Status: will continue if people like it.

Flawed Perfection


Mia looked into the mirror soft skin,bright blue eyes, and a breathtaking smile reflecting back at her. One would say that she was flawless and she’d smile with agreement flowing from her soft lips but it was a lie. She could see the sad tint to her eyes. It was true what they said, nothing was perfect. Mia fought to keep her image the way it was making everyone think she had it all; the perfect parents, perfect house, perfect car, perfect friends, and anything else she had it was viewed as perfect. Only it wasn't, her parents were dysfunctional and they didn't love each other. It made her wonder did love even exist? Her so called friends would pull her down from her place if she showed any signs of weakness, anyone would kill to be who she was. When she walked the halls they all made room for her to walk by them like it was her own personal runway, guys ogling over her and girls wishing they were her. Only they didn't know she was wishing to be someone else.

She never wanted anyone except one person, and his name was Callum. The guy who appeared out of nowhere one day and then suddenly he was everywhere she was, she couldn't catch a break. Every time they would banter and throw insults at each other but Mia felt a pull towards him, she would ignore it every time, it was what kept her hoping to come across him and kept her from walking away. He was always the first to leave her and he always left her standing alone wondering why she felt the way she did.

“Mia, dinner is ready.” Her mom said calling up to her taking her out from her god awful thoughts. She walked to the landing of the stairs leaning down, “Had food at Jamie’s house, Mom.” She yelled down lying through her teeth. She hadn't ate all day besides an apple at lunch but she wasn't about to sit down at the table with her oblivious mother and man whore of a father and pretend like she was hungry. Mia walked back into her bathroom stepping on the scale looking down at the digital numbers flashing up at her, 100. 100 pounds of skin and bones made up her body. She let out a sigh, the number disgusted her but yet in an odd way it comforted her to know that she wasn't fat. It gave off another image that she was perfect and that was okay with her. But really all Mia wanted was to be free.