

"Fuck mate, where'd you pick this one up from? She's damn well fit." Rosie heard as she slowly came to. She could feel something rough on her wrists. She kept her eyes shut, for fear of what she would see around her if she opened them.

"Just keep you hands off her. This one is mine and mine alone. Got it?" Goose pimples rose over her body when she heard the dark, smooth voice. She could hear slow footsteps walk closer to her before she felt a tugging at her feet. With instinct, she jerked her feet close to her body, her eyes opening wide. "I'm just getting your shoes off babe. I'm not going to hurt you. Yet." He reached for her feet again, being a bit more forceful, and dropped them at the foot of the bed.

Rosie was speechless. She watched in fear as the male walked in front of her and pulled her up so she was sitting before lowering his face down so he was eye level. She cowered away from his out stretched hand. He gripped her chin and stared deep into her crystal eyes. He could see the fear in them.

"I won't hurt you if you listen. If you disobey me, I won't hold back on your punishment. You'll learn not to cross me. It's going to be fine, I promise. Now, tell me your name, love." Rosie's eyes were slowly filling with tears, she kept her mouth shut. "I won't ask again. What is your name." The mans grip tightened with each word he spoke. Pain shot through her jaw as she let out a weak whimper.

"Rosline." The grip loosened quickly and a smile formed on the man's face.

"See, easy as that. I'm Zayn, but you can call me what ever you'd like. That man over there is Felix, he's your guard. You try to run, he's going to be following you. I'm going to leave you in here for the night, to get used to everything. Now I'm going to untie your hands, you aren't going to try anything, are you." He spoke, more of a statement that question. Rosie shook her head, a single tear leaving the corner of her eye. Zayn brought his thumb up to her cheek and wiped it away with one swift motion. "Don't cry. It's a sign of weakness."

Zayn reached around her waist, keeping his eyes locked with her's as he un-knotted the rope and freed her thin wrists. He tossed the rope over to Felix and pulled Rosie's wrists around and looked at them. Seeing red marks along her skin, he brought each to his lips, softly kissing them. He sat them on her lap and looked back up to Rosie's face.

"I'll leave you to sleep. You've got a change of clothes, and I got you a bottle of water if you get thirsty during the night. If you need anything else, Felix will bring you to my room." Rosie stared at Zayn with a blank face, nibbling at her lip. she didn't listen to the rest of Zayn's rambling.

"I wanna go home. I promise I won't tell anyone about you." She cut in. Zayn looked at her, his browns knitted together. "Please, I need to go home. My mum will worry." A few more tears slipped down her cheeks as she spoke. Zayn shook his head.

"You don't understand what's going on do you? I know you're a smart girl, why has this not clicked. You're mine." She could tell from the roughness in his voice that Zayn was getting angered. "I own you now, got it." Rosie shook her head.

"I need to go home. My mum's worrying. She needs me." Tears were now streaming down Rosie's face and she pleaded with Zayn. "Please, just, I need to go home. I swear I won't tell anyone. My mum ne-" Rosie was cut off from her sentence with a forceful slap to her right cheek.

"You are mine! Got it?" Rosie brought a hand to gently cup her cheek, nodding. "I'm sorry but you made me do that. Your clothes are on the foot of the bed. I'll speak with you in the morning, unless you need anything else." Zayn stood up to his full height before walking out of this room, with Felix following close behind.

Rosie fully broke down as soon as the door shut. Sobs wreaked through her frame as she curled in on herself, wrapping her arms around her knees. The only thing she worried about was if she'd ever see her mother again. She didn't care about what Zayn, or Felix or whoever else there was, would do to her, just as long as she would return to her mother soon. She knew that this was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the first real chapter of Stuck. I hope you enjoy it. Don't be shy in dropping a comment, please. I don't bite.