Status: Thank you so much for reading! And enjoy!

My Alpha Mate

My Alpha Mate - Chapter 1: My mate?

The sunlight beamed on my eyelids making everything red, hey, I guess that's what the inside of my eyelids look like. Ooh, it's pretty... Okay, stop being weird, Skylar. You need to get up to have another amazing day with your amazing parent's and go meet your amazing friends!

I let my eyes flutter open to meet with the sun rays making me shield my sensitive eyes, the sun is why I always were sunglasses. My eyes are really sensitive and will hurt for anything. I looked out the window and smiled, the black curtain's were pretty. My smile soon faded when I realized something... I don't have black curtains. I quickly jolted into a sitting positive and a wave of fear poured over me as I looked into the blue-green eyes of a man standing at the foot of the bed, just staring at me.

Oh fudge bra's, I was abducted.

I slowly pushed myself back, realizing that I was still on the bed when my back hit the headboard. The guy in front of me raised his hand to the back of his head, rubbing his neck with a sheepish look.

"Uh, hi. My name is Hunter. Your here because-" He was cut off by my scream, I stared at him while I just screamed and screamed. He looked around frantically before walking around to my right and sitting on the bed next to me. "Hey, hey, shh." He tried to calm me down but I only screamed louder. He, then, placed his hand on my mouth and my screams died out in his hand. I looked down at it, than back to him.

"Are you done?" He asked, I didn't say anything, just narrowed my eyes in a glare at him. This dude seriously thinks that I'm just going to sit here and listen to him? Nuh-uh, boy, that ain't happenin'.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you in anyway. I was trying to explain why your here." I stared at him, telling him to continue. "Well, do you remember the other day, when you bumped into someone?" I looked up as I tried to remember. What is he talking about? I bump into people all the time. Oooohhh, I remember. It was the guy that I bumped into and I fell but he walked away without helping me up. I glared back at him harder.

"That was me, and I'm really sorry I didn't help you when you fell, I was in a hurry. But your here because I brought you here." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You came into my house?"

"No. I know your parents well and I asked them if I could have you."

"And they said yes?" I asked disbelievingly, they just gave me up? Okay they knew him well, but so what? How could they just give me up like that and while I was sleeping?

"Uh, yeah. Why I wanted you, I can't answer that yet." He looked down, I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And why not?" I asked him.

"Well, that I haven't figured out." He rubbed his neck, seems like something he always does when he's nervous.

"Well, it was a nice couple minutes," I said as I got up from the bed. "But I have placed to be, people to see, so I'll get going." I quickly walked to the door but before I even put my hand on the handle, the door opened, banging my head in the process.

"Hunter!" There were two girls there that looked exactly the same, dark hair and blue eyes. When they saw me, their eyes widen as they looked from me to Hunter back to me. "Oh, we're sorry if we interrupted something." They said in union. Creepy.

"You didn't interrupt anything. I was just leaving." I gave them a smile before trying to slip past them but I was pulled back behind the back of Hunter. "The hell?" I hissed at him.

"Hello, Claire, Blaire. Is there something you need?" He asked them. Wow, their names even rhyme. That is so creepy.

"Well, we found a rouge on the front lawn," The one on the right started.

"But he was only asking for directions to somewhere." The one on the left finished. They even finish each others sentences. I peeked from behind his broad back and, almost instantly, both their eyes flickered toward me at the same time. Freaky!

"Who's that, Hunter?" They asked together, still looking at me. I have a feeling that I'm about to get killed for some reason...

"No one you need to know, yet." He answered simply. They both gave a disapproving sigh before linking arms.

"Okay, but please let us know soon!" They said before glancing down at me slowly. "We want to play with her." That was all they said before slowly walking away. Hunter sighed and turned to me.

"Are they going to kill me? Because I feel like they are." I said to him, he looked down at me, a feeling swimming through his eyes that I couldn't describe. As I stared up into his eyes I started to notice how pretty they were. There was green circling around the pupil and then blue surrounded the green. They were sparking and really pretty. I would have gotten lost in them if I didn't feel his hand cup my cheek, making me blink.

