It's So Good Being Bad

Come on 1/1

Tim leaned back on the big leather chair, spinning it side to side ever so slightly. The remaining chords to the current song finished up and he removed the headphones. Turning to the two out of six band members that he was working with.

"Sounds good boys. Think we can start on..." He looks over the white board that is also in the room
"How about Burned at Both Ends? What do you think?"

"Actually Tim, we just found out Michael is free to record for America..." Chris spoke up, he knew Tim wouldn't exactly be mad but was still a bit worried he was dropping this news on him, he looked up hoping it would be easily sorted.

Tim furrowed his brow in confusion and looked back to the songs, there where three guest vocalists and he scanned them quickly before noticing Michael Vampire of Vampires Everywhere! was written next to America. He resisted rolling his eyes at the name, who the fuck calls themselves a vampire?
He could picture him now, already assuming what a annoying little shit somebody by that name could be. Not that Tim was a asshole, in fact Chris and the rest of Motionless in White where surprised at how well he got along with them and that he could be effortlessly cool and charming but then he could still act goofy and joke around like they did.

"Yeah, that's fine, so he is going to come by tomorrow?" Tim asked as he thought over the plan, not too bothered; starting a new song was fine and he wasn't put off

"Yeah he is going to record tomorrow" Tim nodded and moved about a few things as he heard Ricky and Chris talk about their friend who would be there the following day.

"Hey, we are going for coffee now if you want to come?" Tim was used to being invited for drinks, beers and whiskys useually followed a day of recording. Being with a band who most members where either straight edge or just didn't drink was odd, but it was kind of nice being able to relax in a different way.

So he nodded and smiled, "Sure"


It was only on the way there, well actually when they pulled up right outside, that Chris casually mentioned Michael was coming. Tim again resisted a groan, he liked these guys, he really did, but why the hell did he have to hang out with other random rockstars he didn't care for?

Luckily when they where outside Chris answered his phone, politely asking Ricky to order his drink for him. Tim was rather great full for that, whilst he didn't so much mind new people, the awkward introductions could be hell, there fore, talking casually to Ricky whilst Chris greeted Mr 'Vampire' was ideal.

Soon enough the coffee was ordered and him and Ricky made their way out to Chris, both immediately lighting a smoke when their hands where free. Tim had spent his cigarette breaks with Ricky numerous times since they where recording together, it was a nice way to bond and seen as him and the front man wrote all the songs it was them two who Tim spent the most time with. He was growing fond of them both. The tall front man turned and Tim waited a moment hearing Ricky greet who he assumed was Michael, only capturing black styled hair and tattoos.
They pulled a part from a hug - another difference between them two and Tim; they where always huggers and Tim couldn't help but furrow his brow every time they greeted each other or their friends with open arms.

But Michael was then released and Chris pulled the coffee from his lips smiling as he spoke "Michael, this is Tim who I was telling you about"

Of course Michael knew who Tim Skold was. He loved every band he had been a member of. He bought his CDs. He had pictures of him on his wall when he was a teenager. But obviously, it was very uncool to admit to any of it so he turned and smiled casually.

Michael didn't catch Tims attention until just then, he didn't capture his gaze until it was suggested by Chris to greet him. But once Tim looked he couldn't stop staring.

There was only a few guys who caught his attention like that. It wasn't just about appearances, Tim could easily look at Ricky perhaps and notice how attractive he was but he would never look at him in that way.
There was something missing with most guys, something which only the guys Tim had been with held. A spark, a spark that he spotted mirrored in the younger man as they locked eyes and smiled.

"Hey, I'm Michael" He smirked now, shaking hands, Tim carried a matching smirk and he licked his lips every so slightly "Tim"

Full on eye contact from both. Michael wanted to take in everything he could see on the older man and likewise Tim couldn't stop himself admiring the other, their hands broke apart after moments of lingering.

They chatted for a while, Tim noting Michael behavior; he seemed confident and joked a lot and Tim could sense straight away how he could see them being friends.


The same time the next day the vocals where finished up.

Tim had noticed the looks that he'd been passed by Michael and he read between the lines of the jokes and banter to see the hidden flirting. He'd caught him staring and he himself would sometimes look back, matching smirks on their faces. Then tension was there and it was rising.

