

Zayn and Rosie left for breakfast and ate a some diner Zayn loved. Every time Zayn attempted at small talked, Rosie wouldn't continue it. She was too lost in her thoughts about last night.

Zayn was talking about his dog that Rosie needed to meet when she cut him off.

"Why did you do it? You know, last night. Why did you make me- you know?" Zayn was completely caught off guard. "You didn't have to Zayn." His name rolled off her tongue so smoothly.

"Yes I did, I didn't know how much he gave you. You're small and a light weight, he could given you too much of whatever the fuck it was and caused you to overdose. Making you sick was the only way I knew how to get it out of your system." Rosie licked over her lips, and looked down at her glass of water. "You don't understand how close you were to being rape, do you? He could have taken you somewhere and left you and I wouldn't be able to save you."

"I'm not four, I know when I'm in danger. You're the one who left me." Zayn clenched his jaw tight and turned the other way. Rosie stared at the hard muscle, thinking about how easy she could relax it.

"You're the idiot who took the drinks. Learn to say no." He spat through closed teeth. The waitress walked over with her cheery smile and laid the check on the table before leaving. Zayn grabbed it before digging in his pocket as he stood. "Come on." Rosie sipped at her water and stood. Zayn led the way to the front after dropping a few notes on the table.

"This morning you said something about a hair appointment." Zayn nodded, holding out his hand for Rosie to take. She took it, holding lightly and they waited. "Like what kind?"

"I'm getting your hair dyed. I told you, you need a new start." Rosie's bottom lip pouted out. She liked her hair the way it was, but she didn't argue with Zayn. "I was thinking about how a dark brown would look nice with your pretty blue eyes." Zayn kissed her temple as she blushed.


"How's this look, sugar?" Rosie looked a the sample the hair stylist had thrust into her hand. Zayn sat off to the side, looking up at the samples of colours she was given, shaking his head each time.

"Darker Lou. I told you last night." The stylist turned to Zayn with a glare.

"I weren't talking to you, Mr. Bradford. Let her make the choice." Zayn huffed and clenched his jaw. "Geez you treatin' her like she's two."

"Just dye it the colour I told you Lou, or we can leave and find someone else." Lou rolled her eyes before taking the sample from Rosie and went back to her small binder before walking back with a card.

"This?" Zayn nodded. Lou handed the sample over to Rosie took look at. "I think this colour is a bit dark for her, at least let me do a few highlighting browns with it." Zayn thought before nodding once more. Lou turned to Roise and smiled. "Now which of those ones I showed you were you favourites?"

"I liked the one that had the reddish tint to it." Lou nodded and grabbed the card and one other before showing them to Zayn.

"This please you?" Zayn looked up and studied the colours before nodding. "Good, twat." Lou snickered as Zayn held up his rude finger.

"Bite me." Lou shook her head and rolled her eyes. She took the cards from Rosie and started mixing different powders and things. Rosie twisted a few tuffs of her hair with her fingers, nibbling at her bottom lip. She could feel Zayn looking at at her and when she looked up, he was a few mere centimeters from her face. She gasped and before she could do anything, Zayn pressed his lips onto hers.

"Woah, woah. Keep it G rated." Zayn pulled away with a smirk, before sitting down in his chair a few inches away. "Aw Zee, you got her blushin'!" Rosie's face was on fire. She had never been kissed on the lips by anyone, besides her Gran and Great Aunt Isa. She turned her head down and stared at her lap, her hands shaking.


Three hours, Rosie sat in the chair. Lou blabbed on about her young baby, Lux, and Zayn went and grabbed her from the back room of the shop. His whole being changed when he was around the two year old. Rosie noted that Zayn loved kids. That was his weak spot. He blew raspberries on her tummy causing her to giggle and squeal. Zayn, in turn, would smile big and laugh. Rosie loved his laugh.

"All done, sweets." Lou brushed through Rosie's hair one more time before spinning the chair to face the mirror. "How d'ya like it? I put in a bit more dark carmel under here and a few red tints everywhere else." Lou pointed to the places she talked about.

"I like it. A lot." Rosie smiled. From the mirror, Rosie could see Zayn smiling at her.

"That's great. And I'm glad you picked out the dark cherry brown, it really pops your cheeks and lips. It's rare somebody comes asking for it." Lou spoke as she began cleaning up around her tables. She spun Rosie's chair to face Zayn with her foot as she passed. "You better pay me this time Malik!"

"You're not done yet. You promised me my blonde streak again!" Rosie stood up and ran a hand through her hair. She turned back to the mirror, looking at her newly dyed hair. "Hey babe, you mind?" Zayn spoke to Rosie. Rosie turned to See Zayn holding out Lux, who pouted at her.

"She doesn't seem like she likes me." Zayn turned the toddler to face him before making a face at her, causing her to giggle.

"You gonna go to Rosie?" Zayn spoke in a baby voice. Lux looked over to Rosie before wiggling from Zayn's hands and waddling over to Rosie and lifting her arms up.

"Up! Up!" Lux smiled a toothy grin when Rosie smiled and scooped her up. Lou came back with a smile and kissed Lux's cheek.

"Sit Zayn."