Underage Love

Ch.8: Punishment

Kira's POV:
It was getting closer to the time that Zack's friends would be leaving. And with each second passing, I was getting even more scared.

"Oh come on guys," Zack slurs. "Do you really have to go?" "Jack can drive us!!," Rian yells. "YEAH! JACK DIDN'T DRINK!," Alex yells. I noticed the more he drank, the louder he got. Sweet lord please let this guy stop drinking right now.

Everyone looks at Jack who was just sitting there. "I.. I guess I can drive you guys home," he mumbles. They cheered and ran for the door, "BYE KIRA!!," Alex yells louder and I cover my ears. Zack swings his around my shoulders, his head hanging low near mine. The smell of his breath made me sick.

Jack stands in front of us, "well. Night guys." "Night Jack-o," Zack slurs more. Jack looks down at me, "night Kira. I'll come by later." It sounded like he was going to check on me. My heart was pounding more. Now I don't want them to leave. Especially Jack. "I got her Jack, you don't need to worry about her." Jack looks back at him, "I know. But we havn't hung out for a while." "Thats true."

Jack walks out and I heard the door close.

I feel Zack's grip tighten on my shoulder and I slowly look up at him. "What was that outside." "What.. what do you mean." "I saw you two. He kissed you. What did he say." "He didn't say anything I swear." "Liar!!!"

I get out from his hold and run to my room. "Kira we need to have a talk!!!" I run in my room but before I could close the door and stops it with his hands. "Leave me alone Zack!" "What did he say to you!!" I try to push the door closed but he was stronger then me and pushes it open, causing me to fall backwards landing on the floor.

"I know he said something to you!!!" He was more drunk then earlier, and he was pissed at me. "You were also rude to my friends before you came out from your room Kira!!" I couldn't cry, I was to scared to cry in front of him.

"Zack I'm sorry!!.." He grabs my arm tight and pulls me up to my feet. "Make it up to me," he whispers into my face. His breath smelled horrible. "H..how.." "Thank of something." He throws me onto the bed and I look up at him, I was shaking now. I now realized how much bigger he is compared to me.

It didn't matter that Jack was coming back later. The damage would already be done.

I lay there on the bed curled up in a ball, his arms around my waist. It was morning now and I was dead tired. He didn't rape me if thats what your thinking. I agreed to a make out, well a really rough make out, and that I would sleep next to him.

A rough make out that ended up giving me bruises on my arms and waist from how tight he was holding me.

My back was pressed against his chest, his face laying by my head. He fell asleep a hour ago, and I was afraid to get out of his arms. I thought he would get even more angry at me if I had left.

So I'll just lay here. Trapped once again.

I managed to fall asleep and I hear him groan by my ear. I open my eyes and feel him kiss my hair.

"Morning lovely," he whispers in my ear. "Morning," I whisper. I was still tired. He moves one of his arms from my waist and runs his fingers through my hair. "Do you know how pretty you are right now," he whispers and lightly kisses my neck. "Stunning, thats what you are. And you are mine."

He gets out of bed and walks out of the room. I let out a big sigh that I didn't know I was holding all this time.

I laid there for a little longer before deciding to get up and take a shower. After I shower, I notice that Zack didn't come back in the room. I look through the closet and picked out a shirt and black skinny jeans. I found my Converse in a pile of shoes that was in the closet and get dressed. I grab the hair brush and brush out my hair. I just wanted to be comfy today. Since Jack was coming over, I don't know what made me, I put on lip gloss and mascara. I grabbed some nail polish and re-did my nails that had mustaches on them.

I hear the doorbell ring and I hurry up. I knew it was Jack. I wait for Zack to answer the door, I didn't know if I was allowed. "Kira!! Jack's here!!" I jump off the bed and walk out of my room.

I walk down the little stairs and go into the living room where Jack was standing. Alone.

I walk up to him, "Zack left real quick to go get more food. I don't know why he didn't do that yesterday."

I nod, something filling me up. I felt.. happy? Relieved? Zack wasn't here. I was alone with Jack. Who was kind to me last night, and promised me that he would come back.

Reality finally hits me and I broke down in front of Jack. I hug myself and start sobbing, tears running down my face. I started to drop to my knees but Jack wraps his arms around me and holds me close to him. I didn't know who he was. But I didn't care. I bury my face into his chest and cry. He rubs my back slowly and lightly kisses the top of my head.

"Sh.. I promised you that I would come back... I promise I'll keep you safe.." "But your Zack's friend...," I mumble into his chest. "I don't know what Zack did to you... Or how he brought you here.. But I can tell that your scared and I promise I'll be here for you..."