Soon enough the band members where slowly making their way out, Ryan and Angelo excitedly leaving to meet their girlfriends. Their manager checking on things before heading out then Ricky following to probably annoy him like a child would to a older brother.
Chris, Balz, Michael and Ghost too where left. As he done every day Chris waited behind purposely, "You need any help with anything before we leave?"

It was so unusual but nice to work with somebody who was so polite. Tim shrugged, "I'm good thank you"

Chris began to say they where leaving and offer Michael to come too. Tim resisted a chuckle, he could sense Michael was lingering, he knew he wanted to stay and although he had a solution he waited a moment before speaking up.
He already loved watching him sweat a little.

"Actually, if Michael waits a moment I could give him a ride?"

Tim turned to Michael when he spoke the words 'give him a ride'. It was cheap, but it was enough to make the younger man raise a eyebrow and let his anticipation grow. Michael wanted Tim alone, he wasn't sure how to this earlier, he had thought of a plan but knew it wouldn't work. He was going to ask to listen to the vocals at the end of the day but then he quickly realized that if he stayed then Chris would stay, then Ricky, then their manager, then Balz, then Ghost etc.
So he tried not to show his relief or excitement at these words and just nodded a "Sure"

The others left the room and building and Michael turned to Tim then, they where finally alone.

"So..." he spoke walking closer, deciding to stick to his earlier plan and ask about the music to break the ice a little.

"So...?" Tim repeated, leaning back on the wall slightly, watching Michael carefully

Michael hid behind his exaggerated confidence and he would continue to do so for the time being, at least whilst he was in Tim Skolds company.

"Can I have a listen?" Tim paused a moment at the request. He was still watching him.
He wanted Michael to feel as though he was exposed. He wanted to look at Michael in a way that made him feel naked. He wanted to make him squirm. But the younger man seemed un affected as he casually placed the headphones on his head.
He wasn't backing down and Tim wouldn't let him get away with that.

Tim turned then, pressing the buttons to let the vocals play. Michael pretended to be a lot more interested than he was. Listening to the song was the last thing running through his mind right then. He was trying to figure what the older man was doing, he had seemed to wonder away a second and Michael could sense movement behind him, the chair was then placed next to him and Tim had took a seat.
A game of cat and mouse began and he leaned back on the arm of the chair. Tim leaned forward slightly, he could read Michael like a book and he had learned the younger man was pretty blunt but he obviously wasn't going to push this too far just yet. So Tim did. He moved his hand to rest on Michaels hip casually. The younger resisted a gasp as he felt the secure hand caress slightly.

It remained there throughout the song and whilst the last of the vocals played Tim stood next to Michael. Turning the music off when the time was right and his place back close.
"Everything okay?" he asked as the headphones where removed. Michael nodded, "awesome"

There was only one reason why they where there right then and they both knew it. It was the elephant in the room but Michael didn't know how to acknowledge it and Tim liked watching the struggle in the younger man, knowing he was wanting to do something but he didn't know how to go about it. So there was a silent pause.

If Tim was a girl it would of happened by now, Michael knew how to approach them things, but this wasn't a girl this was Tim Skold. This was a musician he admired and respected, this was a man over 10 years his senior. This whole situation was a long shot, friends of friends connected them and it was through the other people that they had even met. He'd agreed to be involved in a motionless in white song and when Chris had told him who was the producer he grew more excited. Subtly asking about Tim as much as he could without his fanboy state being recognized.

"What do you want?" Tims smirk did something to Michael and his eyes where still boring into him, he wished he could think of something witty. But it was hard to act comfortable when you are the furthest thing from it. He craved this so much his body was trembling in anticipation but it was all so knew that he couldn't step up and be his usual confident talkative self.

"I don't know, what do you want?" Tim let out a light chuckle, he placed his hands on the firm leather of Michaels belt as he leaned closer, Michael moving his to Tims shoulders as he too leaned in closer, tilting his head. Tims mouth was about to touch his own, but it didn't happen. Gently, Michael to tilted his head the other direction, Tim following too and then Michael pulled himself back altogether, pushing the older man against the wall quickly - he was by no means the strongest of the two but he got Tim by surprise. The older man let out a breathless laugh as he watched Michael approach again. Two could play his game.

