

Rosie didn't know what she had said, but she knew something had been said that Zayn did not like. Perhaps it was something Salem had said. Maybe it was her age. She couldn't do anything about her age, she thought. Once she finished her food, Zayn snatched her plate and took them to the sink, throwing them inside. The loud clatter made Rosie jump. Zayn took in a deep breath as he braced his hands onto the counter top.

He bounced his foot up and down, stuck in his own thought over what his brother had spoke. Zayn turned and leaned his back against the marble and rubbed his hands over his face, feeling the cool metal from his ring.

"I'm sorry." Rosie piped out, her voice seeming so small and quiet. Zayn looked over at her before shaking his head, knowing that she couldn't see him anyway.

"For what?" Rosie nibbled at her pink lips and simply shrugged. She heard Zayn sigh before his heavy feet walked over to her. A soft hand was placed on her shoulder, his thumb rubbing against the soft milky white skin of her nape. Zayn lowered his face close to Rosie's, his hot breathe raising goose pimples over her neck. A gentle kiss ghosted over her pink cheek before Zayn brushed his nose against her temple. "You haven't done anything wrong."

Heat rushed up Rosie's neck and peppered over her cheeks, giving her a true meaning behind her name. Zayn's mouth turned up at the corners, creating a smirk. Rosie didn't know how to react to the situation. For one, she had never even be in one similar, nor has she even known of a person to like her.

"I've got to leave soon, but Felix will stay here with you. I can show you around before I have to go." Rosie took a deep breath before nodding. She quickly slid out of her chair, making sure, Zayn's burning hand dropped from her shoulder. Zayn kept the small smirk on his face as he reached for Rosie's petite hand. Slowly, she took his hand and gripped it gently before he tugged her off to the hall.


After the small tour of the house, Rosie found herself sitting in the living room, her feet tucked under her bum and watching whatever was playing. Zayn had retreated to the master bedroom to change. About ten minutes later, Zayn had walked into the living room, rolling the sleeves of the white dress shirt. Rosie looked over what his was wearing with her jaw slacked, threatening to drop. Over Zayn's arms were tattoos that, for some odd reason, Rosie had missed. They were all dark ink, not really colourful until her eyes caught ZAP!, being a bright yellow font on his arm.

"I'll be back in a bit, I've just got to take care of a few things, alright love?" Zayn spoke, looking over his clothes, making sure he was presentable. Rosie was too into looking at his tattoo's to know that Zayn was talking. "Roise." Zayn snapped his fingers, drawing her eyes up with her eyebrows raised in question. "I'll be back in a bit. You can fix you whatever if you get hungry, but I should be back around one. You know where everything is and if you need anything you can ask Felix to call me." Rosie nodded.

"Okay." Zayn walked over and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before leaving.

Rosie sat in the living room, watching the telly, getting up once or twice to use the loo or to get a drink. It was nearing 1 o'clock and Rosie had laid out on the sofa and found a throw blanket, her eyes were heavy with sleep. As she closed her eyes, loud stomps made their way up the hallway.

"Zayn said go change into the clothes he left on the bed." Felix grumbled. Rosie whined before kicking the blanket away and pushing up from the couch and passed by the taller man and went down the hall. Pushing open the door to the master bedroom, Rosie rubbed at her eyes and shut the door closed behind her. She could see black fabric on the foot of the bed and a small pile of high heels in the floor. As she walked closer, she could see a small white card tossed onto the dress. Grabbing it, Rosie read over it quickly before changing.

The dress was strapless and very form-fitting. Rosie struggled with the dress, tugging it down around her bum. She looked at her reflection, seeing that the skin tight dress brought out curves she didn't know she had. Her bum looked rounder along with her chest almost falling out. She tugged at the dress once more before giving up and looking over at the three pair of different sized heels. She was confused as to why Zayn had a dress and heels but grabbed a pair of red heels and pulled them on, noting that the were at least half a size big. She looked over the others, seeing they were the same way.

Rosie walked over to the mirror and toyed with her hair, which was dirty from not being washed. She frowned and felt quite put off with her slightly oily roots.

As she was fussing with her hair, Zayn walked in and spotted the young girl. His eyes trailed up her slim legs and over her backside silently. He leaned on the door frame, watching as she looked herself over in the mirror.

"You look lovely, who are you all dressed up for?" Zayn spoke slyly, smirking when Rosie jumped and stumbled in the 6 inch stilettos. Rosie sent harsh daggers at Zayn as she braced her palm flat onto the chester drawer. "Are you ready?"

"I guess, where are we going?" Zayn didn't reply as he turned on his heel and motioned for Rosie to follow. She took a few small steps to get used to the heels before quickening her pace to catch up with Zayn's long legs. Zayn was at the door, picking up his phone and a set of keys and stuffing them into his pocket, when Rosie hand caught up with him.

"Stay by me at all times." He stated firmly looking into Rosie's eyes, before looking to the two other men in the room, one of which was Felix. He gave them a curt nod, their eyes speaking a conversation. Zayn grabbed Rosie's arm and yanked her close to his front. "Don't say a word to anyone. Don't speak unless I say you can." His was voice stern and his face showed nothing. Rosie nodded quickly, afraid of what would happen.

Zayn loosened his grip on her arm, rubbing his thumb over her soft skin before dropping his hand into hers. He laced their fingers together, Rosie's shy grip seeming like nothing against Zayn proud one. Zayn pulled the door open with his free hand and tugged along Rosie, the two guards following along behind them. Zayn opened the door to a large black SUV and helped Rosie inside, shutting the door before climbing in on the other. The two other men climbed in front and started the car, leading away from the two story house.
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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in the past week or two, just been really busy and my internet has be really fucked up lately. But I've got it fixed so i should update more often now!