2 hours later, and already the guys were drunk. Well all of them except for Jack. Zack kept being to close for my taste, telling the guys that I'm his. Always his. That I'm off limits.

"WE GET IT ZACK! NOW SHUT UP AND TAKE THIS SHOT WITH ME!," Alex slurs. Zack gets up off the couch, I finally felt free. I know I'll be free for a few minutes the most.

I look over at Jack, who was just sitting there, staring at the ground. He looked like he needed someone to talk too. I walk over and sit by him. "Hey Jack," I speak softly. I watch him but he doesn't respond.

I nudge him and he finally looks up. "Hm..?" "I said hi." "Oh.. hi," he mumbles. "Why aren't you drinking with them" "I don't feel up to it tonight. I wish they just let me stay alone at home tonight," he sighs and leans back against the couch.

"Well thats no fun." He looks down at me, he seemed lost. "Look, I know Zack can be on the rough side. But he's actually a sweet guy." I highly doubt that.

I shrug and watch the three of them take more shots. Zack comes over and gives me a sloppy kiss. I wanted to gag at the taste of his mouth. "Zack lay off, she doesn't want to." Zack pulls away, "she's my girl friend. Lay off," he slurs.

Zack walks away and Jack sighs. "You okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine." But I wasn't. Zack's drunk off his ass, and I was afraid what he might do to me later.

"How about we go outside for some air," Jack asks. I nod and follow him outside. Wow. "Wow...," I breathe out. "Amazing huh." "Yeah." "Zack's filthy rich. Inherited all of it." "I can tell."

We stand there quiet for a while, just staring at the view. it was amazing. "Hey.... Kira?" "Yeah Jack...?" "I..um.. Never mind." "No. What is it?" He goes quiet and looks down at me. "Just be careful," he whispers.

He lightly kisses my cheek and I feel my face get hot. I watch him walk back in and I see Zack staring at me with anger.
