

It was quite early, well Rosie guessed it. There was no way of telling the time, the room she was in had no windows or even a clock. She could hear sounds coming from above her, guessing they were feet walking on the floor above. She didn't sleep any during the night, and she could pass out any second, She wore her own clothes, not even looking at the clothes that were of the side of the bed. Rosie stayed in her thoughts until they were shut off by the sound of the door opening.

"You're up quite early." Zayn spoke, flicking the light on. The brightness burned Rosie's eyes, causing her to bury her puffy eyes into the crook of her arm. "And you didn't change into the clothes. You must be uncomfortable in those. Why didn't you change?" Rosie could hear the sleep that was laced through Zayn's deep accent. She inhaled deeply before shrugging and lifting her head up. She wiped at her cheeks and watched as Zayn looked her over with a judging eye. "Up." Rosie was confused. "Get up." He held his hand out for Rosie to take, she ignored it and pushed herself up and stood by the side of the mattress.

Zayn grabbed the jumper from bed and faced Rosie once again. "Turn around and take that sweater off. Put this on, I won't look." Rosie's eyebrows knitted together before shaking her head and back away from Zayn. "I won't ask again." He held out the red jumper for Rosie to take. She grabbed at the fabric, feeling the soft cotton on her fingers. Zayn turned around and faced the opposite wall, waiting for Rosie to strip. She quickly turned on her heel and changed out of the sweater.

"Okay." Without tuning Zayn grabbed the grey joggers and held them out. Rosie sighed and grabbed them, making sure Zayn was facing the other way as she quickly pushed her shorts and tights down and pulling the sweats over her thin legs. Both jumper and jogger's seemed to belong to a bulky male, because the size difference on her body was almost funny. She fixed the drawstring on the bottoms and adjusted the jumper once again from sliding down her shoulder.

"You ready?" Turning, Zayn looked over Rosie, watching as she fretted over the large clothes. "Breakfast time." He lifted his tanned hand out to Rosie, waiting for her to take it. Upon seeing that she wasn't going to take her, he sighed and grabbed her hand a bit roughly and gently tugged her along. Rosie struggled to keep up with Zayn's much longer legs and his too quick pace. She was tripping over her feet and the bottoms of the trousers.

"Could you slow down, please?" Rosie spoke softly, tugging a bit on Zayn's firm grip. Zayn turned to face her and slowed down to an laid back walk. "Thank you." Zayn nodded and lead her up the steps to a higher level.

"You're really polite, Rosie." Zayn let Rosie's fall as he reached the kitchen. Rosie stood in awe of the way the kitchen looked. Everything was either black or white or a shiny chrome. She looked around and noticed a few colourful art pieces and a very high ceiling. Zayn smiled at her face. "What did you expect? Some old run down house?" Rosie turned to face Zayn, who was stood over the stove.

"I don't --" She stuttered with a small shrug. "You called me Rosie?" She quizzed out of the blue, remembering a few moments ago he called her the nickname. Zayn toyed with the stove, a few clicks from a knob or two.

"Does that bother you? I saw that you wrote that on a few papers from you're bag. You're really great at writing." Rosie's eyes grew wide.

"My bag, where is it? And you went through it?" Rosie never let anyone go through her bag, not even her mother. She kept everything private in her bag. Including her very dear journal. Zayn nodded, not looking up from the pan that he was cracking eggs into.

"It's in the living room. I had to go through it, to make sure you didn't have anything that you could use to hurt me. Don't worry love, I kept clear of your journal. Though I did read the first page to see what it was. I'm not that invasive." Rosie took in a heavy breathe and walked from the doorway of the kitchen to go and find the living room. "To the left dear. On the couch." Apparently Zayn must have known. Turning left through the hall, Rosie found a very well cleaned living room. Two large black leather sofa's on a red shaggy rug were placed right in the center. On one of the sofa's was her small backpack, a few things scattered around it. She quickly went over to it and grabbed up her papers and searched through her bag to look for anything that was missing. Finding everything but one item.

She stuffed everything back inside and went back to the kitchen, only to find two more males along with Zayn. She stopped at the doorway again, catching the eyes of one of the new men. He looked her over before whistling to Zayn.