Michael pressed Tims shoulders against the wall as he homed in again, this time allowing their lips to meet and move together. The older found it amusing how Michael seemed to think this meant he was in charge. Cute.

He placed his hands on Michaels shoulders as they kissed, giving him a moment to relax into it before flipping them over. Tongues now dancing together and Tim quickly and harshly bit onto Michaels lip before pulling back. Michael gasped and he felt his mouth sting, his lips tingled all over. It was only when he seen Tim lick his own lips did he realize Tim had pierced his skin and for some reason that made his pants become tighter. Fuck, that was hot.

Tim leaned in close again and after the fuzzy sting he had caused, Michael was hit with the overwhelming feeling of want.

"How far you willing to go Michael?" Tim uttered and Michaels only reply was to pull at the hem of Tims black t shirt in desperation.

As they kissed again, now undressing, Michaels breathing was shaky. Shit, this was actually happening.
He'd only messed around with a couple of guys before. When horny men are on the road alone together - these things happen. He remembers sharing a hotel room with JJ and talking him into it, but that was just handjobs, it was a casual thing between friends - like mutual masturbation. He now felt bad, JJ was nervous, maybe even as nervous as what he was now and he tried to remember the advice he gave his drummer (who had looked at him innocently, blushing as he spoke the words "I don't know how") because he could really use soothing words now - "Just do it how you like it on yourself".

He was distracted from his thoughts by the sucking on his neck, Tim was looming over him as they where now sat back on the floor. Michael sighed as he felt kisses on his neck and chest, his hips pivoting at just the right angle for their groins to brush teasingly against one another's. They where both in their underwear and the bulges where obvious. Tim let his tongue swirl around the younger mans nipple, quickly noticing the mewls of appreciation and continuing on moving his mouth. Positioning his hand over Michaels boxers to rub firmly. The friction of the material on Michaels most sensitive area was harsh but so nice and he couldn't help but groan in frustration and rock his pelvis forward for more. Tim admired the his body as he planted kisses and sucked on the chest, he was slender and smooth - it was nice, he always enjoyed guys with tattoos.

Michaels mouth hung open as he watched his underwear get pulled off and the blonde trace up his dick with his tongue. Michael had not been so turned on in a long time. Maybe it was a mix of being with a man and being somewhere as strange as a recording studio. Plus, he couldn't deny how hot it looked when his eyes moved down to see Tims head bopping back and forth with hollowed cheeks. He was leaning up on his elbows and his breathing hitched as he was deep throated, head back a little in pleasure. Tim really knew what he was doing.
His mouth was so wet and warm and the movements from his lips and tongue where making Michael shudder.He swirled his tongue around again, enjoying the whimpers and moans of pleasure he was causing from Michael.
He bopped his head up focusing on sucking and licking the head whilst moving his hand up on the base, looking up to see Michael clawing at the floor chest moving heavily.

He pulled his mouth off watching the black haired mans eyes flutter open fully as he shuffled his own hips closer. This caused Michael to lay on his back and his legs to be spread either side of Tims body.
Tim was now looming over him. This was intense.
Michael looked down, noticing their hardened dicks where pressed against each other and he rocked his hips slightly, not wanting to look desperate but wanting so bad to touch Tims member. It was thicker than his and he again didn't want to be caught staring but he noticed the pronounced vein that was wrapped around it and bit his lip just thinking about how much it would stretch him.
He quickly let his eyes follow the fingers that where slowly trailing up his body. Twitching slightly when they skimmed over the nerves on his stomach. Tim placed them on his bottom lip and he allowed his mouth to open. Staring into Tims eyes as he sucked on his fingers. This was kind of like a sub thing to do, he felt below the older man and for some reason that thought went straight to his dick. The older of the two was really enjoying this sight and it was almost a shame that he had to pull his fingers away but they where damp enough and he was ready to fuck the younger one senseless.

