Status: Thank you so much for reading! And enjoy!

My Alpha Mate

My Alpha Mate - Chapter 3: Shopping! Not.

"You know something?" I said, staring at the floor in realization. How could I forget something like that?

"What?" Hunter asked, sitting up straighter.

"I just realized that I don't have any clothes." He stared at me for a while, I guess trying to figure out what to do.

"Why not take her shopping?" I heard two girls behind me say, I quickly jumped back with a yelp. They were behind the couch just staring.

"Stop that! Your going to make have a heart attack!" I said, they just giggled. Evil kittens. Yeah, they want me to die.

"Well, I guess so." Hunter sighed, standing up. I looked around with a confused expression.

"There are stores under here?" I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "Your probably taking me under ground." He stayed quiet and just stared at me. "You are! Oh my god, I'm going to die! And their coming? You guys are probably have giant butcher knifes behind your back right now. That's what all the creepy twins they never leave each other have." I said as I walked away slowly. "I'm not going. It's okay, I'll make clothes out of leaves to cover me like Adam and Eve did so I'm good." I was about to walk away when I was picked up and thrown across a shoulder.

"No! I don't wanna die this way! At least let it be when I'm asleep or something. Not that I want it to happen now!" I cried, then I saw Adien's innocent face emerge from the stairs, my eyes widen as I smile came onto my face. "Adien! Yes, help me! Their going to take me under ground and kill me!" He stared at me with slightly wide eyes before giving me a smile and waving.

"Have fun, guys." My jaw dropped as he walked away and into the back yard. No. My sweet innocent Adien doesn't care for me. I'm his mommy. Yes, I'll tell him that when I get back. Oh, if I ever do get back. I let out a sigh as I slumped against Hunters back. Well, his back is warm and soft, even through the shirt so I guess I'll go to slee-

"Ow!" I held the back of my head and looked up to the kittens face, they both looked shocked with there hands on there mouths.

"Sorry, Skylar." They said, man, I'm starting to think that they are just one person. They talk together so much, it's hard not to.

I was in shotgun while the kitten's sat in the back together, I named them that because that's what they looked like all the time. Little innocent kittens. Hunter got in next to me and started the car, I poked him but he didn't answer as he drove. No, your not to cool for me, boy. I'll annoy the hell out of you. I left his hand and started poking his arm, when he didn't answer, I began to poke his face. I gaped at how soft it was. I found myself stroking it after a while. Is mine soft like that? I stroked my cheek. Nope, it's soft but not like this guys.

"Damn boy, what the hell do you use?" I said, he chuckled and slowly took my hand from his face. I turned around, since there was no noise behind me I got a little worried and sort of scared, when I did they were sleep. They looked so cute having their heads together like that. But not cute enough where I'll let my guard down. Nice try, kittens, nice try. I turned back and stared out the windshield, then that girls dark eyes full of fire entered my mind and I blinked with a shiver.

"You okay?" I heard Hunter ask, I sighed.

"Who is that girl with pink and black hair?" I asked him, ignoring his question because I wasn't. This girl made me feel so scared in many different ways. I remembered her hair color.

"Oh, Leah? What did she do?" He asked, almost like it was a normal thing to say. That made the feeling even worse.

"Well, I'm guessing she doesn't like me. We haven't met formally but I don't think she wants to. I fear for my life already and I only bumped into her a little." I hugged myself with a shiver. He chuckled. Why the hell are you laughing! This isn't a funny matter! I FEAR FOR MY SAFETY, YOU TO-COOL-FOR-SCHOOL ASSHOLE!

"There's no need to feel like that, she's always like that. She doesn't like anyone and barely talks at all."

"No. She HATES me. I saw fire in her eyes man, like fire and I swore there was a little person with horns and stuff just laughing." I said, using my hands to try and imitate fire but it just came out look funny. He chuckled. Then I got a light bulb in my head for some reason when I didn't even think of anything.

"Hey, does Adien have a mate?" He suddenly snapped his head toward me.