"Who's this?" Zayn looked up from whatever he was doing now to see Rosie had returned, but now clutching her bag. Zayn met her eyes and nodded her over to him. She took in a deep breath before quickly walking over to Zayn, keeping her head down.

"You're fine love." Zayn smiled at her before turning to face the other two men. "It's Rosie. Mine. Rosie, these two are my brother's, they're usually not here. Isacc and Salem." He pointed to each male as he spoke there names. Both men nodded to Rosie and went back to whatever they were doing before. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked looking back at the smaller girl.

"Where's my phone?" Zayn clinched his jaw and turned back to the orange he was peeling. "Where is my phone Zayn?" It was the first time Rosie had said his name, it felt foreign in her mouth. Exotic and foreign, and she kind of enjoyed saying it.

"I'll get you a new one later. What do you like with eggs?" Rosie decided she wouldn't push anything, hearing a touch of anger in his voice.

"I don't eat eggs, I'm vegan." Zayn stopped picking the pith off of the orange and looked at her. Rosie bite her lip as Zayn huffed.

"What do you like with your toast, then." Rosie shrugged as she watched Zayn pull the orange apart into slices and place them on two plates. "Jam? Butter? Nutella?"

"Butter is made from milk and Nutella has skim milk in it." She spoke plainly. After the sentence left her mouth she quickly regretted it. Isacc looked up from his phone with a smirk on his face while Salem tried to hide his chuckle. "Sorry. Jam is fine." Zayn bit down on his tongue to stop himself from saying something smart back at his brothers before nodding.

"It's alright love." Zayn walked over to the fridge and looked through it and grabbed a tub of jam. "Peach or apple?"

"Peach." She spoke loud enough for Zayn to hear. She watched him make a face before reaching inside and grabbing two jars. On his way back, Zayn opened a drawer and pulled out two knives and a fork before walking back over. He set the things down before grabbing an orange slice from both plate and popping one in his mouth and handing one over to Rosie.

"You can set your bag down love, it's not going anywhere." Taking in a deep, she set the bag down and took the orange from Zayn, watching him and he walked over to the toaster and placed in two sliced of bread. "One or two?"

"One." She said biting into the orange slice. As she finish the slice, Isacc, she guesses, stood and walked over to Zayn and leaned down to speak in his ear. Once he finished, Zayn nodded and pressed a button on the toaster, making the roasted bread pop up. Isacc clapped Salem on the back before giving a small nod to Rosie and left. Zayn walked back over to both the plates and set a slice on each plate. He slid a plate over to Rosie and handed her the jar of peach jam and a small spread knife. She took both before setting the knife down and popping the lid off of the jar and grabbed the knife and scooped out some of the jam. She picked up the warm bread and spread out the jam into a thin layer.

Zayn had left her to go sit at the small table, now holding a conversation with Salem about something. She capped the jam and placed the knife into the sink, seeing the one Zayn had used with laid inside. Grabbing her plate, Rosie walked over to the table, sitting a seat away from Zayn and began to eat away at her toast.

"So, Rosie, how old are ya? Ol' Zee hasn't ever mentioned he got himself a bird." Rosie blushed a pale pink, keeping her head down but answering Salem.

"Just turned 17 two weeks ago." She licked her lips, looking up to catch the glance that Zayn had given her. She could hear Salem's grumpily whispers, but she couldn't understand them, noting that he spoke in a different language. Zayn replied in the same manner, his answer being quick and a bit harsh spoken. Salem grunted before pushing away from his seat across from Zayn and stalking away from the table.

Rosie didn't know how to react, hoping that Zayn wouldn't get upset with her for being quiet young. It wasn't like she could help it though. She couldn't make herself any older than what she was. She felt bad for saying that she was 17, and she didn't even know why.

"Stop thinking whatever you're thinking, and finish eating." Zayn growled at her. Rosie quickly pushed the thoughts away and finshed eating the orange slices and toast.
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Wow I didn't think this would get that many subscribers in a few days. Thanks! I'd love it if I could get some feed back before I post the next chapter and I think I'm going to make a schedule for updating this so it's not so random. Comment when you'd like to see me update please!