

"Where are you off to, looking so cute?" Rosie looked up from her backpack, her face full of confusion. She spun on her heel to meet her smiling mother holding a mug of tea. Rosie, then, looked down out to what she was wearing, a baggy jumper and a pair of shorts with a pair of black tights underneath.

"I'm just headed to the library?" Her soft voice quizzed. "This isn't really dressy, Mum." Rolling her eyes, Anita smiled at her daughter. Rosie stood awkwardly looking at her mother, watching as she chuckled softly to herself.

"You're just like your father. When do you plan on returning?" Rosie shrugged and pulled her backpack over her shoulder. She shifted on her feet, the dingy Chuck's squeaked against the hardwood. "Well, I was asking 'cause we're almost out of sugar and I was wondering if you'd mind picking some up on your way back?"

"Yeah, sure. Anything else? Are you okay on your medication?" Anita nodded with a smile. She walked over to Rosie and pressed a chaste kiss on top her head.

"Be careful sweetie." Rosie wrapped an arm around her mother's frail waist and nodded.


It was late after she had left the library, the sky way filled with colours from the setting sun. She quickened her pace to the small super market so she could get a bag of sugar for her mother. It was quiet, apart for the small wind pushing the dried leaves against the ground and the occasional tweet from a bird. She was close to the market when she heard quick feet shuffling behind her. She didn't think much of it, for all she knew it could be a few kids playing football and running after the ball.

The thoughts were quickly thrown out when the steps grew in sound and pace. Rosie was just about to turn to face the person who was running when she felt a strong hand clamp over her mouth and an arm grip around her waist. Eyes wide, she grabbed for the stranger's hands until a strong stench filled her covered nose. Her body slowly grew weaker and weaker as she was pulled off to the side. A black car pulled up quickly and she was lugged into the back. Just before everything went black, she caught a quick glimpse of her attacker.

Midnight black hair, just as dark eyes, and an evil grin showing white teeth.

"You're going to be fun."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi there! I'm hoping I can keep this going the way I want. I've got tons of ideas on how I'm going to write this but I'm not to sure on if I can get them right. This is just a small start I guess. Comment what you think down below! I'd love it if you would.