"You're really beautiful." He said quietly, it took me some time to actually process what he said but when I did I felt my cheeks starting to heat up. I quickly looked down before walking out of the room. How could he say that to someone he barely knows? What is wrong with him?

I kept my head down as I walked, that was until I bumped into someone that I realized I had made it to the kitchen. I looked up at the person I bumped into and saw it was a guy. A cute one at that. He had brown hair and dark blue eyes. He was taller than me but I could tell he would be shorter than someone as tall as Hunter. I found myself way to close to him so I took a step back.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He gave me a cute little smile. Geez, he is so adorable. How can someone be this adorable?

"It's okay. My name is Adien, who might you be?" He asked.

"Skylar." I smiled as I shook his hand, I heard some noise before Hunter appeared next to me.

"Hello, Hunter." Adien gave him a friendly smile. Hunter nodded in response. Pulling me all the way into the kitchen and through a white door I had no idea was there and into what I notice was a dining room, sitting me at the long table. Then he left for a couple minutes before coming back with a bowl of something, setting it in front of me. I looked down at it, seeing it was strawberries, before looking back at him with my eyes narrowed.

"How do you know I'm-" I was cut off by a strawberry that was forced into my mouth. It was cold and wet against my lips, then I took a bite into it. Man, do I love strawberries. I wish I had some chocolate. Yummy!

He watched me as I devoured the bowl of strawberries, after I suddenly felt hungry. I looked up at him through my red bangs, he was leaning his head on his hand watching me with a smile and amused expression.

"Am I eating weird?" I asked, thinking that he thought it was funny because I was eating like a slob.

"No, it's cute the way you eat." He smiled, my face got warmer. Damn, I blush so easily. I got up with the bowl to go into the kitchen and wash the dish.

"Be quiet." I told him nervously. He chuckled as I left the room. Once I finished washing it and drying my hands I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. Like, four pairs of eyes. I turned around and saw the twins staring at me.

"God!" I screamed, placing my hand on my racing heart.

"Hello," They both said.

"Do you guys ever stop talking like that?" I asked, they looked at each other, than back to me with a tilt of their heads. The same way, too. Gosh, they are so creepy.

"Like what?"

"Like that. Together." I told them, they looked at each other.

"We do?"


"Well, is it annoying?" They asked. HELL, YES! IT IS ANNOYING THE HELL OUT OF ME. I wanted to say that, but they looked to adorable, like little confused kittens. I sighed.

"No, it's okay." They smiled at me.

"What's your name?"

"Skylar." I answered.

"Oh, that's so cute." The one on the right said, yes, stop talking like that.

"I'm Claire."

"And I'm Blaire."

I stared at them with a blank expression. How am I supposed to know who is who when you both look exactly the same?

"We know what your thinking," They both said. Laughing. "The way to tell us apart is,"

"Claire has straight wavy hair." The one on the left said, picking up a strand of Claire's hair.

"And Blaire has curly hair." Claire picked up a strand of Blaire's hair. I sighed.

"Thank you. My brain was starting to hurt." I rubbed my aching temples.

"Hey, Skylar, do you want to do some yoga?"

"You guys do yoga?"

"Yeah, we were just about to go until we saw you. We said we wanted to play with you." They said, taking my hand. I smiled and followed them. I loved doing yoga, especially outside when it's sunny. It's soothing and helps release a lot of stress. While we were walking out to, what I'm assuming is, the backyard, which is big. My shoulder bumped into someone's shoulder. I looked up, about to apologize, until I saw the hatred in her eyes. Her onyx eyes burned with so much hatred I was kind of scared.

She stared at me with a glare before walking away from me.

What the fudge bras?
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Haaaayyyy! Hope you enjoyed! Is Blaire a real name, though? I looked up names that rhyme and I thought Claire and Blaire was cute so I picked it. Whatever! Oh and if the twins come out as the creepy ones, their not. They were just curious. Leah is supposed to be the creepy stare-er.

Thanks for reading, yall!