The House Next Door.


Addison hid. She had built a sturdy untouchable wall. A single month had past and she was completely fine.

She repeated this "I'm fine" A smile would appear as she peered at her reflection.

The worried glances she would receive only caused more reassuring smiles.

Mr Hardy took an extra step in making her feel better.


Addison gnawed on her lip and her eyes narrowed to meet his. They sat at his desk as the pair silently graded papers.

"How is Marcy?" He asked murmuring. He took notice in the furrow of her brow.

"Marcy is okay" Addison swallowed. "She likes Florida, her grandma is nice. She will be back in a week" She informed.

"And Henry?"

"I don't know" Addison frowned at this.

"Henry hasn't been in school" Edward said. "He needs time to heal too"

Addison inwardly winced. She spoke no words choosing to turn her attention to the papers.
Edward mouth twitched to a frown.


She darted her gaze to him. He wore a white button down; she loved the yellow tie that brought out his eyes-

"You can talk to me"

Addison nodded paying attention now. "I have been" She forced a smile.

Edward saw through this though. His hand traveled to hers, he lightly squeezed.

Addison sighed shifting the papers away from her. The cast on her arm caused some annoyance in whatever she did.
Edward gazed thoughtfully. He desperately wanted conversation.

"Thank you for your help"

Addison shrugged lightly. "No problem" she murmured to the papers.

Mr Hardy abruptly stood and stalked toward his desk. Addison ignored him until she marked the last paper. She gathered her things calmly and approached him.

"I will see you at morning practice"

Edward scoffed slightly. "You don't need to be present at practice, I keep telling you-"

"I want to" Addison interjected. "The cast gets taken off soon" She reminded softly.

He nodded at that, good positive things held her. "I'll see you" she said walking through.

He stayed silent as he watched her leave. No claims of affection, ever since that night. Could he blame himself? Absolutely. He found a way to take all of the blame.

Addison left the school building slowly gripping her book. She walked through the parking lot and halted. Addison finally had gotten her own car. It was pre used off a lot, but she was thankful.

Thankful for many, many things.

Addison drove aimlessly until she settled on a destination. She was unfamiliar with the neighborhood but she had good memory. She had been to his house a handful of times.

She noticed the mail box first and she drove into the driveway. Addison parked the car and quickly noticed the little boy. He played basketball in the driveway.

"Is Henry home?" Addison murmured hesitantly.

Henry's brother nodded and ran toward the house. Addison followed after and stepped inside, the ranch style house was cozy with picture frames. Addison noticed a frame of them: Henry, Marcy and Addison posing goofily at the camera. It was prom of last year-


She snapped her gaze to the hall. Henry patted toward her and stood before her. "Hi" She offered. "I came here to see -" Addison trailed off shrugging. "To see what's up"

"I'm good" Henry said. This was a lie. Addison was polite in not pressing him.

"Have you been to school?"

"I get my work in the morning and I come home. But I'm coming back next week" Henry announced. He brushed his hair away with his fingertips.

Addison nodded smiling at him. "I came here on a whim, I'm sorry" She commented.

"You're fine" Henry said.

The friends stood there gazing everywhere before Henry blurted "Have you talked to her?"

Addison blinked several moments smoothing her expression. "Last night"

"Is she okay? How is she?" Henry pressed.

"Considering, she's the same. Still sarcastic" Addison muttered.

Henry smiled widely at that but turned somber. "Marcy hasn't talked to me since the wake" he narrowed his gaze away.

Addison had known of Marcy and Henry 'taking a break'. It was Marcy's doing and Addison had been shocked of her decision.
Marcy quietly informed Addison of not being able to look at Henry without thinking of there 'what if'

"You'll be back together. She loves you so much" Addison said.

"I haven't talked to her since we lost our baby" Henry snapped. He frowned deeply.

Addison bit her lip. "When do you get that thing off?" He motioned to the cast

The purple cast, Addison smiled "Two weeks"

"It's hideous" Henry commented.

"Just like you" Addison replied.

The two blinked and began to burst with laughter. "I was just watching a horrible Star Trek episode if you wanna -"

"Hell yeah" Addison laughed.

It was surprising how much a person can adapt to any outcome. Addison mostly needed someone, who could relate to her. Her sadness and dwelling.

She didn't compare her situation.

Addison missed Marcy and spending time with Henry caused her to think of her best friend. They were alike, there was a reason why Henry and Marcy were together. It was eerie but brought such calmness to Addison.

And when she laughed at Henry's comebacks to Captain Kirks antics, it all got a little easier.


Addison grasped her chain and peered directly toward the opposite window.

She balanced herself on her windowsill and lowered herself to sit. "Pssst" she called. Seconds ticked by and she gazed at his car in the driveway. "Ed-"

The window opened causing her to shut up momentarily. Edward peered out the window and his mouth curved. Addison clutched her chain peering at him.

"Hi" She said softly.

"Hello" He said back just as soft. The white shirt clung to his chest. Addison gaze drifted to his arms and adored the ink imbedded in his-

"Quiet night"

Addison inwardly sighed and drifted her gaze. "I like it" She smiled.

Edward took notice in her smile, the curve of his lips. He had always been curious in what made her smile.

"How was your day?" He wondered leaning against the window.

"I saw Henry" Addison informed clutching her knees.

"How was that?" He asked sincerely.

"It was good" She replied nodding. "He comes back next week" she told him.

Edward smiled at that, "That's fantastic"

"I'm sorry" Addison said causing him to furrow his brows. "I shut you out" she went on.

Edward scoffed. "Addy, why are you apologizing ?"

"Because I am" Addison claimed. "I never intended for that to happen" she murmured.

"It's hardly fair" The curve of his full mouth caused light butterflies in her stomach.

"Do you forgive me?" She said.

"Yes" He snapped his gaze to meet hers. "But you're silly for saying sorry"

"I know" She smiled.

"I promise to always come to you" Addison said. "Thank you for staying"

Edward lifted his lips in a faint smile. "I was begining to think you were against smiling"

Addison rolled her eyes. "That was no reason to smile" She said.

Edward pressed his lips together. He nodded and accepted all things. She was getting better. Everyday and now she was smiling.
He had missed her smile.

"Looks good on you" He said peering at her

Addison shot him a puzzled glance and he smirked. "Your smile"

And he lowered his gaze in thought. Addison watched him intently from the window and lightly grasped her star around her neck.

"You do that when you're anxious"

"Have you been watching me?" Her hand dropped from her chain. She tilted her head

"Of course" He smiled.

"I don't know-" She shrugs. "It calms me" she gave him a pointed look

Edward raised his lips and narrowed his eyes. "I'm glad"

"I'm going" She raised to a stance. "Have a lovely rest" she said smirking his way.

He grinned "Sweet dreams" he called.

Addison stepped inside and offered a smile before closing the window. She climbed straight into bed.

It was all a lie. The heartbreak eases. The world doesn't stop for you-it keeps turning.
In the morning, when you can't swallow the hallow feeling- That shrinks to a minimum ounce of pain.

All the pain, faints. And when you awake and it's not the first thought you have. Then, it causes you to remain stable during the day.

Pain is always tolerable and you forget. Your heart seems to forget the trauma.

In Addison case, she was just healing.