Tim glided his hands down to the opening and shoved his fingers in. From the way Michael acted, he clearly wasn't a virgin but he also wasn't as...experienced as Tim was when it came to fucking guys. So although Tim didn't care too much about emotions or sensitivity, he would never want his partner to not have fun. He was quite proud of his bedroom techniques. Or, right now, the recording studio floor techniques.
Tim couldn't help but wear his smug smirk when he moved his fingers about inside. He was so tight, he was going to feel amazing... and he probably wouldn't be walking right for a couple of days once Tim was done with him.
He hooked his fingers searching for that spot and he knew he had felt it when Michaels mouth hung open, he pressed against it hard then, earning a long moan and a "Oh fuck yeah"

He leaned down, a sloppy kiss began as he started to push in, Michael hissed in pain and bit down on the blondes lip. A little revenge. Tim let out a breathless laugh.
"I'm in charge here... bitch" He punctuated the last word by thrusting in completely and Michaels breath once again caught in his throat.

Michael wriggled a little in pain, it felt so raw and it stung his flesh but Tim didn't give him much time to get comfortable as he growled and began to thrust in.
It felt right, he decided, once the burning sensation faded to be replaced by something strange but oh so gratifying.

He could barely think straight, rolling his hips, getting just the right angle that Tim's cock brushed against that spot in him that made him feel unreal - And then Tim shifted and nailed him just right, "Fuck, it's so good!" Michael's whole body jerked as the feeling tore through him. He didn't want to lie there and just expect Tim to hump away and do all the work. He started pushing himself down to meet with Tims now frantically moving hips.

Michael wasn't even sure before this that the thing inside him existed and he was still in shock that it felt that fucking good.
Tim was grunting with the force of each thrust and moved one hand to fist Michaels hair tightly, tugging on it as he fucked him. Michael moved his hands gripping onto Tims shoulders, he felt a prickly sensation travel through his lower regions and he couldn't help but continue moaning like a cheap whore.

This wasn't even over and he wanted to do it again already. He would recommend this to any guy however he kind of hoped he was the only guy Tim was fucking then. He was just so good at it all.
No girl has ever made his entire body tingle and his dick throb so much, ever.
His sweet spot was being rubbed against and Tim started flicking his thumb over the tip of his dick. It was unbelievable. It was like pleasurable electric shocks but constant, it was simular to when you are dying to pee and somebody presses your stomach - so sensitive but laced in pure orgasmic pleasure.

He dug his nails into Tims shoulders, looking up to see his light eyes watching him fascinated. It was so good to watch and Tim was rather excited by this new play thing.
"Hey. Fuck, ohhhh shit!" Michael suddenly whined out more than before, his hands digging in more to Tims soft flesh who was now bucking faster and roughly moving his hand.
"I.. I's..I'm..Tim, I'm gon-"

Michael's chest tightened and his nails scraped down Tims back hard, his hips pumping in random jerks, feeling the thickness stretch and pump in and out, sending him falling and screaming over the edge.

"FUCKKKKKK" He could feel his dick twitch afterwards and was panting in shock, that was perfect. Tim was still thrusting in and he was groaning as the whole constricted. His back burnt from the scratches and he knew he'd have marks all the way down. He grabbed Michaels hair one last time, his body almost limp - he knew he could ware him out.
As he thrusted in one last time he felt it take over his body, felt the pleasure move like fireworks. It was the kind of orgasm that made sex worth having and he pulled out, too catching his breath as he leaned back, still naked.

Michael managed to sit up, a strange physical emptiness could be felt and he shifted uncomfortable. Still making his breath regular, he didn't want this to be a one time thing. He didn't want to just get fucked in a recording studio and never see him again. He liked being around Tim.

"We should do this again sometime" he spoke, Tim managing a chuckle, you know, he kind of liked this guy. I mean not like liked him. But he could definitely hang out with him

It had been a while since he got to do this and especially since he had it regularly.

"Maybe next time you can show me what you've got"

He wanted more than just missionary vanilla sex on a random floor. Michael was more than capable of something more excited. Tim wasn't exactly sure what. But he couldn't wait to find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I'm kind of obsessed with this pairing and nobody understands.
This is for Sarah, I wanted to write her something nice and amazing but then this happened and its probably poop.

But I may write more of Tim/Michael.

Chapter titles from S&M by Rihanna because its their song <3