"Why?" I smiled at how fast he reacted to it and the way he did. I would have never said anything like this to anyone, but I think I love him already. But, no, I still haven't gotten used to the 'mate' thing. I just think of it as going out without... him asking me out... and us knowing each other at all.

"Don't worry, I'm all yours. Now keep your eyes on the road before we die." I giggled, he narrowed his eyes and turned back slowly. "I just want to know because I officially made him my son."

"You did?"

"Yes. Well, it isn't all that official because I haven't told him yet but I'm sure he'll except me as his mother, even though he probably has one but I'll be the second." He sighed.

"Adien has a male mate, his name is Dustin and he isn't here now but will be back in a couple days." He explained, my face went blank as I stared at the windshield. Oh my god, he's gay...? "Skylar?"

"YES! OH MY GOD! THAT'S SO CUTE! I hope that this Dustin is cute because if he isn't than that would be a bummer because I want to sneak around when their kissing and snap some pictures." I began to laugh. Like laugh, really loud and hard. I have no idea why, I don't know what was funny but I was bouncing in my seat and slapping the dashboard and kicking and slapping Hunter's knee, who was chuckling at my random moment to choose to laugh.

My laughs started to die down as I wiped the tears from my eyes, only giggles came from me now. Hunter had an amused smile as he gave me a side glance while he parked in front of the mall. Wow, his place is really isolated.

"Your done now?" He asked, and I nodded. "Did I miss something that caused you to laugh like that?"

"No, no. Nothing was funny. I just have a habit of choosing random moments to laugh crazy like, even when nothings funny." I explained to him, he nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind so I won't freak out when you do that again." He said, I smiled and unbuckled my seat belt, turning around to wake the kittens. After I got out and we walked in, the twins running. Wait, speaking of clothes, what am I wearing? I looked down and noticed I was wear a Framing Hanley band tee and some light blue jean short shorts. I freaking love Framing Hanley, I used to fantasize that Nixon would become my husband but I guess I can't do that now. Sigh. I really did love him.

"Yes! Victoria Secret!" The kittens yelled as we entered the mall. I shivered. No. No, man, no. Claire grabbed my right hand and Blaire grabbed my left hand, pulling me in.


"Come on, Skylar! You too, Hunter. We need your opinion on some sexy nighties for her." They both wiggled their eyebrows at him and my face began to get hot. Now I was pulling them in.

"Nope. He's good. And I am not getting any nighties." I warned, I heard him chuckle as we entered. Okay, now I just want to slap him. They pulled me to the bra section and grabbed a bunch then they took me to the dressing rooms and we all got in one stall.

"What the fuck?" I said as they began to take off their shirts and bras. I covered my eyes and coward in the corner. Oh my god, oh my god. What is this, man. What is this.

"Ooh, I like the blue one."

"I like the purple one." They said, I peeked and saw that they had bras on so I breathed. Then they looked down at me.

"Come on, Skylar. Try some on." They said pulling me up.

"Uh, no. I like to just get my size and try them on at home, alone." I said, but no, they didn't listen. Instead they began to try and strip off my shirt. "No! No! Rape! Rape! Lesbian rape!" I yelled, surprised no one heard me. Their probably listening. Shit. So now they had my shirt off, hanging on the hook on the wall. I was covering my white bra up with a red face. "Why are you doing this to me?" I whined.

"Come on, just try one. We promise we won't look. And anyway, your boobs are cute. Their nice and perky, I bet Hunter will have a lot of fun playing with your girls." They smirked, what the hell. I backed away into the corner as they held the lacy bra closer to my face. I sighed, knowing they would give me back my short or let me out unless I tried it on. So I turned so that I was facing the corner and unhooked it. I could tell they were staring at me. Creepy mother kitters.

After I put the bra on I turned to look in the mirror. It was black and lacy and all that other stuff.

"Damn, you are sexy, Skylar." They said together. I turned to them, holding my hand out.

"I know, now give me my stuff back."

