The House Next Door.


Monday morning had been adventurous for Addison and Marcy, a flat tire caused the pair to be late for English and Addison was disappointed that she was missing the first ten minutes of class.
Marcy cursed and scream for numerous reasons.
One was David Verga and two was the flat tire.

Addison had told Marcy everything, even the subject of Mr Hardy and sleeping on his comfy couch half the night.
This caused Marcy to scream once more.

With jealously.

Marcy found the will power to stomped on the brake as her Honda skidded into the lot. She turned her hands widely on the steering wheel.
And Addison grabbed the 'oh shit bar'

"Oh Jesus" Addison exclaimed.

"I bet you were screaming that all Saturday night" Marcy winked.

Utterly confused, Addison squinted her eyes at her best friend. "Huh?"

Marcy narrowed her blue eyes sheepishly. "Edward"

"Mr Hardy?" Addison questioned.

"Duh, the guy so digs you" Marcy said winking.

"Stop watching those life time movies" Addison glanced. She gathered her things and halted as Marcy shook her head.

"We can go out to get the duffles before practice" Marcy said.

"Gotcha" Addison grinned and released the grip of the black sports bag and instead swung her bag over her shoulder.
Marcy skipped over and glanced at her.

"You look extremely nice" it sounded more interrogated coming out of Mary's mouth. "Is this to shove it in David's face?"

"Actually yeah" Addison said bleakly.

"Don't want to show off to much skin you're a virgin. You might cause Troy to convulse"

Addison burst into laughter and held the door out for Marcy.
The office door was cracked open and the two stepped in.

"Britta" Marcy sang skipping toward the main secretary desk. "My girl"

Britta, a sixty year old women with deep red hair smirked at Marcy. "What is it this time?"

"Need to see the big guy for a pass" Marcy mumbled.
Addison shook her head, scoffing as she stood behind her.

"Okay" Britta said shrugging.

As Addison passed Britta smiled at her and whispered an "Hello"

Marcy flew open the door and Addison gawked for a moment but relaxed to see Mr Cavill actually smiling.

"Come on in" Mr Cavill said. "Need a pass?"

Marcy trailed to his desk and sat opposite from him. "Yeah"

"What is it this time?"

"A stupid flat tire" Marcy sighed. "I have pictures-"

"No cell phones please-" Mr Cavill was interrupted as Marcy shoved her smart phone in the principle face. "Look" Marcy exclaimed.

"Oh my god" Addison muttered.

"Okay" Mr Cavil said sharply. "I didn't need the proof"

Marcy shoved her phone in her sweater and shrugged. "Ha" she said nervously and glanced at Addison.

Mr Cavil handed the girls each pass and leaned back in his chair. "Excellent that you two are here"

"Why is that?" Addison said smiling.

"The winter ball is nearly two months away" Mr Cavil informed. "Planning on decorating?"

"Why would we- oh that's right we on council" Marcy laughed.

"Glad you're reminded" Mr Cavil said. "Mr Hardy would supervise and chaperone the dance"

"We'll do it" Marcy burst excitedly.

"We would have to anyway" Addison nudge her.

"Good then" Mr Cavil nodded. "Talk to the English man and get things settled"

Marcy and Addison laughed and nodded. "Stay out of trouble"

Mr Cavil was talking to Mary. Not Addison.

Marcy mocked him as they walked into the hallway. "I have a lovely idea for the dance" Marcy said.

"Tell me" Addison said.

"The theme can be Winter Wonderland"

"How original" Addison chirped.

"Fuck you then, figure it out yourself" Marcy snapped flinging the classroom door open and stomping into the room.

"What a entrance" Addison heard Mr Hardy commented. Addison smiled and stepped threw the door.

Mr Hardy leaned against the podium and his head seem to twitch. Addison brushed past him but stumbled back to hand him her pass.
Addison peered up for a moment to see him smile.
Addison turned and made sure to lock gazes with David-

Who wasn't seated beside her. But across the room. Rows and rows away from her David sat with his head lowered.
Avoiding her.

Addison slid into her chair and locked gazes with Mr Hardy instead.
His lips raised into a smile.

A knowing smile.

He did that for me?

Addison and Marcy waited in there seats as the class glided out of the classroom.
Marcy wasn't very to keen in attempting to trip David.

"Jerkoff" she coughed.

Addison gaze flew to Mr Hardy who pressed his lips together, with his hand against his chin.
David scoffed but exited the classroom without a glance in her direction.

Mr Hardy decided on ignoring Marcy comment.

"What's up girls?" Mr Hardy said cheerily.

"It came to our attention that you're supervising the winter dance" Marcy pipped up.

"Correct" Mr Hardy grinned.

"We're responsible for the decoration and the whole setting up" Addison informed him.

Mr Hardy shoulders slumped. "I can never escape you two" But Addison knew his words were for her.

"It'll be a life changing experience" Addison smiled.

"Oh sure, darling" Mr Hardy scoffed.

"How do you feel about the theme of the dance being a winter wonderland?" Marcy asked slyly.

"How original" he answered bleakly.

Addison choked and covered her mock laughter with her palm. Her gaze shooting to Marcy.

"You two figure it out" Marcy said standing. "I quit" She yelled stomping away. "Just for today" she said turning back to glare.

