Status: fin.

What If?


I rested my head against his bare chest and listened to his heartbeat.

I sighed.

I glanced up at his face and studied his features.

I pictured him smiling. His dimples were a part of him that I loved the most, not to mention the perfect, straight teeth he had. I pictured his beautiful grey eyes; full of hope, determination, love, kindness, and joy. He never failed to make me melt with his eyes.

My mind wandered onto what happened yesterday when he claimed me as his girlfriend. We'd known each other for a couple of months, and he finally popped up the question. I feel like we both knew when the right time would be for us to finally decide to start actually dating.

I smiled to myself.

He made me so happy. I just can't even explain how blessed I am to have him become a part of my life. Even if we don't end up together forever, I'll be glad we were at least able to experience a relationship like this with one another.

But honestly, deep down, I get really scared sometimes.

He's my first real boyfriend.

What if we start running out of things to say to each other? What if one of us accidentally flirts with someone else? What if he finds himself regretting being with me? What if we get tired of each other?

I took hold of his hand and laced my fingers with his, trying not to wake him.

"Hey." A smile escaped from his lips.

I returned a half-hearted smile.

"Are you okay?" He whispered with his tired voice. He turned so that he was facing me and yawned.

"Shh. Just go back to sleep."

He took my face in both of his hands and gave me the most gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I want you to know that I love you and I'm not going back to sleep until you tell me what's wrong and until you give me one of your beautiful, genuine smiles."

He already had me at 'I love you.'

I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

An 'I love you' was enough to erase all the 'What if's away.
♠ ♠ ♠
For a person who doesn't eat that much cheese, I'm a really cheesy person.

Love and Soundwaves.