

The car ride to the place was quite long, boring Rosie as she watched out of the window. She watched as trees passed quickly before there was a break and soon houses were flying by.

"Where are we?" Rosie turned to face Zayn, her hair falling over her shoulder. Zayn looked up from his phone before shrugging.

"Lower bit of West side Bradford. We're heading to Leeds." Rosie nodding slowly, noting that she was an extreme ways away from Blackpool, her home town.


Zayn lugged Rosie into a large blank building. Smoke filled her lungs, causing her to choke and cough. She stumbled over the large heels but stabled herself on Zayn's shoulder. Looking around his strong build, Rosie could see lights and dark shadows. The closer they walked, the louder the bass and music got. Before reaching the heart of the party, Zayn stopped and turned to face Rosie, leaning down to reach her ear.

"Remember what I said?" Rosie nodded. "It's important that you stay next to me." Zayn's lips ghosted over Rosie's ear.

"Okay, I know." Zayn nodded, Rosie just catching thanks to the bright strobe light that shined on Zayn's back.

"I mean it, love."


Rosie doesn't have a single clue as to what's happening. She lost Zayn half an hour ago after he had been tugged away. She kept her eye out for the tall dark haired male, finding it harder and harder as the room fills up with more and more people. Drinks were being shoved into her hand, people forcing her to drink by cheering her. The alcohol burned at her throat, leaving a sour taste on her tongue.

She found herself stuck between some drunk lad, with the smell of Jack Daniel's on his breath, and a thick cool wall. He had given her a drink that fizzed in her mouth and made her weak in the knees. All Rosie wanted to do was find Zayn to take her back to his house.

"Stop, I need to find Zayn." Rosie's voice was quiet but strong. Though her speech was slurred, she kept it as straight as she could. She couldn't hear what the man was saying, his voice seeming too far away. She pushed at him, in hopes he'd let her go, but he wasn't thinking the same.

"You're not going anywhere. I got you first." Rosie could feel the man's lips at her neck.

"Please, stop." Her voice so soft and pleading. The lad didn't stop, biting and nipping at her exposed neck and shoulder, until someone yanked his body away. Rosie's body had grown weaker after the drink, leaving her with jell-o legs. Rosie could hear loud shouts and before she knew it, she was hoisted up to her feet, the music had stopped and the overhead lights had been cut on. There she could see a heap on the ground in front of her, the man from before, with Zayn hunched over him slamming his fist into the others face. Zayn was quickly pulled off the man by one of the guards.

"I told you..." Zayn started shouting, looking at Rosie before taking in her condition. Her eyes were almost rolled back in her, rimmed with red. Her pale skin, slowly turning a yellowish tint. He jerked himself away from Andy, his guard, and scooped the young girl into his arms before lifting her into a bridal style and shuffling away quickly. Nobody followed him, knowing he might turn on them. Zayn took rosie outside before sitting her up against the wall.

"You might hate me for this, but it'll save you." Zayn spoke quickly in Rosie's ear before shoving two fingers down her throat, forcing her to vomit to her left. Zayn held her hair back before pulling his fingers out of her mouth and shaking them off with a grimace. Rosie gagged weakly and shivered before Zayn kissed her temple and repeated the process again. Rosie swallowed thickly.

"No more." Rosie pushed Zayn's arm away and burying her face deep into his arm. Zayn took a deep breath.

"One more time, I don't know how much he gave you." Zayn didn't give Rosie anytime to reply before he had her head twisted to her left once again and making her sick. After she spat, Zayn lifted her small body onto her lap, shaking off his hand before wrapping both arms around her tight.
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Sorry this took longer than I planned, I've been working on a small film for one of my mates. I hope you enjoy!