Addison laughed and stood as well. "I want to know something" Addison said hesitantly.

"Ask away" Mr Hardy smiled leaning his elbows against the podium.

"Uh" Addison peered everywhere refusing to stare into his lovely eyes. "Did you move David's seat? For me?".

"Oh, yes I did" Mr Hardy said. "I was very subtle about it too"

"What'd you say?" Addison wondered.

"I told him.." Mr Hardy lips raised into a wicked smile. "That he wasn't allowed to be seated next to you"

"No you didn't" Addison widen her eyes.

"Correct. I didn't" Mr Hardy laughed. "Jane was having trouble seeing the board, which she was and the two switched seats" He shrugged lightly.

Addison smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "Thank you.."

"For what?" His blue eyes narrowed.

"For changing David's -"

"I did it for Jane" Mr Hardy face hardened.

Then he winked.
Addison shook her head laughing.

"Whatever you say" She sang trailing away.

"Addy" Mr Hardy called.

She turned around a little too eagerly. "Yes?"

"That beanie hat or whatever you call it" Mr Hardy waved his hands.

Addison eyes narrowed. Mr Hardy met her gaze. "It brings out your eyes" he said.

"Does it?" Addison asked.

"Very much so. Very lovely" Mr Hardy nodded.

Addison grinned shyly and turned on her heel. As she glanced back she realized with horror.

We were flirting

An announcement at the end of dismal informed the girls varsity softball team practice was cancelled.
Addison was strangely happy with this fact. This meant she could spend her afternoon reading.
And that's what she did.
On the rooftop of her home Addison changed into sweats and a sweater. Mr Hardy sweater was kept for bedtime. Addison caused herself to rely on the clothing for sleep.

It was bizarre to her.
But she loved it. It smelt like him.. Still.

Addison wrapped a flannel around herself and sank down against the windowsill. A sigh escaped her lips.

Suddenly her phone lit up with a text.

From a unknown number.
The text read :

I see you.

Addison eyes narrowed and she fiddled with the touch screen. Touching the call button she saw that it read the same number.
The call was Saturday night.

Addison muffled her screech and leaned over to peer around.

There, he was on his porch swing staring up on her window sill. Addison shook her head at him and leaned back.
A slow smile spread across her face.

Addison touched reply and typed.
What a coincidence I see you as well

Moments later her screen lit up.
Soul searching in that novel of yours?

Addison rolled her eyes but smiled. Actually it's your assignment

Ah-ha. Excellent. How do you find it?

A tad bit unrealistic

Seconds later he replied. That's the point darling

Addison cheeks grew red and slowly typed. I guess I don't understand

Then you shall come down from your cave and ill ravish you in knowing the novel. Eh?

Addison eyes narrowed. Or you can meet me half way
Her fingers twitched and she wondered if she was clear enough.

Addison sighed and placed her phone beside her. She grasped the novel in her hands and was completely distraction as the minutes ticked by with no reply.

Im a idiot

Addison was incorrect as the windowsill opposite from her slid open.
Mr Hardy popped his head out.

"I am no dare devil"

Addison smiled. "You don't have to be. It's wide enough for even you to walk on"

"That a fat joke?"

"Uh no" Addison laughed.

Mr Hardy lips twitched. "You are going to feel unbelievably special if I climb this?"

"Yes" Addison nodded.

"Good" Mr Hardy muttered and threw his leg over and strutted toward her. "I can't believe" he shook his head.

"Believe it" Addison said.

"Skooch over" Mr Hardy nudge her. She did and Mr Hardy eased to sit beside her. Her shoulder touching his rib cage.

"Cold?" Mr Hardy commented looking at the flannel blanket wrapped around her.

"It's fall" Addison scrunched her nose. "That means its chilly in America"

Mr Hardy laughed. "I am aware of the seasons don't be cheeky"

Addison smiled widely.
"So explain this madness of a book"

"I rather not" Mr Hardy shook his head.

"What? Why?" Addison stumped.

"I would rather know your interpretation of the novel"

"No" Addison frowned. "That's a little complicated. This book is confusing"

"Addison" Mr Hardy said locking eyes with her. "I am more intrigued with your response than the novel itself"

Addison peered down. "If I ever finish it"

"I shall count it as a grade" Mr Hardy offered.

Addison grimaced but he nudge her only to clamp his hand around her forearm, steadying her. "Fine" she said sharply.

"Look forward to it" Mr Hardy grinned.

"You're mean" Addison said.

"You certainly know that is a lie"

"Do not"

"Do too"



Mr Hardy leaned into her. "Cracking of the code of Addison's immaturity"

"Oh stop" Addison rolled her eyes. "You're so immature"

"Am not"

"Are too"

Addison laughed whacking him with the novel. "Destruction of school property" he accused.

"This is your novel" Addison said huffing out a laugh.

"That's right" Mr Hardy said, his laugh slowly dying. Addison sighed and gaze forward.

She pointed toward the horizon and glanced at him. "The sun is setting"

"Third most beautiful thing"

"What's the first?"

Mr Hardy sighed and drummed his fingers on his denim pants.
Addison smiled and stared at him until he met her eyes.

Mr Hardy smiled.
And whispered

♠ ♠ ♠
Holy moly.
Things are heating up.


Addison's Attire