"But we have more!" They said, holding a bunch more. I shook my head.

"No. I just get my size and go." I said, going into the corner to take off my bra before getting all the bra's my size and a bunch of other 'things' before paying for them and going out. I had my wallet and my credit card that my parents had filled every mouth. Yay!

Once we got out, I sighed. Hunter had a smile, he was just standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"What'd you hear?" I asked, he laughed.


"They literally just teared my shirt off! I don't want to go back here with them anymore." I said slowly, watching them as they skipped together in front of us.

"Next! Hot Topic!" They ran inside along with me and Hunter who just stayed in the front and waited patiently. Dang, this dude is a little to quiet. I have to make him talk more. He's way to calm.

So after picking shirts and shorts and jeans of different colors and stuff, the twins were whining on about how hungry they were so we put all the bags in the car and went to go get some ice cream. Hunter brought the ice cream for us but didn't get any for himself, he just watched me eat my vanilla. I love vanilla ice cream! So while he was just sitting there with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, I thought of something to do, just to tease him, see if I could get him to blush. THIS IS PAYBACK, BIOTCH!!!

I smiled, then took a little ice cream on the spoon and tapped it on his nose, so there was a little on his nose. He opened his eyes but before he could wipe it off, I leaned over the table and flicked my tongue over it. He was surprised a first before his slightly tanned cheeks started to turn pink.

"What was that for?" He asked, tapping his nose. Aw, he's just to cute for his own good.

"You were to quiet. Your always quiet, what's in your head mister?" I tapped the side of his head with my finger, he smirked.

"You." My face started to get hot. No, I was supposed to get even with you and that was it, not I make you blush and then you make me blush. Sigh. I pouted as I finished my ice cream. Once we were done, we went back to the car and drove back, the kittens sleeping. What is the car like their beds or something?

The twins skipped in front of us, each of them holding two bags in each hand. While me and Hunter carried a load on our arms. When we got in, Adien was sitting on the couch while Leah (DUN DUN DUHHHHHH *thunder clap*) sat on the couch/chair reading a book. They looked back at us.

"Damn, what did you guys buy? The whole store?" Adien asked, I dropped everything and picked up four bags from the pile and took the two bags from the twins.

"These are mine, and the rest is theirs." I pointed to the giggling kittens, taking their stuff off of poor Hunter. I suddenly dropped my stuff and stared at Adien, he stared back and I charged at him, his eyes widen as I tackled him on the floor and he let out a groan.

"God, skinny girls are heavy!" He groaned, I smiled and pinned his arms down. He looked to his left hand then to his right and back to me. "Are you going to rape me?" He asked quietly, I couldn't hold in the 'aw' that came out.

"You didn't tell me you had a male mate." I squealed, his eyes widen.

"Who told you?" He asked, his voice getting high. Aw, he's so friggen cute!

"That doesn't matter. Why didn't you tell me? That's so cute! I can't wait to see Dustin so I could tease you guys and take pictures. But you won't know when I'll take the pictures, because you guys will be to lovey dovey to even notice." I smiled, he gave me a weird-ed out look.

"Please don't."

"Oh! And also," I started as I helped him up. "I'm your new mother." He looked at me, and was about to say something until I placed my hand over his mouth. "Shh, except it. I'll take care of you so don't worry, little one." He didn't say anything after that. He just narrowed his eyes. Oh my fudge! Is Adien mad at me? No, don't me mad. I wouldn't be able to handle it. I'll cry.

"Hey! You wanna see me climb the stairs like an Exorcist thing?" I asked him, he shrugged slowly. So I bent back and climbed up the stairs.

Hunter followed. Damn, I'm so weird. I bet I weird everyone out. No, I can't weird my baby out! No! Wait, it's only been one day, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
UGH, I HATE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH! CHAPTER! *chapter turns* I HATE YOU! *chapter whimpers before crawling into the corner and crying*

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I think it's a little confusing, but whatever. If it is, just ask about whatever in the comments. If it isn't, enjoy!